“Let whatever is happening happen… laugh, shout, scream, jump, shake-whatever you feel to do, do it!”-Osho
To the person living in and from their own awareness, all action is perfect. To some, the concept of perfect action sounds like a lofty goal. The image of a person completely at peace, quiet, humble, never raising their voice, never getting sad or frustrated may come to mind. After all, “perfect” must mean all things good right?
Good mood, good speech, good temperament, good deeds, this all sounds like what it means to take “perfect action”. Well, not exactly. If we replace the word perfect with the words “spontaneous” or “natural”, we see that when we behave in perfect action, it doesn’t necessarily have to mean good (or what our ego has deemed as ‘good’).
Spontaneous action suggests that all action that arises in any given moment is perfect action. For a person operating from their true self or inner awareness, there is no need for the mind to get involved in every single decision. Without the inner critic aka our ego getting in the way, holding us to a certain code of conduct based on such things as manners, religious beliefs, ‘acceptable’ behavior, or past conditioning, all action that arises is completely natural and therefore perfect.