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Elephant Who Wept Through His Rescue Officially Declared 'Free'

Earlier this year, the story of an elephant named Raju touched the hearts of many people around the world. After 50 years of suffering and exploitation at the hands of his owner in India, Raju shed tears as volunteers from the group Wildlife SOS freed him from painful shackles.

But that was only the beginning of Raju’s bid for freedom. Not long after Wildlife SOS intervened and relocated him to a sanctuary, the man who kept the elephant in chains launched a legal battle claiming that Raju was his rightful property.

A legal team from Wildlife SOS fought “tooth and nail” to ensure Raju’s freedom. And on Tuesday, India’s Allahabad High Court ruled in Raju’s favor — officially declaring him free to live out his days in peace on the grounds of the sanctuary among elephants just like himself.

Triple Water Astrology - The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope - Nov 28st

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Triple Water Astrology - The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope - Week Starting Friday, November 28, 2014

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What a benefic week! Venus in harmony with Jupiter all week long. Good times with friends and family are in store this week as the holiday season begins in earnest. Mercury also jumps into Sagittarius this week. So five of the ten classical planets are in the fiery signs. How will you make the most of that energy, passion, and optimism this week? Let's see what is in store this week for each of the signs. Consider both your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant.



Don't be surprised if it feels like an authority figure behind the scenes is looking over your shoulder. With effort, you can make the best of the situation. This is yet again a very strong week for you. Make the most of it, because your ruling planet Mars is leaving his exaltation after this week. December 1 to December 3 can be days of remarkable endurance and focus for you, but be aware of going around in circles despite all of the energy available to you this week! Just for Aries: the power theme for you lately is in overdrive at the end of the week! Wow.

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Embracing the Heavenliness of Earth

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

How do we choose to see the world around us? Do we choose to abandon this planet in the name of our growing spiritual perception, or do we choose to see that it’s deeply spiritual?

A lot of people have discovered spirit and the idea that uncountable states of consciousness exist beyond our current. While this is a great thing, I don’t think we should abandon our planet in the name of our spirituality.

The last thing we want to do is distance ourselves from this beautiful earth, and unfortunately, discovering spirit can give us incentive to do exactly that.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with focusing on the higher states of consciousness we’ll eventually grow back into, and we’d benefit from exploring these higher realms and the greater, more blissful perception that comes with them.

To take our attention away from this planet and the wonderful things it offers because of our spirituality or our desire to explore the higher realms would be unfortunate to say the least, though.

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Indigenous Call for Urgent, Unprecedented and Unified Action for Protecting and Restoring the Sacred

By Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr.

The spiritual foundation of this Call for Urgent, Unprecedented, and Unified Action is based in the understanding of the fundamental oneness and unity of all life. Clearly, as well, all members of the Human Family are all part of the Sacred Circle of Life. Since we are all part of the Sacred Circle of Life we are all Indigenous Peoples of our Mother Earth. This makes every Human Being responsible for the well-being of one another and for all living things upon our Mother Earth.

Therefore, whether or not the nation states, multinational corporations or international development agencies that surround us are willing or able to participate with us at this time, it is clear our Indigenous Peoples and Allies are moving forward in rebuilding and reunifying the Americas and beyond, through the Natural Laws and Guiding Principles that are inherent in our Indigenous World View and Legal Order rooted in an eternal and spiritual enduring foundation.

1. We have the ancient prophecies and the clear vision of a future of social justice and collective prosperity for the Americas and beyond that we are in the process of manifesting. This new global civilization that is unfolding, as promised by the Ancient Ones and the Ancient of Days, fully honors the Natural Laws and Rights of Mother Earth and the Unity and Diversity of Human Family. This New Spiritual Springtime foretold by our Elders is now unfolding globally, as surely as the sun rises every morning.

Triple Water Astrology - The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope - Nov 21st

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Triple Water Astrology - The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope - Week Starting Friday, November 21, 2014

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A most fascinating astronomical, and astrological, occurrence occurs at the beginning of the week. Sun is at 29 Scorpio on Friday - interesting in and of itself, for example JFK was assassinated in 1963 when Sun was at 29 Scorpio. A very intense, edgy energy for the Sun, opposite Alcyone (fixed star). The next day, Saturday, at about 7:30am EST, Sun and Moon perfectly conjunct at 0 Sagittarius. However, both will be on the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius! Part of the disks of each luminary will be in each sign. What a fascinating moment for a person to be born. What mundane events might occur on Saturday? Hopefully nothing unfortunate. However, Jupiter and Pluto will be influential on that day, so setting an intention to use the energies productively can help you make the most of such an unusual occurrence.

What else might the week bring for you from the heavens? Consider both your Sun sign and ascendant.



This week starts out as quick, on the go, and thoughtful. November 24 can be an especially good day for you in terms of happiness and optimism. The boost of power from last week is waning a restrictions and authority are a bit more pronounced. November 25 and 26 have the potential to be emotional days. Despite possible roadblocks this week, you still have a lot of energy and drive available to make the most of your goals and projects, especially at work. Just for Aries: look out for unexpected consequences!



Triple Water Astrology - The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope - Nov 14th

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Triple Water Astrology - The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope - Week Starting Friday, November 14, 2014
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The "spiritual transformation" theme continues this week. Pluto's demands of breaking down and rebuilding meet Poseidon's spiritual insights. What might the results of that be for you? Another heavy Plutonic theme is in the heavens this week. Sun conjuncts Saturn in Scorpio all week. The Sun's consciousness and role as the central core of the personality acts with Saturn's structure and restriction. This intense conjunction at the end of Pluto's sign calls attention to how discipline and authority can change us by stretching our limits - or not! As with Pluto-Poseidon, the Sun-Saturn conjunction is demanding that we take a very active role in our personal evolution, especially this month.

More specifically, what does this week portend for you via your natal Sun sign? Also consider your rising sign/ascendant.



You are capable of managing a large work load with all of that energy this week, especially at your job. You might feel "supercharged" with Pluto's power emphasized for you again this week. Mercury links with you later in the week, starting on November 20, giving you a further advantage when you focus on achievement via your thought and communication. If you have an Achilles' heel this week, it's unexpected events or people disrupting your plans...given your strengths this week, you can roll with those shocks. Just for Aries: A real breakthrough and victory can occur for you this week.



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NFL Star Quits Football To Build Free Farm And Feed Hungry People

NFL star Jason Brown has quit playing football professionally, and now spends his days as a farmer, who harvests free food for the hungry.

Jason Brown was drafted by the Baltimore Ravens in the fourth round of the 2005 NFL Draft, and played college football at North Carolina.

On February 28, 2009, Brown signed a five-year deal with the St. Louis Rams that was worth $37.5 million, and included a $20 million guarantee.

At the time, the deal made Brown the highest paid center in the NFL. On March 12, 2012, he was released by the Rams and decided to take a new direction in his life.

After he left football, Brown purchased a 1,030 acre farm near Louisburg, N.C, where he harvests food for the hungry.

Search for spiritual happiness leads woman to play accordion in St. Petersburg tree

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Joylin is a friend of ours here at the Galactic Free Press, we've featured her writings before. It's wonderful seeing her message and story featured in a major newspaper!

It started when she got sick her freshman year studying music at Baker University in Kansas. She awoke every morning throwing up and miserable. She had to force-feed herself, then fight to keep it down. It seemed to be a bunch of isolated food allergies. But how could she have become allergic to so many things at once? Doctors couldn't diagnose the problem. After two years, when she began throwing up blood, Joylin gave up on science and tried treating herself with whole foods and intensive meditation.

Her search for health became a spiritual search for happiness.

"All the things that were wrong with me physically were messages from my soul telling me what I really needed to do," she said. "I asked myself what was I actually allergic to on a deeper level. It was resentments, things I needed to forgive, stuff I needed to let go of, and things I needed to embrace more of in my life."

Her health got better, and a free-spirited gypsy was born.

Video & full article...


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Today is a special day. To remember peace, to create more peace in our own lives and in the lives of those around us. To remember those who have died in the wars that were caused by a lack of peace. They are at peace. For the soldiers and people who went through traumatic times, perhaps still suffering from the trauma of war, may they realize peace and be at peace now.  Gratitude for them all for offering their service to humanity. May we find peace within ourselves to forgive people who do not know peace and pray that they may find their way to a more mindful way. Teach anger the way of peace. Practicing gratitude for everything we have. Being at peace with everything that has happened in the past, allowing us to move forward on our journey toward more peace.

We also remember ourselves, who we are, why are we here?

In an energetic sense this is a very special day, the eleven eleven numerology regards the service to humanity to raise the vibrational frequency of the beings on this planet. The 11 is the messenger to the higher source, making it possible to awaken to truth and higher meaning, enlightenment and illumination. Inspiration is strong, bask in the light of creativity and let the waters of intuitive energy flow upon you as you harness your higher self in creative endeavors.


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