
Life is NOT a movie— It’s better! - Cosmicmessages

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Last night, my sister and I drove our separate ways. She went to spend the night at my “old” house that I moved out of just two days ago and I, continued driving to my new home.

I thought about how the parting of was was symbolic and thought, “This is sad.”

But when I tried to feel the truth of that statement, I only found happiness. I found joy and excitement at the thought of my new life and decided to choose a MY emotion instead of a programmed one.

It led me to an interesting thought, “What percentage of my thoughts and emotions are based on what I think I’m supposed to be thinking and feeling?” How much of it is actually genuine?

We watched TV shows and movies, see our family members and friends demonstrate exactly how to react in certain situations and we seek to emulate that. Why? Why must we react in the same way? When Anthony proposed to me just a few weeks ago, my initial reaction was complete shock. There was no romantic song playing in the back, we did not make out, he didn’t spin me around and dip me afterward. We cried, we laughed, we hugged and we drank a camomile tea afterward. 

That reaction was not what I would have anticipated based on the stories I had heard or the movies I watched. That reaction was based on me, on us and I wouldn’t change a thing. It was more beautiful than I could have imagined it to be. It was REAL.

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Having No Expectations: The Secret to Freedom and Happiness

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It is a most liberating experience when you are able to live life with an attitude of no expectations. When you have expectations, you have preconceived ideas of how things should be that you are attached to. Expectation creates fear because you think what you desire may or may not happen. Free of expectations, you can just go with the flow of the universe and not be affected by the outcomes that you encounter. Every outcome can serve to move you towards greater realization of your desires.

When you are attached to an outcome, you expect things to happen at a certain time in a certain way. But when it does not happen at the expected time or in the expected manner, then what results is a feeling of fear. Having expectations about how your desires should manifest will produce negative feelings when your expectations are not met. That is why it is better to act on your intention without expectations about the when and how it manifests.

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What are you hiding? - Knowing Whispers

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Look to our inner conflict as the single most important revelation as to why we are unaware.
The mind uses emotions to cloud the truth from our consciousness.
We hurt and we want to blame other people or circumstances on the pain, but it is coming from inside us and not from them. They are the mirrors which reflect what is hidden inside us. They are secretly encouraging us to deal with us.
Fear, anger, depression, frustration and guilt all stand in the way of our clarity of beingness. They wrestle with the insecurity of the mind and ego and hold us prisoner to the circle of self-doubt that accompanies them.

Look no further than what hides behind your pain. It may be hidden in your unconscious, but it is crying out in pain to be discovered and dealt with.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday April 6, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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If you understood that your world is a reflection of what is going on within you, you would begin to understand the importance of being unconditionally loving to yourself. And as you started to give yourself that unconditional love, you would shift, and as you shifted, everything around you would shift, as well, to reflect those changes. And from there, you would finally understand the power of the one, and you would begin in earnest to create the world of your dreams. It all begins within you, Dear Ones. You are that incredibly powerful, and each one of you who is waking up to that truth is driving the grand shift of enlightenment on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel

Square Peg - The Creator Writings

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There may be moments, my love, where you feel awkward and completely out of sync with the world around you.  You may feel like the epitome of a square peg in a round hole.  Take heart and know that these are passing moments, a pause in your growth.  Breathe through this resting phase and embrace the lessons that the experience is showing you.  Soon enough, you will be on the upward path again and enjoying the view from your new vantage point. ~ Creator

How to Live Your Passion and Start Doing What You Love - The Healer's Journal

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HJ: A life lived without passion is hardly a life at all and yet so many people get trapped in this kind of existence, almost always out of fear… fear of going for it and living their passion, fear of what other people might think, fear of failure, fear of the lack of security…  But the truth is that not doing what you love is no safer or more secure than going for it.  Security is an illusion… your fears are an illusion…

You are totally capable of living and achieving your dreams as soon as you start believing in yourself.  That’s it!  Then it’s about going for it strategically and letting a healthy dose of intuition guide you towards your highest fulfillment.

But where to start?  Well, the article below by Craig Nathanson is a good place to begin.  In fact, for many of you, this piece of wisdom is all you need to get started on the path to your highest fulfillment.  So without further ado, have a read and get motivated to start doing what you love…

- Truth

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Wholeness - The Creator Writings

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Too often, you will look to another to fill in the gaps within yourself as a means of feeling whole.  The expectation that another has this power can be all-consuming and, when it does not happen, very disappointing.  Remember, only you can give yourself the wholeness you seek.  Allow The Universe to assist in finding and filling the gaps.  This very simple act of self-love opens you up and allows The Universe to send people to you that are, in and of themselves, whole. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday April 5, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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Dear Ones, your ego self, the part of you that wishes to keep you small and has no interest whatsoever in your enlightenment process, resists growth and change. It works with the energy of contraction. Your higher self, the part of you that wishes to grow and expand, embraces growth and creation. This explains why you cannot create the life you wish to lead from the energies of doubt or fear – they are simply not creation energies.

In order to create the empowered change you seek, you must shift yourself into the energies that support the action. It is much like sitting in your car. You simply cannot get where you wish to go until you put your vehicle in drive. So if you wish to experience empowered change, you must put yourself into the energies that support your desired creation. Meditation, prayer, art, music, dance, writing, doing things that make you feel joyful and supported (basically anything that gets you into a good feeling flow of energy), are all wonderful ways to shift yourself into the energies that allow you to start creating in earnest.

You will save yourself a lot of frustration and angst, if you learn how to shift into that empowered space before you attempt to create the life you wish to experience. There are no special skills required, Dear Ones, because those energies have been available to you all along. It is simply up to you to choose them. ~Archangel Gabriel

Experience Truth - Knowing Whispers

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The Mind Distorts Truth Through the Imagination.

The mind conjures up images and ideas about what others say is truth. Direct experience is not a function of the mind, because the mind is only an outside observer. Neither mind nor ego can exist without the other.

Awareness is feeling our own truth and it is our link with existence. It is experiencing the knower in consciousness and the revelation of our inner core, which is life. 

The greater our awareness, the greater our becoming and the clearer is our knowing. It is all within us, but it cannot be imagined by using the mind – it must be known within our consciousness through our awareness.

Our inner experience of knowing is as personal and individual as we all are.

CJ and Robert

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April Energy Forecast - Emmanuel Dagher

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Universal Purification 

April 2014

Hi My Friend,

I am so grateful to share in this way with you today.

A brief point of global stillness occurred in the days that followed the March 20 equinox, which gave us the opportunity to breathe and recharge, in preparation for the hyper-energetic activity the month of April is bringing our way.

The exciting celestial developments during the month of April will create a perfect environment for quantum spiritual expansion to manifest —in our individual lives, and in the collective consciousness.


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