Fractal Enlightenment

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Make your Life Less Complicated and Enjoy Simplicity

there is beauty in simplicity “There is a beauty and clarity that comes from simplicity, that we sometimes do not appreciate in our thirst for intricate solutions.” – Dallin H. Oaks

Life is complicated. Relationships are complicated. Friendships are complicated. Life choices are complicated. Or are they? Is it possible that our excessive need to complicate life is just merely giving us something to do?

In our utter and complete fear of being bored are we perhaps overcomplicating every single thing in our life for the mere fact that it just gives us something to think about incessantly, or to complain about to our friends, or to distract ourselves from ourselves?

Could it be that our fragile little ego’s claim they want happiness, and inner peace, and simplicity from life situations but deep down are deathly afraid of...

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Pranayama: Learning the Art of Balanced Breathing

“Life is a balance between holding on and letting go” ~ Keith Urban

Balance is the naked truth of nature and this quote holds true especially in case of breath. As the great yogis say, we are the breath we inhale & exhale, the fine line between how much to hold in and how much to let go, creates the necessary ‘equilibrium’.

This equilibrium, which exists at the time of birth, is not only difficult to achieve in daily life but also unsustainable. The gifted technique of controlled breathing, pranayama, can enable one to achieve this balance.

As the name suggests, ‘Prana’, the vital force and ‘Yama’, control of that energy, when the two are clubbed they have far-reaching benefits. Though the world is now accepting & appreciating the benefits of pranayama...

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Change: Are you Embracing or Resisting It?


“Change is the essence of life; be willing to surrender who you are for what you could become” – Unknown

One thing in life is certain: change. Things are constantly changing. From an external standpoint we can see that our bodies are constantly changing – cells are constantly reproducing, our skin is shedding and being replaced with new skin, we grow taller and get older.

The earth is also constantly changing. The geography of earth changes, trees die, trees grow, bodies of water dry up, and the weather changes. Culturally we are also in a state of constant change.

The music changes, fashion changes, and even things like television programs are drastically different than they were 50 years ago. It’s pretty evident that in the world we see, there is literally nothing that stays the same always. But what about internally?...

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Five Ways You Can Become a Better God

self existent

Here’s the thing: you are God. But here’s the other thing: so am I. So is everyone. Some of us are simply more aware of it than others. The more aware you become of this fact, the better god you will become. Sound simple? It’s not.

It takes a riot of the imagination, a tempest of the spirit, a hurricane of the heart. It takes an insurgence of the soul that recapitulates the history of the human condition itself and then dares to reinterpret it. In short, it takes remapping the human spirit in order to balance it with the greater map of the planet. Here are five ways to become more aware of your divine godhood, and thus, how to become a better god...

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Conscious Relationships: Accepting Others as They are


“Surrender is not giving up, but a giving over to what is true in this present moment. And the moment I accept what is, something begins to shift within me.”- Unknown

Wouldn’t life be wonderful if everyone just behaved exactly like we wanted them to? Our friends, co-workers, partners and family just did exactly what we told them to and behaved exactly how we expected them to? Ok, so that probably has about as much of a chance of happening as pigs flying does.

Even though most of us know that we cannot expect people in our lives to behave exactly like we wish they would, so many of us waste much of our precious energy and time trying to force our own agenda on the people in our lives. And when they don’t comply, we waste even more time and energy being sad, angry or frustrated by the fact th...

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You are Not Your Thoughts, Attracting What You Believe


“The one thing over which you have absolute control is your own thoughts. It is this that puts you in a position to control your own destiny” – Paul G. Thomas

It is estimated that we have anywhere from 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day. On any given day our brains are susceptible to thousands upon thousands of “personalities” popping up in our thought patterns.

One thought may say “I feel terrible today, I look horrible, today is going to be a bad day,” and then two hours later another thought pops up, “today has turned out to be a pretty good day, I feel great.” And these are just examples of thoughts we have about ourselves, there are also the thoughts we have that are sitting in judgment of people and situations, “she’s in a bad mood today,” or “that man looks suspicious, he must be up to something”...

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Lucid Dreaming in Real Life

lucid dreaming

“The more real you get the more unreal the world gets”- John Lennon

We’ve often heard people say that this world is just an illusion, a dream of sorts that we are all dreaming up together. John Lennon said it best when he said, “A dream you dream alone is only a dream, a dream you dream together is reality”.

So if this is true, if our life on earth is just a dream of sorts that we are all dreaming up together until we die and travel to the afterlife or to a higher dimension or whatever it is you believe happens after this physical body dies, is it possible to use the concepts of lucid dreaming in our waking life?

Wikipedia defines lucid dreaming as, “any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming,” it goes on to say, “in a lucid dream the dreamer has greater chances to exert some degree of control over their ...

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Healing our Inner Child

Healing our Inner Child
“Children are born loving their parents, and they’re born assuming their parents love them. Their relationship with the family they are born into is their first taste of human connection, and thus, their first taste of love. It doesn’t matter if we in our adult perspective look backwards and say: ‘That was NOT a loving household…’ A child does not know any different than this version of love that exists in their home. Because of this, they associate love with home. The way that they felt in their home and in their relationship with their parents becomes their definition of love” – Teal Swan

The first six years of a child’s life are the most important. Not only are they most transformative in terms of growth and development, but from a psychological standpoint, they are the years that set the child’s ‘programming’, which will det...

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10 Beautiful Life Lessons from Dalai Lama


Dalai Lama XIV

Dalai Lama has always been an inspiration to me. The essence of his teaching is to promote human values – self-discipline, forgiveness, empathy, happiness, peace and love. Peaceful and disarming, Dalai Lama described himself as a “simple Buddhist monk.” And it is in that simplicity that his lessons emerge. Let’s discover together how his teachings and thoughts will change your life.

1) Love is the absence of judgment.

Judgement serves no purpose in our lives. It blocks us from truth, from love, and keeps you stuck in the illusion of separation. Love is our true essence. Love has no limitations, we are all beads strung together on the same thread of love. In the absence of judgment, love is what remains.


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Breaking Down Belief Systems and Finding Your True Self

Breaking Down Belief Systems and Finding our True Self
“Start living as if you don’t know how to live. Nobody is there to teach you, no guidelines exist. No books exist which say how to do this, how to do that. You are just left alone on an island. Everything is available. Intelligence is within you, instinct is within you, intellect is within you, now start moving.” –Osho

Whether we realize it or not our entire identity is formed off of the relationships that we have with the world around us. In fact, our perception that we even exist at all is dependent upon these relationships to people, places and things, in order to survive. For example, in relation to a tree I am a human, in relation to that man I am a daughter, in relation to that child I am a mom, in relation to that lady I am a friend, in relation to this dog I am its owner etc…


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