~ Energy Flucuations today, Staying Centered is key

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, We have huge Energy Flucuations today. Most Likely due to our Sun mixing with The New Earth energies. I Know last night during sleep I dreampt Alot of People trasnforming. How this looks how long it takes we will have to wait and see. We do Need Peace On this Planet and Humanity Awakened! Stay centered. We Love YOU, Love The Earth Allies

New TinyChat Sessions Scheduled - Starting Today!


Hello, LOVE BEings! We have scheduled new
TinyChat Sessions, starting today.


Please see the list below for details. We will fill in any missing details later today and we will also post a Re-Hearter before each session.


Please let us know if you have any questions about the sessions in the comments section below.


heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesday and Thursday -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.


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Golden Treasures...



golden treasures

Matthew 6:19-21 says:

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Rejuvenate


Angel Wisdom Thursday, January 10, 2013


Take a breath


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They’re back: Unexplained ‘booming noises’ reported from South Carolina to California


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/09/13


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Weekly LightBlast ~ Jamye Price ~ Allowing Love to Rule


Weekly Light Blast January 10, 2013


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Active volcanoes in the world: January 2 – January 8, 2013


Source: The Watchers - 1/10/13, By Nix

New unrest has been noticed around 8 volcanoes, ongoing activity was reported for 11 volcanoes. This report covers active volcanoes in the world recorded from January 2 – January 8, 2013 based on Smithsonian/USGS criteria. New activity/unrest: | Alaid, Kuril Islands (Russia) | Colima, México | Copahue, Central Chile-Argentina border | Kizimen, Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) | Pacaya, Guatemala | Seulawah Agam, Sumatra (Indonesia) | Tungurahua, Ecuador | White Island, New Zealand Ongoing activity: | Chirpoi, Kuril Islands (Russia) | Fuego, Guatemala | Karymsky, Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) | Kilauea, Hawaii (USA) | Lokon-Empung, Sulawesi | Paluweh, Lesser Sunda Islands (Indonesia) | Popocatépetl, México | Sakura-jima, Kyushu...

Featured image: carol pattersonCC BY 2.0


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3MIN News January 10, 2013




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Jan 10, 2013


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Potentially hazardous Asteroid Apophis close flyby tonight


The Watchers - 1/10/13, By Chillymanjaro

ESA officials announced that its infrared Herschel Space Observatory has discovered that Apophis is about 325 meters (1,066 feet) wide, nearly 20 percent larger than a previous estimate of 270 m (885 feet). A 2004 study that predicted a 2.7 percent chance of the space rock hitting Earth when it passes within 22,364 miles (36,000 kilometers) of the planet in April 2029, European Space Agency officials said. Later studies proved, however, that the asteroid poses no threat to Earth during that flyby, but astronomers continue to track the object since it will make another pass near Earth in 2036. In 2036 there is a 1 in 250,000 chance it could...

Featured image: An artist’s rendering of the asteroid Apophis (Credit: ESA)


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The effects of solar variability on Earth’s climate


Source: The Watchers - 1/10/13, By Chillymanjaro

A new report issued by the National Research Council (NRC), “The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth’s Climate,” lays out some of the surprisingly complex ways that solar activity can make itself felt on our planet. The luminosity of our own sun varies a 0.1% over the course of the 11-year solar cycle. Even these negligible variations can have a significant effect on terrestrial climate. According to Greg Kopp of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, pointed out that while the variations in luminosity over the 11-year solar cycle amount to only a tenth of a...

A new report issued by the National Research Council (NRC), “The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth’s Climate,” lays out some of the surprisingly complex ways that solar activity can make itself felt on our planet.


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Heart Song for January 10th 2013


The Heart Song for January 10th 2013 is

 "Dancing With Myself" by Bily Idol



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Earthquake swarm rattles seafloor along Carlsberg Ridge


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/09/13

Carlsberg Ridge

January 9, 2013 – INDIAN OCEAN – Because the Carlsberg Ridge is one of the slowest-spreading, and so supposedly less active oceanic ridges, many had thought it unlikely to be the location of a major volcanic eruption.. At ridges such as this, heat is thought to be released more slowly from the underlying magma. However, we may have to rethink that previous assessment. The Carlsberg Ridge region is currently being shaken by a major seismic swarm, which could very well be volcanic in nature. The strongest tremor in the current swarm is a magnitude 5.0. Nature journal said in previous eruption, “A huge plume of hydrothermal chemicals, drifted up to 1.4 kilometers above the vent site and 70 kilometers along the underwater ridge was seen some years ago. It’s by far the biggest vent plume ever seen, and confirms that such plumes form following volcanic eruptions at the sea floor, even at slow-spreading oceanic ridges.” 1



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Heavenletter #4430 - Because of the Illusion of Time


Heaven Letters Published on: January 10, 2013

God said:

Relationships are a bit like Godwriting itself. You never know what I’m going to say, and so you never know until I say it. You never know how a relationship is going to go straight, or swerve, or go back around again. Relationships are always moving. There is no staying still in a relationship. There are surprises ahead, and, sometimes, astonishments. Relationships may bask in the sun for a while, and yet, relationships get up and move along. Relationships are like ships that sail the seas. Relationships are sea-going adventures. They don’t stop at port forever.


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Stop The Press!~ JOIN US LIVE~ Love Meeting! Bound For Glory



JOIN US LIVE In The New Earth Energies! At This Link:



Love The Earth Allies


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Breaking Out Into the New Is Exhausting and Kinda Painful… But SOOOOO Worth It!!


The Shift of Time and Energy! Posted by: Lisa Gawlas | January 9, 2013


The one thing I had never ever anticipated at all was the complete collapse of my own energy field, including a complete loss/change out of my voice.  Holy shit have these last two days (and today as well) been rough inside my blessed body!  All in the name of progress, but I will get back to that in a moment.

There is an aspect from my last sharing that I completely forgot to include, and spirit has been reminding me consistently to get back to what I had forgot to mention, obviously important!

Those tightly wound coiled Light codes.


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Setting the Tone for an Easier Year


Tuesday, 1 January, 2013  (posted 9 January, 2013) 

Welcome to the fresh new start of your soul experience! Would you like this year to be one that feels like you are walking in heaven? You are the one who sets the tone for how you will experience the rest of the year during the first three months. From January to March, watch your actions and choose wisely.

To feel like you are walking in heaven avoid judgment and conflict and forgive. It won’t be easy to do this during this particular three month period because of the energies that are currently working on Earth and in people’s lives. But this is what you have been preparing for and you can do this. We are all being guided to use our spiritual knowledge now. This can be called a testing period to see who really understands and can actually live what they have learned.


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Selacia: 2013 ~ Great Promise for a More Loving Humanity


Tuesday, 8 January, 2013  (posted 9 January, 2013)

It’s a new year with new energies, even if you don’t yet feel them. Chances are, you may even be having moments wondering if anything has changed since last year – so many things in your outer world looking the same. Indeed, though, 2013 does hold a new energy and vast potential for positive movement in your life. 2013 –

Great Promise for a More Loving Humanity

This year holds great promise for a more conscious and loving humanity. This new reality is possible because of a very long cycle of awakening across the planet. You are a vital part of that process. Throughout countless lifetimes, you have been developing qualities such as kindness and patience, waking up to your true potential. In this current lifetime, you have experienced many struggles and opportunities for growth. As you met them with courage, you developed an inner reservoir of strength and determination to complete what you were born to do this life.


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Over 20 years ago in a private channeled session with Lord Maitreya he told me that I am a ‘Divine Love Warrior’ (at this point, many of us are).


Maitreya immediately addressed the issue of my father’s death, of which the ‘channel’ had absolutely no knowledge.  Under very complex circumstances, my biological father had dropped his physical body three months earlier – but – he did not cross over. My father chose to stay at my side, to protect me, for three more months. As my biological parents separated when I was an infant, at the age of 29 it was the most time we’d ever spent together.  What a gift from Spirit – his presence was so tangible. There was no mourning a loss of connection, only a shared mourning over the challenging circumstances which had beset us & impacted our relationship.  However, we both knew he could not stay indefinitely.


Question is, how did the channel ie. Maitreya, know this??  ; )  With great love, Maitreya officiated my father’s Crossing into the Ascended Realms. For Ascend, he did.  Maitreya also spoke to me  of my path, of Drunvalo, of what lay ahead.  Maitreya also requested I return for another session a few days later...







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Loving you more is something that may be impossible. – channeled by Ron Head


Oracles and Healers January 9, 2013 in Ron's Channeled Messages



Our deepest love and appreciation for each and all of those who continue upon their paths is what we desire to begin this message with.  Please be assured that no moment passes in which this is not foremost in our hearts.


The physical changes to your cellular makeup, in response to the continuing barrage of cosmic light, continue at a rapid pace, and the corresponding increase in your personal light is obvious to all those observing your world.  Changes are increasing in your economic systems.  Other changes are increasing, as well.  But because the reports you have available do not come from the five major information conglomerates which spoon feed the world with lies and half-truths it is easy for many to deny all of this.



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Latest Earthquake Activity - January 10, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the quake in Myanmar

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

January 10




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The Morning Blessing 01.10.13


I have a "job" for every Morning Blessings recipient today. I have been told that humanity must learn the discipline of controlling their thoughts and feelings, as well as their focus of attention. This must be done in order for us to transform this sweet Earth and all her Life into the vision of perfection that is being held for us by many, many souls. Developing this skill is a critical factor in our process of Ascension.


When we perpetually turn our attention to the patterns of perfection that we desire to manifest in our lives and world, we magnetize the healing and peace of our Reality. Through this aspect of our own divinity, the Light of God flows into the material world and transforms conflicts and limitations into patterns of perfection, empowering them without limit, thus the appearance of imperfection disappears. And when this done systematically, day after day, we build a positive power within our consciousness that transcends the appearance of negativity or adversity of any kind.



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Blue StarShip/UFO Report, January 10, 2013




Source: UFO Casebook

2012 - Kent, UK - Two 'alien aircraft' sightings in one week in 'UK's UFO hotspot'

They hover in close formation against the backdrop of a cloudy Kent sky. The two mysterious bright lights were photographed on January 6 floating over Chatham.

Less than a week later, four similar lights were seen over Essex, shining brightly against the dawn. The remarkable sightings were made just 30 miles apart in an area now dubbed the country's UFO hotspot.



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Snow Sculpture Says 'I Love You' In American Sign Language (PHOTO)


Huffington Post By Amy Marturana 

Posted: 01/07/2013 5:24 pm EST  |  Updated: 01/08/2013 2:26 pm EST


It's no wonder why kids love snow. Not only will a big storm give them a day off from school, but they can also find hours of entertainment playing in it.


But even adults can appreciate this impressive snow sculpture that Reddit user ChanceyGardener found in their neighbor's front yard.



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Earthquake measuring 6.2 shakes areas of Turkey and Greece


The Washington Post - 1/08/13, AP

ANKARA, Turkey — An earthquake centered beneath the Aegean Sea shook cities and islands in Turkey and Greece on Tuesday, causing panic in some areas but no injuries or damage, officials said.

The Istanbul-based Kandilli Observatory said the quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 6.2, occurred at 4:16 p.m. (1416 GMT) off the coast from Turkey’s northwestern Canakkale province.

To read the rest of this story, visit The Washington Post.


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Judith K. Moore: Balancing the Extreme Electromagnetic Solar Surges and the Magnetism of the World Grid



Emergency call to Ascension Workers to Assist the Arcturians in Channeling the Excess Electromagnetic Energy on Earth, Caused by Intense Solar Activity

tr. Sandra, ed. M.

JKM 1-9-13 Balancing the Extreme Electromagnetic Solar Surges and the Magnetism of the World Grid

(Judith in Chimayo at midnight)

J: I was awakened with extreme velocity, very powerful electromagnetic surges. And as I focus, I see arcs of energy going from our poles and forming like, connecting, rather, if you had the image of an orange, that would describe what I’m speaking of, or a tangerine, because these arcs of energy go out and they’re curving, and then they’re met with arcs from the north and the south pole meet completing the circuit. And there’s a number of them arcing from our electromagnetic polar fields. I get the image of arcs of energy going out to connect to the axis, the solar axis of our solar system, and that there is an enormous download of solar magnetism right now.


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Australian heatwave nears 50C inland as severe fire threat declared


The Guardian - Alison Rourke, 1/10/13

Danger rating is two levels down from 'catastrophic' warning after two days of relative cool, but temperatures rising again

Firefighters douse burning logs near Deans Gap

Firefighters douse burning logs near Deans Gap, in New South Wales. Photograph: Greg Wood/AFP/Getty Images

Australia is bracing for more potentially dangerous fires, with temperatures on Friday predicted to soar close to 50C in the centre of the country and up to 46C in parts of New South Wales.


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1-10-13 Bill Ballard ~ Waking to Strange Feelings in My Field ~ Is Mother Earth


I'm waking to really strange energies this morning in so many different directions. My stomach is queezy, and thoughts are cloudy. The rumblings are being heard from the ground again, and globally. I heard it here in Florida yesterday sounding like a thunderstorm coming from the ground. Earth's magnetic field is very weak as shown on Suspicious Observers today's video. And too, the Schumann Resonate Frequency is still increasing as time seems to be faster and faster. This all leads me back to the theory and prophecy that the Earth will reverse spin soon... Will it happen? I certainly cannot say it will but what I am witnessing suggests that it is. I know that is a big possibility to swallow, but something is happening for sure! ha!


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SOLAR ACTIVITY UPDATE: Big Sunspots/Steady Low level C-Class Flares


Source: YouTube.com.

Published on Jan 10, 2013

EVIL TWINS? A pair of large sunspots has rotated into view over the sun's eastern limb. The two dark cores, collectively known as AR1654, are each big enough to swallow Earth four times over. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture of the twins during the early hours of Jan. 10th: The two sunspots are connected by a canopy of strong magnetic fields, which are presently crackling with low-level C-flares. Much stronger eruptions are possible. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class flares and a 5% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. http://www.spaceweather.com/



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Valerie Donner: Sanat Kumara Transcription


Playing in the New World - Anna Lena Cilmi -

On 12/21/12 I awakened feeling strong energies in my heart chakra. I heard the words “Lay down your guns.” In a gathering of 12 people I had on 12/21/12 we were blessed to be in the presence of the Master Sanat Kumara. The message he gave us is for you too. This is what he said:

Sanat Kumara Transcription – 12/21/2012

Note: Sanat Kumara is the planetary logos for the Earth and is its primary overseer. He is responsible for the ascension of the Earth and Venus. He is also known as “The Ancient of Days” and “youth of endless summers.” He is from Venus and has assisted humanity from the Light Realms perhaps longer than any other master.

Greetings. I am Sanat Kumara. I greet you from all of the Masters who have walked the Earth before.

Congratulations to all you for your diligence, hard work, and determination, to reach this point of Light on 12- 21- 12, a pivotal point.


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Cold in China kills about 180,000 cattle, threatens power


USA Today - 1/10/13, Calum MacLeod


Fishermen try to dig out a fishing boat trapped in ice in the Jiaozhou harbor in Qingdao, in east China's Shandong province, on Jan. 5. (Photo: AP)

BEIJING — The coldest winter in decades is causing blizzards in northern China and threatens electric power supplies in the south where the government is not used to dealing with such freezing temperatures, China media said Wednesday.

About 180,000 cattle have died in the north while hundreds of emergency shelters have opened in southern China to help people who do not have adequate housing or heat to survive the below-average cold.

To read the rest of this story, visit USA Today.


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Tennessee Beach Arch In Marin Crashes To The Ground (PHOTOS)


Huff Post - 1/08/13
The Marin Independent Journal, Novato, Calif.  |  By Mark Prado

Tennessee Beach Arch

A fascinating geological feature that graced a Marin County beach for decades crashed to the ground in mere seconds over the holidays.

The arch at Tennessee Beach at Tennessee Cove was the subject of hundreds of photos over the years, often when the sun would shine though the hole beneath, creating a beam of light that landed on the beach.

To read the rest of this story, visit Huff Post.

Video: Watch: Arch Crumbles Into Sea


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Heavy Snowfall Slams Middle East, 8 Dead


Weather.com - 1/09/13, Jamal Halaby/AP

A man walks on snow-covered streets in the mountain town of Bhamdoun, east of Beirut, Lebanon, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013. (Associated Press)

AMMAN, Jordan -- The fiercest winter storm to hit the Mideast in years brought a rare foot of snow to Jordan on Wednesday, caused fatal accidents in Lebanon and the West Bank, and disrupted traffic on the Suez Canal in Egypt. At least eight people died across the region.

In Lebanon, the Red Cross said storm-related accidents killed six people over the past two days. Several drowned after slipping into rivers from flooded roads, one person froze to death and another died after his car went off a slippery road, according to George Kettaneh, Operations Director for the Lebanese Red Cross.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Snow: No One In UK Safe As Big Chill Sets In


Sky.com - 1/10/13

Forecasters predict up to two weeks of wintry weather, with plummeting temperatures and snowfall possible in many areas.

Snow covers a house in Dulverton as a cold snap grips the UK, January 30, 2012

Forecasters say it is difficult to predict how much snow will fall

Icy winds from Russia are set to whip up a fortnight of wintry weather across the UK, with forecasters warning of snow in most parts of the country.

The unseasonably mild start to the year is expected to give way to temperatures as low as minus 5C, caused by an area of high pressure developing over Scandinavia.
To read the rest of this story, visit Sky.com.


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Published on Jan 10, 2013

Even with all the problems we still see in our world, even with the challenges we still face, one thing is certain: We are closer now than we've ever been before to realizing the world we have longed for in the deepest part of our being. Ours souls have been restless as we have faced lifetime after lifetime reincarnating on a planet where everything seems backwards, where nothing is really as it appears to be. It's a world where the illusion of separation seems to dominate, where almost everything is fear driven. One thing is different though: many of us are recognizing where we are for the first time while living in the 3D world. We are no longer unconscious. That bodes very well for all of us. We can see the light at the end of the long tunnel. Hang on! We're almost home. The new earth is here now, and we are closer than ever before to attaining peace and justice for all.


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Mark Kimmel ~ Athabantian: Whole New Ballgame


Morphing Ship - will - site

Good Morning, Mark, this is Bren-Ton, speaking on behalf of all aboard Athabantian.

Good Morning, Bren-Ton, my very best to everyone.

What now follows on these pages of your web site, Mark, is a series of conversations between those of us stationed aboard Athabantian and you. No more will we supply information and insights from a seemingly higher perspective. From now on we will be conversing with one who opened the door to the higher dimensions for all to enter. On behalf of all in physical form, we salute all Earth humans of light who stepped forward to undertake this courageous, beautiful act on December 21, 2012.

We are totally in awe of the extraordinary changes that have occurred. I am almost at a loss for words to communicate with you. You and other planetary lightworkers have created a miracle. We congratulate you all.


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Inaugural New Moon: January 11, 2013


Source: Exopermaculture - 1/10/13, by Ann Kreilkamp


The title for this post comes from a short note my dear old friend and fellow astrologer, Lyn Dalebout, put up on her website. I find her website so beautiful that I think you should go there to get the message.



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An Extraordinarily Important Woman


Once you begin to awaken and realize that there is so much work to be done and someone HAS to do it; you tap into your Higher Self thru your Heart and thru the Spirit, certain information that is encoded into your dna will jump right out of certain literature and ask that you free it. Thats my truth, and I pray that you find your own.


Mary Magdalene


There are texts from early Christianity, which we will discuss further on, that claim that Mary Magdalene was "the woman who knew Everything," as well as the person who Jesus "loved more than his disciples,":  Can we believe these assertions?  If they are true, why did the Church launch a campaign to slander this woman?  Was she a sinner?  Or a prostitute?  OR WAS SHE JUST AN EXTRAORDINARILY  IMPORTANT WOMAN AND THEREFORE AN INCONVENIENCE FOR THE MALE LEADERSHIP OF THE NEW CHURCH?


The ecclesiastical leadership decided that women could not be disrespectful towards them, which meant they would have no say in the new religion.  They only attributed some inportance to Mary, Jesus' mother, BUT THEY PUT HER ON SUCH A HIGH PEDESTAL THAT OTHER WOMEN COULD NOT REACH HER.  For instance, we are told that she was impregnated by the Holy Spirit when everyone knows that it is impossible for a virgin to give birth (Nageeta; as stated by MotherGod AmonRa in a post, "the virgin status is of the Heart and not the flesh."  Those are not her exact words, but, that is the interpetation that I recieved from the information. Geeta).  AND SO WOMEN, AS WAS TRUE SINCE EVE WALKED AROUND UNCLOTHED IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, WERE DEEMED INPURE.  MEN, OF COURSE, WERE NOT.  THEREFORE, THE MALE HEADS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH GUARANTEED THEMSELVES A PERMANENT MONOPOLY ON THE LEADERSHIP.



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Nancy B. Detweiler

 Because I will be 75 this month and most of you are younger, permit me to “be a Mom” for a moment and share from my experiences regarding lack of finances.


Let me quote the words of Jesus:  “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not of more value than they?  And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?  And why do you worry about clothing?  Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.  But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?  Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’  ….  Indeed your heavenly Father knows you need all these things.  But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness [i.e. follow His Universal Laws], and all these things will be given to you as well.”  Matthew 6:25-33


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Kiko Okada: Musings of a Lightworker Soul Sister: My Experiences of Ascension


Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia. 

KikoPhoto: Kiko Okada


Nancy B. Detweiler. Jan. 9, 2012, The Way of Love Blog

Kiko and I grew up metaphysically within the same Winston-Salem, North Carolina community.  We also worked together as Rehabilitation Counselors for several years.  After I moved to Virginia, Kiko bought land in the foothills along the border of North Carolina and Virginia.  She lived in a trailer with no running water or electricity while she, herself, built her home from a kit, paying for the supplies in cash.  Kiko continued to work while building her home on the weekends.

Around this same time span, Kiko’s 22-year-old beloved son drowned when a dam was opened without prior warning.  Years later, Kiko returned to her native home in Hawaii to care for her elderly mother, who has since returned to spirit.


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Hannah Beaconsfield: Yes, Virginia, There was a Consciousness Shift


Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Hannah Beaconsfield (no photo of Heather Crane available)Steve Beckow: Hannah channels the Pleiadian Light. Her account arrived today, but dates to Jan. 1.



Hannah Beaconsfield, by email, Jan. 1, 2013

Many people in the metaphysical/spiritual/New Age clans are reporting their experiences during the recent 12/21/12 date of predicted ascension. The reality perceptions of the mass consciousness have cast this prediction in dark colors, charged with fear and doom. However, most who were aware that a change did occur experienced subtle, inner alterations, each in their own way. And these alterations were as dramatic as any doomsday prophesies.

While I was going through this shift, a phrase entered my mind describing the situation: “…very gently, Earth shattering.” My experience was of feeling a particular surge of energy beginning weeks before the predicted date and, I expect, it will continue for some time into the new year.


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Cold wave claims 23 more lives in north India


The Times of India - 1/10/13, PTI

NEW DELHI: At least 23 people lost their lives due to cold wave in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand even as temperature in parts of north India soared, a trend that weatherman said will persist.

People in the national capital today woke up to a pleasant morning as the minimum temperature rose more than a degree from yesterday to settle at 5.8 degrees Celsius.

To read the rest of this story, visit The Times of India.


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Creating in Distorted Realms, the Beginning of your Experience and the Components of Source


The Hathors of Earth's Solar Astral Planes: Creating in Distorted Realms, the Beginning of your Experience and the Components of Source

Note: This message is quite long, and I debated breaking it up into two segments because of its length. You are advised to absorb it in as many reading sessions as you need, to properly integrate the information. (End note)

Humanity as a collective is and will be beginning to reflect the energetic strides being made at present. There is so much going on beyond the realms of your current perception and with each effort to attune to the realms beyond the perspective of the third dimension, we know you dear souls will feel at the very least, the beginning of all that is transpiring.


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Drought grips northeastern Brazil


Aljazeera - Everton Fox, 1/10/13

While SE Brazil struggles with floods and the threat of landslides, the NE is tackling extreme drought conditions

One of the worst droughts in Brazil's history is depriving many dams of the water they need to generate electricity [Reuters]

A state of emergency has been declared across parts of northeastern Brazil where residents are struggling to cope with one of the worst droughts to ever hit the region. This is one of the country’s poorest parts, mainly comprised of farming communities and three years of drought have had a devastating effect on the area.

Brazil has one of the largest water reserves in the world, but in this part of the country, water is a precious and rare commodity. The people of Sao do Egito, Pernambuco have been particularly badly hit and the town’s reservoir has now run dry.

To read the rest of this story, visit Aljazeera.com.


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Archangel Michael via Carolyn Ann O’Riley: First Thing’s First


Tuesday, 1 January, 2013  (posted 10 January, 2013)

Welcome! and Greetings! My Beautiful Beings of Light.

It is a new moment, it is a new time, it is a new place…..start here.

Why carry your baggage with you another second, release it My Beloveds, make way for the new.

It is the moment to saturate yourself and all of your energy fields with the Divine New Wave of Grace and Love that is flooding into the Earth Plane. Close your eyes and breathe in deeply. See this Divine New Wave of Grace and Love Energy wrapping around your shoulders like a comfortable warm shawl. Feel the light energy colors of brilliant opalescent white, fluid gold, pearlescent rose with threads of iridescent purple. Perhaps you might smell the faint scent of lilacs or feel a warming sensation when you greet this new energy.

This is your new beginnings, this is your new dawn. You have waited for eons for this to occur and now here it is.


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