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A Message To My Fear-Based Ego - Ted Slipchinsky

Thank you very much dear fear-based ego.  I understand that you feel the expansion that is underway in the overall energy and in the life of the one called Ted.  I know how frightening this must be for you.  When Ted was ruled by fear, you could weave your seductive webs without feeling threatened. Now the accelerated wave of energy is breaking upon you like a tsunami, and you are like a spider who sees the long shadow of the broom that is about to fall upon him. So you send out your scarcely conscious wails before you, and as much as Ted says he does not believe you, the faithful body records your message.  It's airway narrows and it becomes afraid.

But you will not win.  You see the one called Ted has learned a few things.  He has learned not to run from you or to magnify you, but to simply see you for what you are.  And he has learned to affirm that part of himself which feels most real.  The part that did not come here to cower in fear, but to create and to share, to celebrate and to laugh, to enjoy the camaraderie of true soul friends, and to serve the calling of the Divine Energy which he (and you) are made of.

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Mind and Soul - Ted Slipchinsky

Your mind looks out upon the world and sees a desperate array of problems that you cannot begin to solve.  Your soul sees endless beauty.  Your mind and its handmaiden, fear, pile one burden on top of the other, until your life force is almost depleted.  Your soul and its handmaiden, heart, fill you with an endless bounty of joy and compassion as deep as the universe.

Which do you choose to believe?

Why not drink from the well of Infinite Life which is your birthright?  This does not mean denying the world. It means being truly alive in the world. This does not mean running from suffering. It means being fully engaged in the alleviation of suffering.

The mind is just an imperfect tool

It was never meant to be your Master.


Ted Slipchinsky is a mystic singer, writer and songwriter. You can see more of his work at where you can also purchase his recently released book "Songs from the River". Ted also has a Facebook group The Other TED Talks.

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7 Differences Between Religion And Spirituality

7 Differences Between Religion And Spirituality  in5d in 5d

by Dejan Davchevski

A lot of people mistake Spirituality for Religion or some mysterious, supernatural occurrence. Some even think of it as a sect but this is because of their lack of knowledge and their fear of being manipulated.

If we move past this and try to study and understand what spirituality actually is, we’ll come to a realization that it is nothing mysterious or supernatural nor in any way connected to a sect of any kind.

These 7 differences between Religion and Spirituality will help you understand what Spirituality actually is.

1. Religion Makes You Bow – Spirituality Sets You Free

Religion tells you to follow an ideology and obey certain rules or you’ll be punished otherwise. Spirituality lets you Follow Your Heart and What You Feel Is Right. It sets you free to be what you truly are without bowing to anything that doesn’t resonate as right with you nor to anyone because we are all one. It is all up to you to choose what you’ll honor enough to make it divine.

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The Gratitude

"Once you have intensively experienced the emotion of gratitude, something strange is going to happen.
Deep inside there is peace and you are calm, you do not need to resist anything. You are open, you absorb the entire world that exists in the moment. You feel happiness beyond description: the joy of existence. 
Continue to breathe slowly and deeply, absorb the world! Inhale the pleasure of life, be pleased with your inner peace and harmony–be aware that you are connected to the universe." /Ervin K. Kery/

~From the book Ervin K. Kery & Frank M. WandererThe Ultimate Enlightenment: How to Find Your True Self in Mindfulness?

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Why Playing it Safe Is The Most Dangerous Thing You Can Do

Why Playing it Safe Is The Most Dangerous Thing You Can Do  in5d in 5d

by Andrea Schulman
Guest writer, BodyMindSoulSpirit

We often think to ourselves that playing it safe is a smart bet. To play it safe, many of us take the job with the good benefits, drive the car with the good mileage, and purchase the home in the safe community.

However, while it is unnecessary to swing for the fences with every life decision, playing it safe as your standard decision-making practice is actually the most dangerous thing that you can do with your life. Here are three reason why.

1. Playing it safe often means that we are going along with herd

Who decided what was safe and what was dangerous? For example, when did we decide that it was safe to purchase a car, but dangerous to own a motorcycle? Of course, motorcycle accidents are more likely to be lethal, but most motorcyclists will still ride safely without incident. Beyond that though, motorcycles often cost less money, are more fun to ride, take up less valuable space, use less gas and are less of an environmental threat.

There are always benefits, and dangers, to both sides of an argument, if we are willing to look.

7 Common Experiences With The Ascension Process – You’re Not Alone!

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For those of you experiencing the process of ascension – here are some aspects. Not everyone is experiencing the same processes. Just know that you are  not alone…

Below are some common experiences of leaving the old world behind, what they mean, and some tools for comfort:

1.  You suddenly feel like you have jumped off a cliff with no net, with strong feelings of no sense of place and nothing to hold onto.

1.  You suddenly feel like you have jumped off a cliff with no net, with strong feelings of no sense of place and nothing to hold onto.

This is an indication that you have made a separation from older and denser energies that are now residing where you are not. This occurs many times during the ascension process, each time that a critical mass is met within and sometimes without. This feeling always passes in time, even though it can feel very uncomfortable when it is occurring. We can take comfort in knowing that these feelings always pass, and that we eventually begin to recognize and accept them the more often they occur.

The Fern and The Bamboo

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One day I decided to quit….
I quit my job, my relationship,
my Spirituality..
I wanted to quit my life.
I went to the woods to have
One last talk with God.

‘God’, I said.
‘Can you give me one good reason
not to quit?’

His answer surprised me…

‘Look around’, He said.
‘Do you see the fern and the bamboo?’

‘Yes’, I replied.

‘When I planted the fern and
the bamboo seeds, I took very good
care of them. I gave them light.
I gave them water.
The fern quickly grew from the earth.
Its brilliant green covered the floor. Nothing came from the bamboo seed.
But I did not quit on the bamboo.

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The Hearing Essay - Evelyn Glennie

A studio photo of Evelyn from 2005Music represents life. A particular piece of music may describe a real, fictional or abstract scene from almost any area of human experience or imagination. It is the musicians job to paint a picture which communicates to the audience the scene the composer is trying to describe. I hope that the audience will be stimulated by what I have to say (through the language of music) and will therefore leave the concert hall feeling entertained. If the audience is instead only wondering how a deaf musician can play percussion then I have failed as a musician. For this reason my deafness is not mentioned in any of the information supplied by my office to the press or concert promoters. Unfortunately, my deafness makes good headlines. I have learnt from childhood that if I refuse to discuss my deafness with the media they will just make it up. The several hundred articles and reviews written about me every year add up to a total of many thousands, only a handful accurately describe my hearing impairment. More than 90% are so inaccurate that it would seem impossible that I could be a musician. This web page is designed to set the record straight and allow people to enjoy the experience of being entertained by an ever evolving musician rather than some freak or miracle of nature.


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