Health & Wellbeing

The moringa is a miracle tree that is being promoted as a solution to Third World malnutrition

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You may not have heard of the moringa (Moringa oleifera), a tree native to the Himalayan foothills, but peoples across the world have recognized its miraculous potential, and it is now widely planted across South Asia, Africa, and Central and South America.

Governmental and non-governmental organizations have actively started promoting it as a cure for many of the ills associated with poverty worldwide.

The moringa is a drought-tolerant, pest-resistant, fast-growing tree that produces edible flowers and seed pods all year long. Every edible part of the tree is highly nutritious; the pods in particular provide all the essential amino acids and are rich in a fat similar to olive oil.

Health & Longevity Secrets From Around The World

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There are many places around the world where people live longer and know how to be happier than the rest of us. Instead of depriving yourself, researchers say it’s better to look at cultures and regions around the world where diets are not just healthy, but also have highly protective qualities against scourges like cancerdepressiondiabetes and heart disease. There are time-tested lifestyles that promise to protect us from a wide range of diseases. The key is knowing why they work and how to adopt them yourself.

Ditch the Toxic Sunscreen; Use Coconut Oil Instead

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Summer time is beach time, or at least poolside time. But if you want some protection form the sun’s UV rays, don’t always reach for toxic sunscreens. Instead, pack some extra virgin coconut oil along with your beach towel and umbrella.

That’s right, the same extra virgin coconut oil in your kitchen pantry will do the trick to protect your skin – minus the toxicity from health-compromising ingredients. Coconut oil has been used as an effective sunscreen for thousands of years by indigenous, pacific islanders. Why slather toxic chemicals on your body when you can use non toxic coconut oil instead?

There are two types of UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun: UVA and UVB. UVA rays are primarily responsible for skin damage from excessive sun exposure that can lead to cancer and skin aging. However, although UVB rays can also cause damage and sunburn, they are necessary for your body to produce its own cancer protective vitamin D via the skin.

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To Soothe Chronic Pain, Meditation Proves Better Than Pills

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RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Chronic pain is estimated to affect over 76 million people, more than diabetes and heart disease combined, and back pain is our country's leading cause of disability for people under 45. And though the pharmaceutical industry seems very adept at introducing one new painkiller after another, the pills don't always help. A new study in the Journal of Neuroscience, however, suggests something else might: meditation. It seems that improving your meditation technique could very well be more effective than painkillers at cutting down on pain, and that could save you hundreds in prescription drug costs.

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Cancer treatment found in a tree

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The Lapacho tree has been studied for many years by cultures around the globe. It is an evergreen tree from South America that produces a type of bark that has been claimed to cure or prevent cancer, along with other illnesses. The scientific name is Tabebuia avellanedae, and the tea that is made from this bark is often referred to as "Pau d'arco," though many alternative names have been used.

The University of Maryland found that this specific tea, or bark extract, has anticancer properties, as well as anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antifungal and antimicrobial properties. There has not been any well-known testing on humans, but studies have already proven that this particular bark provides a stimulation of immune system cells known as macrophages. Additionally, this bark has been reported to kill lung cancer cells and liver cancer cells that were grown and analyzed in a test-tube study.

Top 5 Reasons to Add Wheatgrass to Your Daily Diet

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There are a million and one ways to tweak human health and consciousness, but food should always be at the top of the list. The impact that quality food has on our well-being is above and beyond all else, which is why the father of modern medicine, Greek physician Hippocrates, as well as the Chinese physicians of antiquity looked to food and diet as the end-all-be-all of good medicine for the human body.

“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

The food system is in our modern world has been completely bastardized and the nutritional value and content of even our modern vegetables has been scandalously compromised. For this, caring for health and wellness requires more than just eating a well-rounded diet, and nowadays, one must have a few tricks up their sleeve to get the right nutrition that our bodies need.

Wheatgrass is one of the most powerful food hacks that you can employ in your daily diet to supplement your best efforts to eat healthily.

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Mother reverses autism symptoms in daughter by eliminating MSG from diet

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A biochemist located in the San Francisco Bay Area believes that she has drastically improved, if not cured, her daughter's autism through eliminating monosodium glutamate, or MSG, from her diet.

Katherine Reid, Ph.D., says her daughter Brooke began exhibiting symptoms of autism at age two. Brooke's communication capabilities were far below average, and she failed to develop normal human connections. She also suffered from tantrums and digestive complications including constipation.

Dr. Reid's husband, a cellular biologist, became suspicious of his daughter's symptoms and began researching, only to find that Brooke was showing nearly every characteristic of autism. After seeing their pediatrician, who also agreed that something was wrong, the family hired a psychologist to test Brooke's learning abilities. The results were devastating in that they showed that she suffered immensely from severe learning disabilities, ultimately diagnosing her with moderate autism.

"She was in her own world," Dr. Reid said. "Her actions were repetitive, like doing a puzzle over and over again for hours. And she exhibited signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder. She couldn't stand going home in the stroller on a different route without having a screaming tantrum."

Soon, most of Dr. Reid's free time was dedicated to researching autism and the struggles that other families were experiencing. Through her research, she learned that many children suffering from the disorder had improved symptoms after altering their diets to exclude MSG, gluten and dairy products.

15 Natural Remedies To Treat Acid Reflux and Ulcers

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Both acid reflux and ulcer pain are very common and the typical symptom related drugs your doctor will prescribe are proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) whose main action is a to reduce gastric acid production. Besides the many the side effects of these drugs, they teach your body to stop producing acid, further complicating the underlying cause of the disorder. Misdiagnoses for acid reflux, ulcers and many types of gastrointestinal (GI) distress which are caused by too little acid rather than too much make problems far worse for patients once medical intervention of this kind is followed. Natural remedies have the power to relieve and even heal many of these conditions with no side effects and virtually no recurrence of symptoms.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most favored remedies for acid reflux. Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink. This is effective for overnight relief as well if drank before bed.

Walk in the Forest to Heal Oneself - Fractal Enlightenment

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forest-bathingI have always been a nature lover, who appreciates spending time outdoors and soaking in the positive energy of the green surroundings. So I was simply thrilled when I came across a popular practice in Japan called ‘Shinrin-yoku’ which means ‘taking in the forest atmosphere’ also known as ‘forest bathing‘.

Spending time in nature is healing energy for the mind, body and soul. The idea with Shinrin-yoku, a term coined by the government in 1982 but inspired by ancient Shinto and Buddhist practices, is to let nature enter your body through all five senses, and feel at one with the forest. It is about being mindful of your surroundings and the experience.

It’s not about extreme outdoor sports or being alone in the wilderness, but about allowing your body and psyche to unwind in the peace of the woods, similar to natural aromatherapy. Ancient wisdom and tribes, who live in harmony with nature, have advocated this for long, and only in recent years there have been studies carried out to prove the health benefits of forest bathing.

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Peaches for Prevention and Halting Cancer Growth

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Can we just hang up our hats and admit that every fruit is a superfruit? It turns out peaches are beyond amazing.

A Washington State University food scientist and colleagues at Texas A&M have found that compounds in peaches can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells and their ability to spread. They are emphasizing good nutrition for preventing cancer.

Compelling research in Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, showed that the compounds could be recommended as a novel addition to therapies that reduce the risk of metastasis, or spread. But it doesn't have to come from a compound or supplement.

Just two to three peaches a day, which could easily be achieved with a juicer, blender or blaster - have an astounding effect.

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