
Fear is a Cage - Not Just A Blonde

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Many of us are trapped in cages created by our fears. We fear many things including: death, other people, the future, even ourselves!

Fear is a liar and a thief! It tells us we will be hurt! It steals our time and our peace-of-mind! Fear’s purpose is distraction and destruction. Fear distracts us from our true inheritance and destroys our peace. We can set ourselves free by realizing fear is not real.

Fear cannot hurt us. We are safe in the arms of a loving God. By appearing like a friend we mistakenly listen yet fear keeps us in the darkness of anxiety, worry, stress under the guise of protecting us! Fear is an illusion that keeps us from fully experiencing God’s presence in every facet of our lives.

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Who are you? pt.1 - Cosmicmessages

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So I was thinking the other day, what is it that I really stand for? What do I truly believe? There are so many healers, teachers, priests, leaders (political, social, economical, religious) all with their own views. Always encouraging others to follow their path. Why not allow others to find their own? This isn’t to put down any of them, but I don’t believe that it’s really that important anyone else belives what you have to say. I think it’s important that YOU truly believe what you have to say.
Do you truly believe your views on God, politics, money, life, even about yourself? If you do, beautiful. If not, maybe it’s time to sit and ask yourself some important questions: Who is God? Is there A God? Is he male? Is she female? Are there multiple Gods? Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing here? How am I choosing to live my life on a daily basis? Am I happy?

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Daily Message ~ Thursday April 10, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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Have you ever purposely sent love to yourself? We highly recommend it. Send love to yourself, exactly as you are, and celebrate your unique perfection. Send love to yourself for any event you can remember when you felt you weren’t given the love you needed, perhaps as a child, or during another difficult time in your life. Send love to your past selves, and also to your future selves. See yourself as the divine, beautiful and essential part of the whole that you are, and celebrate that while you are at it. Love yourself until you feel yourself filling up and overflowing with it. From that place, you can only have more love to share with the world, and will draw even more in return, because you will be gloriously saturated in the energy of love. The energy of love is the energy of Source, so you will be aligned, and empowered, and shimmering with your own divinity if you start to embrace the energy of love for yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel

I Wish All Schools Taught These 5 Lessons

Isis Ra's picture

1) Meditation

”If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” ~ Dalai Lama

This seems like a no brainer. Meditation is scientifically proven to not only strengthen the brain, but this simple act also helps with anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, anger, being more compassionate, being more conscious and so much more. The CDC reports as of 2011 6.4 MILLION (11%) kids have been ‘diagnosed’ with ADHD, and roughly 6% of the child population is taking ADHD medicine. Children given medicine for ADHD in 2011, compared to 2003, increased over 1 Million.

“But how do you get a child to sit still and meditate?”

Loved and Loving - Dorothy Maclean

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Dear Reader,
Please give yourselves permission to imbibe and accept the following in joy, love, peace and harmony. Thanks, Dorothy.

In my life, I have learned many lessons and would like to address one in particular. I believe that if you can accept this lesson, too, as I did, you will find a source of help within yourself that will enable you to feel at home in this world.

I was born in Canada in 1920 of extremely loving parents, yet as a young child I felt lost and alone. I had negative attitudes about myself which grew very strong as the years went by, though I shared them with no one. These attitudes no doubt affected my ability to live a happy and productive life in the world.

Yet, in spite of this inner turmoil and negativity, I was able to establish an inner relationship with God, for this relationship is the birthright of all of us. Through that relationship I discovered in a very deep way that I was truly and unconditionally loved, and that being loved by the Divine, I could discover how to give love back to my world.

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Inject Happiness Through Creativity - Aligned Holistics

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What makes people happy?

Lots of people. Lots of answers. But there’s a common thread that’s rarely discussed: Creativity.

In a study of college students, “people who reported feeling happy and active were more likely to be doing something creative at the time,” state researchers at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro.

The good news is that whether you’re a late-night crafter or professional musician, the end-result was irrelevant. Creative people aren’t happier because they are producing something they get credit for. It’s the creative process that impacts overall happiness.

As the study states, “Engaging in creative pursuits allows people to explore their identities, form new relationships, cultivate competence, and reflect critically on the world. In turn, the new knowledge, self-insight, and relationships serve as sources of strength and resilience.”

So how do you use this to your advantage?

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Feeling Overwhelmed? - Ascending Health

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Alright.  It’s time for me to start talking about what we are all experiencing, because I know I am not the only one feeling this way…

I am completely OVERWHELMED at the moment.  Most of the time, I feel like running away.  For some reason, that seems easier than dredging through the density so many of us are having difficulty releasing right now.

I feel like I have been struggling for so long.  I am tired…

Taking responsibility for yourself is exhausting… and, wading through lifetimes of fears, judgements and belief systems is not exactly my idea of a good time.

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The Coat - Knowing Whispers

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The true self sits behind the fear of the mind and ego. It waits to be discovered within.
The true self is our identity born in the innocence of truth and wisdom. We do not create it, because we are it in essence, and filled with natural good, wisdom and the loving embrace of eternity as a guide.
When we don the coat of this body in this human experience, we have to look away for a time and become something else.  This freedom costs us dearly and we lose our way.  Many, many times we will stumble and fall. Some will die, fallen in consciousness -- but not in awareness.
A coat is not worn all day, or forever.  We take it off to sleep and to bathe. We are not the coat, but what is under the coat.
It is within our naked innocence that we remember and become that which we always were in truth and existence. Time and space cannot erase the good and innocence we carry within us.

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I Do - The Creator Writings

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There may be days where you feel invisible….I see you.
There may be times where it feels that the good deeds you are participating in go unnoticed……I see them.
There may be times where you feel completely and utterly alone…..I am there.
There may be times where you feel that no one understand you……I do.
There may be times where it feels that no one hears you…..I am listening.

During your most challenging moments know that they will pass and that I am always there supporting, loving, caring for and cheering for you. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 9, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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We would like to invite you to participate in an experiment. Think of one area of your life that you would like to change. It can be your finances, your health, your love life, your relationships, your monetary abundance. Choose the aspect that you feel you are blocked with, or would like to feel energetic movement or improvement with. Then, every morning, for the next 40 days, when you wake up we encourage you to begin your day with gratitude for your blessings and then surrender that aspect to Source and your highest good. So for example, you may surrender your day to your highest good and your ultimate abundance. Or, you could surrender to your highest good and most vibrant health. Simply surrender with the intention of finally moving beyond whatever it is you feel you need most assistance with.

Then, Dear Ones, get up and begin your day secure in the knowledge that you have just activated the system that will navigate you beyond all blockages and self limiting belief systems. Your job is to stay in the flow, and to follow the path of least resistance. Make sure you are not playing tug of war with the universe. Do not surrender and take it back repeatedly. Surrender, know your highest supports have taken the reins, and stay in that space long enough for change to happen. Live with the complete assurance that every single thing that has unfolded that day has been for your highest good. Then give gratitude at the end of your day, which gives feedback to your team.


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