
Message from Chief Arvol Looking Horse

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Mitakuye (my relative),

I, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Nation, ask you to understand an Indigenous perspective on what has happened in America, what we call "Turtle Island." My words seek to unite the global Community through a message from our sacred ceremonies to unite spiritually, each in our own ways of beliefs in the Creator.

We have been warned from Ancient Prophecies of these times we live in today, but have also been given a very important message about a solution to turn these terrible times around.

To understand the depth of this message you must recognize the importance of Sacred Sites and realize the interconnectedness of what is happening today, in reflection of the continued massacres that are occurring on other lands and our own Americas.

I have been learning about these important issues since the age of 12, upon receiving the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle and its teachings. Our people have striven to protect Sacred Sites from the beginning of time. These places have been violated for centuries and have brought us to the predicament that we are in at the global level.

Look around you. Our Mother Earth is very ill from these violations, and we are on the brink of destroying the possibility of a healthy and nurturing survival for generations to come, our children's children.

Our ancestors have been trying to protect our Sacred Site called the Sacred Black Hills in South Dakota, "Heart of Everything That Is," from continued violations. Our ancestors never saw a satellite view of this site, but now that those pictures are available, we see that it is in the shape of a heart and, when fast-forwarded, it looks like a heart pumping.

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10 Reasons You Should Never Have A Religion

While consciously pursuing your spiritual development is commendable, joining an established religion such as Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism is one of the worst ways to go about it. In this article I’ll share 10 reasons why you must eventually abandon the baggage of organized religion if you wish to pursue conscious living in earnest.

1) Spirituality for dummies

If you have the awareness level of a snail, and your thinking is mired in shame and guilt (with perhaps a twist of drug abuse or suicidal thinking), then subscribing to a religion can help you climb to a higher level of awareness. Your mindset, however, still remains incredibly dysfunctional; you’ve merely swapped one form of erroneous thinking for another.

For reasonably intelligent people who aren’t suffering from major issues with low self-esteem, religion is ridiculously consciousness-lowering. While some religious beliefs can be empowering, on the whole the decision to formally participate in a religion will merely burden your mind with a hefty load of false notions.

When you subscribe to a religion, you substitute nebulous group-think for focused, independent thought. Instead of learning to discern truth on your own, you’re told what to believe. This doesn’t accelerate your spiritual growth; on the contrary it puts the brakes on your continued conscious development. Religion is the off-switch of the human mind.

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How To Open The Doors Of Perception At Will, Without Psychedelics


“The door to the soul is unlocked; you do not need to please the doorkeeper, the door in front of you is yours, intended for you,  and the doorkeeper obeys when spoken to.” -Robert Bly

What if you found out there was a key that would enable you to open and close your doors of perception at will, void of psychedelics? What if you found out you not only held the key, but you were the key? Would you unlock the doors, or keep them shut?

Well, you are the key, and whether or not you choose to enter through the doors is a choice that, although invisible, is life changing. You are the vehicle for the trip, consider this but a mere travel summary. And for a detailed itinerary?  Well, that can only be fetched by you -not the part of you reading this, but the altered dream state part of your consciousness that will travel beyond the doors of perception to the wildness of the world where there is a livingness to all things...

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The Magic Of Winter Solstice: 7 Ways to Celebrate the Returning Light

With Christmas fast approaching, it can be all too easy to get swept away in the festive frenzy of need and expectation, and to lose sight of the true reason for the season.

Whilst I love celebrating Christmas day conventionally with my family, the real magic for me happens during the Winter Solstice, which falls on December 21st. I share with you some celebratory ideas so that you may be inspired to create your own solstice customs and rekindle some magic to a time of year that has become buried under an avalanche of materialism.

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What is the Winter Solstice?

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Conscious Economics Pt 2: Energetic Exchange

Today I’m going to leave the world of any particular financial system or construction behind and focus purely on energetic flow… :-)

This concept came up when in conversation with friend and colleague Sara Joy at Joyful Heart Wellness and Spirit. These days, Sara is running a fulfilling energetics practice in Wisconsin, USA which has survived and thrived over the past five years. I was chatting with her about the ups and downs of being a spiritual entrepreneur and the different forms of economy I’ve been experimenting with over the past year. We both agree that the way the world has worked in regards to economy – is definitely changing, and people who are still deeply invested in the old debt-credit/hard sales and marketing system are going to find it very hard to maintain that.

So, I asked her what her approach is. She told me that she works with the concept of Energy Exchange. The way this works, is that, whether you charge in currency or otherwise (goods, services) – you have to ask for an amount that will balance out the energy of what you give.

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10 Common Problems Old Souls Experience At Least Once In Their Life

“Some people are old at 18 and some are young at 90 … time is a concept that humans created.” – Yoko Ono

1. The inexperience of feeling truly understood.

Old souls can be seen as strange people because they often hold unconventional ideals and standards of living. They often feel a sense of separation from themselves and the “real world” because things like obtaining great wealth, owning a lot of expensive possessions, and other traits of living a materialistic lifestyle aren’t really an interest to them. In a world fueled by consumerism this can seem kind of weird to most people. Having a different set of expectations and ideas about living can make it hard to feel like anyone truly understands you and what drives you in life.

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Activism In The Spiritual Community – Embracing Our Eagle Vision

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIn November, I took a trip to visit my friend and conscious evolution visionary, Jamie Brownn-Hansen at her home in Basel, Switzerland. The trip had multiple purposes: vacation, a trip to see the Alps for some spiritual work, and the chance to finally meet Jamie in person after months of connecting, collaborating and sharing in each other’s creations. Needless to say – it was a phenomenal trip!

During our visit, Jamie asked if I’d be willing to channel Andrea and open up a dialogue. I agreed and the conversation that ensued between the two was utterly fascinating. Jamie had a lot of questions for Andrea about the state of affairs we as a species now find ourselves in and the way we can approach conscious evolution for ourselves and also in community.

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Conscious Economics: Donations, Gifting, Biomimicry – Oh My! Pt 1

Over the past year, I have been very busy with the topic of money and economy. What is money? How does economy work? Why are so many people struggling financially? Why are governments and corporations continuing to drill, frack, deforest and pollute? Is there a connection between this behaviour and economy? Are there alternatives?

Maybe you’re already way ahead of where I started out and you know that money is not actually real… that our interest and debt-based economic systems function by creating new debts to pay back the interest on old debts – and that the only way to do that is to commodify. Commodify services, relationships and natural resources.  This documentary,  Money and Life provides a comprehensive understanding on all of this.

The end result of what I have just described is a world in which we are completely separate – from each other, from nature and from ourselves. If this doesn’t have your attention yet, let me put it another way: the planet cannot sustain life if we keep destroying it in order to monetize it. We are all going to have to find another way to live TOGETHER (and soon!) or…we probably won’t survive at all. MANY of us are already feeling the pain of debt, bankruptcy, unemployment, homelessness, unaffordable health and nutrition costs, and the rage and heartbreak that comes when seeing our beautiful natural world destroyed before our very eyes.

The Colours of Heaven: Encaustic-Wax paintings and a poem.

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Another short video from our friends over at !

This short film suggests that Heaven is not a place but rather a state of being, where you decide what you wish your life to be next. The purpose of the film is to inspire you to remember the power of intent, and use your true essence to change your life for the better.

The poem in the film was channelled in a strong moment of such ‘Heaven’ when Gil allowed his heart to open up to the messages of Natalie’s paintings and their inspiring colours.

The paintings were created by Natalie using the encaustic wax technique. This technique helps to connect on intuitive level to emotions and thoughts, that we usually tend to ignore. This technique of wax modelled with heat, allows for a free flow of lines and shapes, as the wax melts unto the card in the process of making the painting. This means that the wax ‘dictates’ the shapes more than the artist would. In such way the process helps the artist to arrive at a state of free expression unaffected by the usual obstacles in paintings that takes away from inspiration.

Within a free flowing state (Heaven), Natalie connected to the three Spirit Guides, which this film is dedicated to, and which inspired and directed her artistic hands in creating the paintings.

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The 13th Zodiac Sign – Ophiuchus

In mythology, Ophiucus is identified with the healer Asclepius, the son of Apollo, who was able to bring the dead back to life. Realizing his power, Hades convinced Zeus to kill Asclepius with a lightning bolt, and he was placed into the stars as a constellation after his death.

The constellation, Ophiuchus, has been known since ancient times, and is better known as Serpentarius, the Serpent Holder. It is included in the list of 48 constellations described by Ptolemy. Ophiuchus is depicted as a man handling a serpent; his body dividing the large snake into two parts, giving way to the symbol used today as an Asclepius – the medical staff. Astrologers have not included Ophiuchus in the wheel of Astrological signs because the Sun spends only about nineteen days in this 13th sign of the Mazzaroth. Not that there wasn’t a 13th sign in the Heavens, but as far as Astrologers were concerned, the Sun traveled from the constellation ‘Scorpius’ and then proceeded directly into the sign of Sagittarius. In reality, this was not the case. The Sun, for 19 days of the year, travels through the star constellation ‘Ophiuchus’ before entering Sagittarius from Scorpius – see chart below. thus The sign of Ophiuchus is patterned after the original ‘Serpent Holder’, Enki, a Sumerian god.


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