Collective Evolution

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Why “Good” People Do “Bad” Things

We always say, “If people were just nicer to each other the world would be a very different place.” But when we say nicer are we really just referring to behaving in a way that is honest? We all aspire to be good people, but thinking good thoughts and acting in accordance with them are two separate things. Think about the last time you wanted to call in sick to work and weren’t really ill, or were involved in a home sale and tweaked the negations in your favour. How did you actually come up with the decision? These common ethical dilemmas appear in every facet of our lives, from personal to professional to political. It’s no surprise that unethical behaviour is widespread in our society, as acting dishonestly sometimes “gets you ahead.” There are two factors, according to a brand new study published in the Personality and Social Bulletin, that promote ethical decision making.
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Struggling To Open Your Third Eye Chakra? Avoid These 4 Common Traps

A lot of people want to feel better, and experience some sort of “transcendence” or connection to other realms that might exist, but what many don’t realize is that you absolutely need to have balance in order for you to be able to maintain all of those very high frequencies.

Everything in life has a frequency or a vibration. The “higher” a frequency is, the faster it is vibrating and the more difficult it can be for us to see with our physical eyes.

When you’re looking to “heighten” your intuition, you’re looking to attune it to these higher frequencies so that you can “sense” metaphysical energies.

If you’re looking to “heighten” your intuition, be sure not to fall into these common traps:

1. Giving Up Too Easily

Just like you can’t expect to become a master painter overnight, don’t expect to be able to see orbs and archangels after your first meditation session. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night standing face-to-face with the ghost of your Great Aunt Millie. In the very early stages, this will scare the crap out of you.

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6 Techniques To Quiet Your Mind

“My mind just won’t shut up” is the most common excuse I hear when people explain to me why they can’t and don’t regularly attempt to make meditation a part of their daily life. It’s the reason why so many of us feel as if we are doomed to be victims of busyness and scrambled thoughts, never experiencing the peace that comes with daily quiet time.

As someone who has struggled with that same issue (and still at times find myself battling it), I know how difficult quieting your mind can be. But when we do experience those quiet moments, we understand how powerful they can be, how rejuvenated they can make us feel, and how much simpler our “big” issues can become.

Here are 6 techniques that I personally have found helpful in quieting my mind:

1. Focus On What You See When You Close Your Eyes

If asked to describe what we see when we close our eyes, most of us would describe it as the colour black. However, the truth is that our closed eyes are often telling us a much more interesting story. Close your eyes right now, focus on what you see. Is it actually just the solid colour black? Or is it more of a mixture of colours, some of which are undoubtedly created by the lighting in the room in which you are sitting?

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Dutch Harvest Electricity From Living Plants To Power Streetlights, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones

Plant-e, a company based out of the Netherlands, has found a way to harness electricity from living plants, using them to power Wi-Fi hotspots, cell phone chargers, and even streetlights. The company debuted their project, called “Starry Sky,” in November of 2014 near Amsterdam, where they lit up more than 300 LED streetlights at two different sites. Their plant power technology is also being used to power the company’s headquarters in Wageningen.

The company was founded in 2009, and was a spin-off from the department of Environmental Technology of Wageningen University. Again, they develop products in which living plants generate electricity. Their technology allows them to produce electricity from practically every site where plants can grow.

“Via photosynthesis a plant produces organic matter. Part of this organic matter is used for plant-growth, but a large part can’t be used by the plant and is excreted into the soil via the roots. Around the roots naturally occurring micro-organisms break down the organic compounds to gain energy from. In this process, electrons are released as a waste product. By providing an electrode for the micro-organisms to donate their electrons to, the electrons can be harvested as electricity. Research has shown that plant-growth isn’t compromised by harvesting electricity, so plants keep on growing while electricity is concurrently produced.”

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DMT Being Used To Prolong Life After Clinical Death

A team of Hungarian researchers are studying DMT’s unique ability to protect brain cells under high stress situations, such as during clinical death.

Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, is one of man’s biggest conundrums.

Once smoked, DMT elicits an out-of-body experience so extraordinary that afterwards many are never the same. Unimaginable visions of complex geometrical patterns, contact with extra-dimensional beings, and ego-death are among the most commonly described facets of the DMT experience.

But beyond these fantastical visions there exist many more pressing questions about DMT, or the “spirit molecule,” as it is often referred to.

For one, DMT is ever abundant in nature. It is potentially found in all living things, a theory which recently gained credence after it was discovered in the pineal gland of rats.

This naturally occurring, endogenous abundance of DMT is indeed mind-boggling to many. I mean, think about it – the most powerful psychedelic known to man is produced within the bodies of all living things. What purpose does it serve?

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Living Beyond The 5 Senses: The Importance Exercise For The Evolution Of Consciousness

The physical human body was meant to move. When it is not walking, running, stretching, and bending regularly, it does not function very well. Though movement is essential, more and more people are choosing to live sedentary lives. Choosing to have movement in one’s life each and every day is in fact vital for the evolution of consciousness. How physical movement occurs is a personal preference and as varied as there are practices. Playing a sport may bring the exact body conditioning that is right for one person but yoga may be right for another. Walking through the busy streets of a crowded city may be perfect for someone else, while a job requiring physical labour may keep another in perfect balance. Whatever the choice for keeping the body moving, we know it is right because along with food choices, the body finds its own equilibrium in terms of wellness and ideal body fat. If we store and carry more fat than is natural, this will cause it to be an imperfect filter for the senses and for transformation.

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14 People Were Asked: What Does Life Mean To You? Their Answers May Surprise You

“The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.” – Alan Watts

The meaning of life is a burning question that has inspired some of the greatest literature/art, fueled heated debates between atheists and spiritualists, and prompted existential philosophers to wax poetic on what the human experience really means (or doesn’t mean). But… what does life really mean?

It is easy to find insightful opinions on this query from influential authors, teachers, sages, mystics, and scientists with a quick Google search – but, what about from our peers, or people we wouldn’t necessarily think to ask?

As an experiment, I decided to ask this question to a diverse group of friends, artists, creators, and strangers alike – and the results were really incredible.

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Distinguished Scientists Gather To Emphasize: “Matter” Is NOT The Only Reality

A group of internationally recognized scientists have come together to stress the importance of what is still commonly overlooked in the mainstream scientific community – the fact that matter (protons, electrons, photons, anything that has a mass) is not the only reality. We wish to understand the nature of our reality, but how can we do so if we are continually examining only physical systems? What about the role of non-physical systems, such as consciousness, or their interaction with physical systems (matter)?

Fortunately, some scientists are studying non-physical systems, and the double slit experiment is a great example of  this. You can read more about that here. A paper published by Dean Radin, PhD, in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays, explains how this experiment has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness in shaping the nature of physical reality. (source)

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Do Spirituality & Religion Increase Overall Happiness?

Let’s examine briefly the fundamental difference between religion and spirituality. Religion is defined as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe. Most religious involvement usually involves devotional and ritual observances and often prescribes a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

“Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.” Matthew 5:3

Spirituality refers to our ultimate reality, the human experience or understanding of the world. It is the innermost path which enables a person to discover the true essence of his or her being. Religion is based around order and usually revolves around an establishment such as the church, synagogue, or mosque, along with some external guidelines. Spirituality is based on the individual’s internal processes. It is aligned with how it affects the human spirit or soul.

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“Cosmic Consciousness” Explained

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” – Hermes Trismagistus

Cosmic consciousness is a term that was first coined in 1901 in the book Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind by Richard Maurice Bucke, and became popularized through the teachings of Deepak Chopra.

It is defined as:

“Cosmic consciousness, a consciousness of the life and order of the universe which is possessed by few men at present.

It is a further stage of human evolution which will be reached by all humanity in the future.”

Some may also refer to this concept as Pantheism, which is the belief “that the universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent God.”

While the current state of consciousness that dictates our reality still tends to anthropomorphize God in an attempt to relate to “the-all-that-is,” it is through digging deeper and connecting the dots of what we see and what we cannot “see” that we can find what God may truly mean.


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