
Living Abundantly After Self-Realization - The Master Shift

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[SPECIAL REPORT]  Congratulations!  You have awakened to your true nature, Oneness with God/Creation. 

You may or may not still be in the honeymoon phase.  If you’re not sure, symptoms range widely, including, but not limited to:  A general disinterest in most everything you were interested in before; a lack of desire to engage in unnecessary busy-ness and activity; a heightened sense of awareness that includes the recognition of the insanity of the rest of the world; an acute kinship with Nature; exuding an aura of being in love, with no one in particular, but with the same yearning to lie around and do nothing but simply BE LOVE!

The Law of Reciprocity

Isis Ra's picture

The Law of Reciprocity means: to give and take mutually; to return in kind or even in another kind or degree. You may have heard the Law of Reciprocity expressed as: "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine." The law of reciprocity, (which applies in EVERY culture on the face of the earth), simply explains that that when someone gives you something you feel an obligation to give back.

Love – The Substance of Existence

Isis Ra's picture

**The GFP does not find all articles to be 100% accurate, so we recommend using discernment when reading**

Love is the very substance of existence. It permeates everything, everywhere, forever. It is God’s essence within and surrounding Creation. It is manifest in the light of truth, knowingness and miracle-mindedness. We are in it and it is in us.

Fear of Failure: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Isis Ra's picture

**The GFP does not find all articles to be 100% accurate, so we recommend using discernment when reading**

Have you ever avoided applying to a job because you assumed you wouldn’t be hired?

Have you ever not asked someone out since you thought they’d say “no”?

Yesterday I had a client say, “I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist.” This stuck with me and got me thinking about the fear of failure. Why do we let our fear of something that hasn't happened get in the way of our happiness? Why does our anxiety feel more real to us than the goal we’re trying to achieve?

Can The Ego Create An Illusion of Happiness Within Us?

Isis Ra's picture

**The GFP does not find all articles to be 100% accurate, so we recommend using discernment when reading**

QUESTION: Can the ego create illusions of happiness or anything positive for that matter.

ANSWER: Yes, never underestimate the tricks of the ego. The ego will help you remain in denial about the things in your life that need healing by helping you put on a fake mask of happiness, health and contentment.

Shanta Gabriel ~ Be Grateful For All That You Have And All That You Are

Isis Ra's picture

**The GFP does not find all articles to be 100% accurate, so we recommend using discernment when reading**

“With all that is going on in the world and in our lives, it is easy to get disgruntled. Sometimes it is easier to just let our thoughts go into the negative channels, where we seem to have a habitual groove, and just ruminate on how bad things seem to be.

Does The Earth Have Its Own Consciousness?

Isis Ra's picture

You may already be aware that there are different levels of consciousness and that consciousness evolves from lower to higher levels of awareness. You may also know of the “universal consciousness” that connects and affects us all. Did you also happen to know that planetary bodies also have consciousness? Ancient traditions all over the world have long been aware of this, which is why they assigned planets with particular archetypal personalities, the remnants of these are still found in astrology. I’d like to discuss our planet’s consciousness evolution and what it means for us.

Love is the Answer

Isis Ra's picture

What if we all started doing our best to simply treat each other like we would like to be treated?

What if we all started treating each other with even a little more loving kindness?

What if we all simply allowed ourselves to act from love rather than greed and fear?


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