The Creator Writings

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Clearing and Cleansing

Many of you carry around loads of things from your past, both emotional and physical.  In this joyous time of clearing, you are invited to look at what you really need.  Take a moment, look at each item and ask yourself these questions:
It was important to me.  Is it important to me now?
Do I have an attachment to this?  Why?  Do I need this attachment now?
Why have I kept this?  Is it a reminder, a sentiment or a burden?
This clearing and cleansing, my dear one, will be necessary to move you to your next level.  Are you up to the challenge? ~ Creator

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Are You Ready?

If your crossing-over time were here right now, what would your thoughts be? With a last, brief look over your shoulder, what would you have done more or less of, what changes would you have made? Would you be at peace?


Today, you are invited to change the things you have always been putting off…like releasing resentments and forgiving yourself. (Smiling) The exquisite beauty of your life deserves, at least, that much. ~ Creator

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In your process of releasing, please remember this; it is your process.  No one can do it for you (although a friend is helpful in holding space) and no one can change anything for you unless you choose to change it yourself.  It is up to you, my darling one.  Love the parts you are releasing, ask that the positives replace them and all will be well. ~ Creator

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To Life!

Many of you see your Earth plane existence as moving from one point to another mechanically and mindlessly.  If you take a moment, just a moment, to stop, breathe and look around, you will find that your life is more than you imagined.  It is beautiful, amazing, awe-inspiring and exciting!  Even with what you consider low points and rough patches, it is a gift that you may choose never to experience again.  Embrace it! ~ Creator

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The Light In Unimaginable Darkness

My dearest, darling one; here you are, faced with more acts of senseless violence against the innocent and peaceful.  I know your heart hurts and I know you may not understand the infinite picture but, one day very soon, you will.
I gave many of you an idea of what would be coming years ago.  The thinning of the veil has made it so some do not understand what they are feeling, hearing and seeing.  It frightens and pushes them to places they may not have otherwise gone.  This is where your work begins, my love.  Send as much love as you can!  You may be far away from where these acts occurred or are occurring, but they will still feel your love and purity of heart.  Find one moment of joy in your memories and send that as well.
It may seem as if the darkness is ‘winning’, but that is far from the truth.  It knows it is fighting a losing battle and is doing all it must to hold onto whatever power it has left.  Release your pain and anguish over these situations, send it to be transformed to Love and Light….to come back to you, to be sent out again and so forth.  Then the power of you, as an individual, will be felt and known throughout your world.  Join together and be the peace your Earth plane is needing in this moment. ~ Creator


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