Fractal Enlightenment

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The Honeymoon Effect and Realizing Your True Potential : Interview with Bruce Lipton ~ Part 3

In this last part of the interview with Bruce Lipton he talks about the Honeymoon Effect, and how relationships can remain healthy if each couple understands the true power of the conscious and subconscious mind. He also highlights the power of thoughts in changing the genetic activity of cells – either positive or negative – both are equally powerful in changing the behavior in the genes.

6) How do you convey the idea of perfect health or ‘everything will be ok’ to your subconscious?

You have to see the world as being ok and healthy, because when you see the world that way, then the subconscious behavioral programs will complement those behaviors. The cells will see oh life is beautiful and remember if we believe that, the idea of oh I see perfect health, the brain translates the idea into chemistry.

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Love: How to Return Back to What We Already are

you are perfect
“Love isn’t all we need, love is all there is”- Morgan Matson

So it probably sounds too good to be true, way oversimplified or like some cliche inspirational quote you see that doesn’t really mean anything nor does it make sense, but love is all there is. In fact, it would be safe to say that all “problems” or perceived problems in the world stem from the belief that we are not already perfect, that we are not love.

I think most people can agree upon the fact that we come into the world completely perfect. Babies are without any stains or imperfections on their being. I was a baby. You were a baby. So what happened? When did we transform from this perfect little being, a pure manifestation of love into less than perfect?

“Love is the only reality and not a mere sentiment...

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Interview with Bruce Lipton, Part 2: Understanding the Healing Power of Thoughts


The subconscious mind operates 95% of the time and the conscious mind works only 5% of the time.

In the second part of the interview with Bruce Lipton, he talks about using the power of the subconscious mind, how real is the Placebo effect and the healing power of thoughts.

1) How can you use the power of your subconscious mind?

First thing is recognizing this, I am running my life 95% of the time with the subconscious mind. We have now through science found out that thinking takes 95% of our waking lives, which automatically says by definition that 95% you are operating through the subconscious programs...

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Jester Guru Chronicles, Part 1: I Am From the Future

“It is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire.” -Jorge Luis Borges

Greetings! Your resident trickster-god in training here, with an important message: the future is a wonderfully beautiful place. But you’ll need to become healthier – mind, body, and soul – in order to appreciate it. You’ll need to discipline yourself in the forces of love, compassion, and forgiveness. You’ll need to let Mother Nature become your primary teacher. You’ll need to let Pain become your secondary teacher.

You’ll need to hack your own life and get down to the roots of who you really are: the universe attempting to perceive itself. In short, you’ll need to unlearn what you have learned by an unhealthy culture, recondition what has been conditioned into you, and wash off the brainwash. Like Philip Guston surmised, “To know and then how not to know is the greatest puzzle of all… so much preparation for a few moments of desperate play. To learn how to unlearn.”

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The Evolution of Consciousness: How are You Experiencing the Higher Dimensions?


“Your spirit and every cell of your body has always been multi-dimensional only your conscious awareness is trained to live in the limitations and restrictions of the three-dimensional matrix.”- Aurora Ray

It should be no surprising revelation that there are things in this world that exist that we cannot see. Air exists yet we do not see it. Ultra-violet rays exist yet we do not see them. Thoughts and Feelings exist and we do not see those either.

When we think of our external reality on these terms, it’s easier to comprehend the theory that we are existing in multi-dimensional realities simultaneously. Just because we cannot see it, doesn’t mean it is not there or not happening.

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Understanding the Conscious & Subconscious Mind with Bruce Lipton – Part 1

understanding-subconscious-mindOur thoughts have the power to determine our reality. To understand the working of the mind, we interviewed Dr Bruce Lipton, the stem cell biologist known for promoting the idea that genes and DNA can be manipulated by a person’s beliefs. He talks about the connection between the conscious and the subconscious mind, and its significance in our daily lives.

We are programmed to think in a certain way, to behave in a certain way right from childhood that restricts us from experiencing the life we always wanted because majority of the time (95%) according to Lipton, our life is controlled by the subconscious mind. We use our conscious mind only 5% of the times, and our conscious mind is where our desires and aspirations reside. Lets understand more about how the conscious and the subconscious run our daily lives. (Due to word constraints the interview is divided into three parts)

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Creative Detachment: The Secret to Freedom and Happiness


“A joyful life is an individual creation that cannot be copied from a recipe.” –Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The universe is both a complicated and a simple thing. As individuals we are interdependent manifestation of the universe, and so we too are both complicated and simple beings. We are complicated in the sense that we have a sense of self (ego), which seems at odds with our sense of connection (soul), and we are simple in the sense that we are aspects of the universe becoming aware of itself.

The key to freedom and happiness lies between these two senses and is found within the creative process. In this article we will discuss the power of healthy creative detachment and inquire as to how it can give us a healthier perception of reality.

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The Sacred Art of Self-Love


Religious. Agnostic. Skinny. Healthy. Holy. Good. Ugly. Right. Wrong. We are all of these assumptions and much more in the mirror of the world. Trying to adapt to the reflection of our perfection, suppressing our true identities, we wear a mask best suited for the occasion, a mask of ego that would help us fit in with the rest in the world of shallowness.

What we really miss out on while we are busy adjusting, is the emotion we were taught as a child – LOVE. Trying to find love outside and pacifying the ardent desire ‘to be loved’, we overlook the place where it truly resides – within us.

Greek mythology, Buddhism, Hinduism and many other religions and cults, emphasis on the profuse power of self-love and self-compassion. This fundamental form of love often goes missed and if tapped, is declared to be wrapped in the mask of narcissism. But the urgent need to focus on self love, a symbol of self trust, is ignored. People are scared to believe in themselves & are rather happier to live a life of self-contempt because self-trust is too expensive to afford.

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7 Ways to Start Being Healthier Right Now


“True wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” –Henry David Thoreau

In an otherwise unhealthy world it behooves us to become healthier people. Why? Because it compels the unhealthy world to balance itself and become healthier despite itself. But also because we humans are the reason the world is unhealthy to begin with.

We’re the problem. But we can just as easily choose to be the solution by becoming healthier people. Here are seven ways we can start being part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

1.) Be more proactive about your problems
“The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself.” –C. JoyBell C.

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Buy Experiences, Not Things – Why Materialism Causes Unhappiness

“Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for – in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.” ~ Ellen Goodman

Do experiences make people happier than material possessions? We live in a world of unprecedented abundance where people spend more time and money to acquire material objects than life experiences. They believe that material goods will get them happiness, though always fleeting.

Its stems from the need to fit in the so-called society, due to peer pressure, or maintain a certain lifestyle, but scientists and researchers have concluded that money can’t buy happiness.


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