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Mercury Retrograde In Gemini: Adjusting The Way We Think & Communicate


The planet Mercury started its retrograde phase on May 18th/19th which will last until June 11th/12th. This is an astrological phenomena that occurs roughly every four months for over a three week period. From an Earth based perspective, it looks as if Mercury is going backwards, but this is not the case. It only appears that way due to the relationship between both Earth’s and Mercury’s orbit around the Sun. Accordingly, astrologers observe it differently than when it appears to be forward moving.

How Does Mercury Affect Us?

Mercury rules over communication as well as communication technology. It also rules the intellect, transportation, learning, news, and information. It rules over the the analytical mind as well as how we mind the details of life which require thinking. Materially, it rules over anything with moving parts such as cars and appliances, as well as phones, computers, and devices. When Mercury goes retrograde there are noticeable miscalculations, misunderstandings, mistakes, disruptions, confusion, breakdowns, and sometimes chaos in these areas.

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The Future Of Community Living

The Future Of Community Living  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer,

In the late 60’s and early 70’s, hippie communes and campgrounds were a place of peace and love. Government camping regulations now disallow this kind of living on public lands. Communal living is discouraged from society to the point of zoning and utility restrictions that define usage of public and private property. People are now taking a stance against government restriction and are realizing that we were created to live together in communities where we are all equal and we all have something to contribute, and we should not have to pay extra for things like water, energy, and organic food.

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You Are Special - Frank M. Wanderer

"Every human being is convinced deep inside that he/she is special. In the course of the spiritual Journey the spiritual Ego keeps whispering intothe ears of the spiritual seeker: "You are special, you are great, better than the other people!” 
Often the spiritual Ego does not declare it so openly, but the desire to become special is there in every spiritual seeker. It is well observable in the behavior and actions of the spiritual seeker; all these are aimed at making the individual better and different from the rest, to emerge from the average. 
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Who Is This Higher Self?

Who Is This Higher Self?  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

by Dingane

There is an aspect of ourselves that is invisible, yet very real. This dimension of ourselves that is such an integral part of each and every one of us has been called many names. The higher self, the sacred self, the inner self – all falling short of sufficiently describing what this dimension really is. Along with discovering your highest and most sacred self comes an inner knowing that probably best describes this mysterious invisible aspect of ourselves. Discovering your highest self is at the heart of living a spiritual life and is the key to higher consciousness.

Since the beginning of time humankind where left in awe at the magnificence of creation. The sun, the moon, the seasons, wind, fire, a flower, the birth of a child…and the list goes on. But as astonishing as these things may seem, it’s the invisible world that has captured our attention even more than anything else. We arrive in this life not knowing why we are here, where we came from or where we are going. We live our daily lives and go about life in a very permanent manner, yet deep down inside we know that we are not here to stay.

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5 Major Signs of Your Past Life

Do you have a past life? The common belief of reincarnation dates back to about 3000 years ago, or so is estimated by historians. In fact history records that Christians believed in reincarnation up until 545 AD when Emperor Justinian used his authority of Rome to stop the belief in reincarnation. He forged the decree stating that “anyone who believes in the preexistence of souls, shall be put to death”

People of many cultures and ethnic backgrounds such as India, Thailand, China and Japan have the common consensus that we do indeed have a multitude of past lives and that our ultimate goal is to no longer incarnate. While North American countries are still trying to prove that it is “real”.

Recently, the mainstream media has featured many stories of children who can remember there past lives in full detail and finally it seems that North America is catching up with the rest of the world.

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3 Symptoms Of A Lost Soul

3 Symptoms of A Lost Soul  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

by Andrea Schulman

Lost souls are people who are spiritually adrift.  For whatever reason, these individuals have blocked the intuitive guidance coming from their higher selves.  In doing this, they have also cut themselves off from feeling the infinite love of the universe, and this leads to struggle, anger and sadness.  As a result, a lost soul’s life is very challenging.

If you are currently working to raise your vibration and follow your highest path, you probably find it difficult to interact with lost souls.   These individuals can be some of the most frustrating people to deal with because they radiate lower vibrational energy, and the way that they interact with others can be quite off-putting.

However, if we want to help these people we must react with sympathy, rather than anger and hostility.  Lost souls need unconditional love more than the rest of us because they are so starved for it.  Although this may be challenging at times, love and acceptance are really the only things we can give to help others who have lost their way.

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Mercury Retro is Re-Wiring our Minds! - Meg Benedicte

Doesn’t it seem like we’re just getting over the last Mercury Retrograde? Well, believe it or not, it’s that time again! And this time Mercury will turn Retrograde in Gemini within 24 hours of the Taurus New Moon with a Yod to Pluto on May 18th. This is a rare combination to say the least! Mercury Retrograde in Gemini is a time to dive deep within, review and rewire…now aided with underworld Pluto and Taurus New Moon inspires all us to evolve anew.
The recent Eclipse-Equinox upgrades still ripple through our energy field, transforming us from the inside out. We are all being propelled higher into the next level of our transfiguration.  Just be careful during the next month to stay grounded with all the airy Gemini influence, as Retro Mercury joins Mars in an exact square to Neptune. This will be a tricky wicket to navigate. We will need to slow down, pay attention, communicate clearly and discern facts over opinions.
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The Idea of Action - Frank M. Wanderer

"In your present state of consciousness it is almost unimaginable for you to experience the deeper dimensions of Alertness, as you have been conditioned by your parents and teachers to become “somebody” since your early childhood. You have been conditioned to look for and find happiness and the objective of your life in the outside world around you.
As an illusionary self, you find the idea of “To be and to do nothing else” is one of the greatest mysteries. You believe that if you do not act, just sit in your place, mulling over things, you will never find out who you are, and what your chances are in the world of shapes and forms. In order to consolidate your identity, you have to be active.
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11 Ways to Detoxify Your Third Eye And Reignite Your Pineal Gland

The pineal gland is derived from the Latin word Pinea and is the size of a grain of rice. It received its name because of its likeness to a pine cone. The pineal gland is responsible for production of melatonin. When your body is deficient in melatonin, symptoms will erupt such as premature sexual development, insomnia, cancer, alzheimers and mental disorders such as Bi-polar.

The pineal gland is known as the third eye, because of its resemblance to the retina in the physical eyes. Light enters the body through the retina of the eyes and is sent to the brain which then sends it to the gland.

The third eyes’ function gives also the ability of extra-sensory perception, enhanced intuition, psychic awareness, and is the house of your inner wisdom or inner eye (I) of the metaphysical body or spirit. It is your vortex of command.


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