The Creator Writings

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Behind The Mask…

Dearest one; do something for me today…..look behind.  Look behind hate to see love.  Look behind fear to see love.  Look behind disappointment, confusion and pain to see love.  Most people will hang these negative emotions out for all to see to hide their love because they have been wounded in the past.  Do not let that deter you!  Within each of you is the spark of Divine Love from which you were created.  It may take some time looking behind to find it, but it is there.  Have faith that the masks will not be needed in the future and that the love each of you carries within will be visible to all. ~ Creator

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For You…

Today, take some time to breathe.  With all the Earth plane chaos over the past few days, it may feel as if your soul has taken a beating.  If it is quiet time you need; take it.  If you choose to share your time with others; do it.  If you prefer your reflections and releases remain private; give that to yourself.  Remember, my darling child, you do not have to do anything or be anything to anyone else unless you choose. ~ Creator

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Your thoughts, your voice and your song are important!  Let them be heard!  Let them be heard by those that cannot speak so they may find the courage and strength to speak themselves.  Sing!  Let your voice and song join the many others that are singing in this moment so those who have not listened before will hear and understand your words.  All humans deserve to have the honor of being included.  Even if you have not uttered a word to anyone, your thoughts are heard by The Universe and you are a part of this graceful and awakening moment.  There is joy, courage and strength in sharing!  Do not let this pivotal time on your Earth plane pass you by. ~ Creator

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The Puzzle

With each new wave, you are told to begin again, begin again, begin again. I am sure this can be very frustrating for you at times but remember; you are not being asked to start over from the very beginning. Today, take a look at where you paused before. Notice how the pieces from your last growth fit with the new? (Winking) Look at it this way; you are taking a break from a particularly interesting jigsaw puzzle. When you come back to it, you will see how all the pieces are supposed to fit. ~ Creator

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You may feel that manifesting is ‘hard’ or ‘difficult’ when it is the exact opposite.  One key factor that occasionally goes missing is action.  I can see you saying, “I know that”, but you still sit and wait for it to magically appear in your existence. (Smiling)  The Universe will always, always give you signs and signals on what to do to bring your manifestation into reality.  Darling, there are times when positive action needs to accompany positive intention.  Do not let those moments pass you by. ~ Creator

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Now that you have been experiencing the current energy for a while, you are beginning to understand what it truly is and what is being accomplished.  During this ‘go, go, go’ phase, you may be tempted to push your human body beyond its limits.  Please understand and know that it is okay for you to rest!  Rest is not laziness, it is self-care!  Without your main mode of transportation (smiling), it will be difficult to continue your growth.  My dearest one; rest if you are in need! ~ Creator

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Division or Inclusion

Today I will talk about lines of division.  Most have been created and perpetuated by those that seek power and control over others.  Division between religions, countries and people are all meant to keep you in your place.
Your ‘homework’ today is to examine how your own division lines serve you.  As The Universe moves toward Oneness, it is important to know that these lines are no longer necessary and can even be detrimental to peace, both within and without.  Instead of creating isolation…it is time, my beautiful child, to create inclusion and you are a necessary part of this process! ~ Creator


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