~ Upgrades, Transformations, and Changes are Underway~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, WOOHOO, Intensity From our Last Event Continues and will Continue Intensely for the Next 48 Hours as We head for the 11~11 Gateway! Upgrades, Transformations, and Changes are Underway! We Know Those who are reading this are experiencing this Intensity. Join us Today Live Beginning at 10:30am Pacific as We Discuss All of this Energy and Our Intense November At this Link:    http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Its A New Month! Is The Galactic Free Press Assisting you In Love, Truth and Joy? Thank You for Making a Monthly Donation[ Love Share] In Honor to this Very Divine Mission! Full Planetary Awakening Here We Come!

Total For November 127.77$ Total Goal 3000$

Thank You for Sharing if You Can, You can Share Here http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/donate

Quoted from Kara Schallock".....However the energy of this deep, powerful eclipse gateway works in your life, know that it can be an intense catalyst for deep change. Pay attention to your energy as it ebbs and flows. Honor your energy instead of pushing against it. In this way, you maintain your Balance and then anything out of balance will surely get your attention. Remember, life doesn’t happen to you; it reflects your inner state of consciousness. Life will definitely show you what needs to be let go of and what needs to shift....Know that the effects of this eclipse last for a while and is further amplified by the 11-11 Gateway coming in about nine days. Expect a major leap in Awareness between now and then. It may feel as if your eyes have a layer of fog removed, so that you see things you hadn’t before…a beautiful gift indeed. It is much better to flow with the energy, rather than fighting it, so get out your surfboard."

Table of Contents

Whats Really Going On, On Planet Earth=Heart? Intense Energies


Join Us Live Beginning at 10:30am Pacific All Are Welcome to Join in this Discussion or just come and listen! The More The Merrier!! See You there at This Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


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Important Message from The Earth Allies~ Let Your Light Shine, Its TIME




“The Original Light, and The First Thought is Love ”


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Henry Seltzer ~ An Extremely Powerful New Moon


Astrograph  November 2 2013


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Hello Beautiful,READY FOR A RE-SET? Meredith Murphy




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A New Portal of Light ~ Lord Adama Discourses



Greetings! It is I Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.  Thank you so much for being here with us this evening.


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~ Karen Doonan ~ TRUTH and the new human reality


For many of you the last 3 linear days or even longer may have been a time when you felt at a loss of who you were and what was happening. The 3d overlay in place being the full moon and solar eclipse.  The influx of the higher dimensional energies will have seen many of you release lifetimes of pain and trauma and this may have been in various ways, from the very physical being sick to the emotional response of tears/ anger. No matter how you chose at a human conscious waking mind level to let go the letting go may have been intense. The reason for this release is to help you move fully into the new higher dimensional timeline of TRUTH. Unlike the timelines in which you have lived for aeons the NEW EARTH timeline is ONE timeline that exists in multiple dimensions.


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Eyes on the Sky: Nov 4 thru Nov 10: Comet ISON


EyesontheSky.org - 11/4/13

Published on Nov 3, 2013


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South Taurid meteors fly in dark skies in early November


EarthSky.org - 11/4/13

South Taurid meteors fly in dark skies in early November. Read more

Feature chart above: If you trace the South Taurid meteors backward, they all appear to radiate from the constellation Taurus the Bull. But you don’t have to identify Taurus to watch the South Taurid shower.


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November 3, 2013 UFO In Western Sky - Best Video To Date!

Video Link



Tonight, I captured the best video yet of this western sky UFO and prove without a shadow of doubt that this is not Venus, Antares, Arcturus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn or Mercury.

November 3, 2013 UFO In Western Sky - Best Video To Date!The UFO once again was multi-colored and changed size often.  Ironically, it would grow larger when I asked it to.  The video was taken from the beach on Siesta Key in Sarasota, Florida from 7:40 to about 8:40PM, EST on November 3rd, 2013.


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Stanton Friedman on Astronomers and UFOs

Video Link



Published on Oct 13, 2013 by Rutkowski Family





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Incredible Healing: Woman Uses Marijuana to Overcome Lyme Disease


marijuana green leaf 263x164 Incredible Healing: Woman Uses Marijuana to Overcome Lyme DiseaseWhat do you do when you’re sick and everything you’ve been told about proper treatment was wrong? What would you do if, in the interest of feeling “okay”, you let your doctor pump you full of medications, all for naught? Like most people who have been through fruitless medical treatments, Lyme disease sufferer Shelley M. White, got fed up and started researching for herself.


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Snowden says calls for reform prove intel leaks were justified


Fugitive former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden's new refugee documents granted by Russia is seen during a news conference in Moscow August 1, 2013. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov(Reuters) - Fugitive U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden said calls for more oversight of government intelligence agencies showed he was justified in revealing the methods and targets of the U.S. secret service.Snowden's leaks about the National Security Agency (NSA), from its alleged mass scanning of emails to the tapping of world leaders' phones, have infuriated U.S.


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Heavenletter #4728 ~ Ode to Life


By: Heavenletters.org, 11/04/2013

God said:


Language can be straight on, and it can be as elusive as life itself.



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The Oracle Report for Monday, November 4, 2013


By: Oraclereport.com, 11/04/2013

New Moon Phase: begin, emerge, intend


Moon: Scorpio


Ruling Mahavidya: Kamala



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Dallas author investigates connection between JFK assassination and UFOs



Dallas News - Christopher Wynn, 10/30/13


Dallas author Nick Redfern


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Mysterious light seen in Bakersfield sky for two nights

Video Link



Published on Oct 30, 2013 by ParadigmNews



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~ Veronica Keen ~ Montague Keen: The veil is being lifted from all that had been hidden from you. 4 November



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The end of the New World Order


TheGuardian - by Seumas Mine - 4 November 2013


Culture shock ... the collapse of Lehman Brothers ushered in the deepest economic crisis since the 1930s. Photograph: Linda Nylind for the Guardian


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Group Adopts Highway In Order To Protest NSA

Video Link



'It makes you paranoid': US protesters turn against $1.5bn mega spy complex

Published on Nov 2, 2013 by RT


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5MIN News November 4, 2013: ISON, Weather, Spaceweather

Video Link


Published on Nov 4, 2013


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The Bank Guarantee That Bankrupted Ireland



The Web of Debt Blog - 11/02/13, Ellen Brown





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Does Democracy Still Work in America?

Video Link



Published on Sep 8, 2013 by The Young Turks




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The Revolution of the Mind is Underway



AlterNet - 11/02/13, Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers




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Anonymous ~ The Million Mask March ~ November 5th (Updated)



Million Mask March World Event

All who claim anyone is in charge of Million Mask March knows little of Anonymous.
There is no official site, and nobody is in charge: it’s a movement, not an organization.



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More NSA Leakers Followed Snowden’s Footsteps, Whistleblower Lawyer Says



ABC News - 10/31/13, Brian Ross and Rhonda Schwartz





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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Passion


Sunday, November 3, 2013  Angel Wisdom

What do you desire? 
Take this opportunity to look deep within your heart and ask yourself if you are truly following the path of your heart or have squelched this passion in order to make those around you happy? It is time to focus on your intentions and desires. Make some optimistic long-term plans and goals for yourself that are based entirely on your passions. This is what you came here to accomplish and it is time to follow the path that leads you to those dreams. 


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Inspiration for the Day from Shanta Gabriel - November 3, 2013



Creative Solutions

I know that the Angel of Creative Solutions is here to provide higher awareness so I can realize that there is always a solution for every situation causing me concern in my life and in the world. Thank you, and it is so.



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The Creator Writings - Ego, Ego



The Creator Writings



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Don’t fight – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn November 03, 2013





(Translated from original language german


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Group Physical Avatar Report, 11.3.13


 Hello friends. This information is particularly useful to empaths, the highly sensitive and those who identify as light workers of all kinds.
NOTE: The Physical Avatar is a spiritual aspect of a human being that exists outside of space and that monitors and regulates the health of the physical and emotional bodies. The Group Avatar serves as similar purpose in the collective.


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Final Blessing from Keuka… Crystals from the Sky…



 2013/11/03  Kauilapele's Blog

I took my final walk here at Keuka Lake this morning. It was quite cold. Maybe it was 30 F. A beautiful clear day, crisp and nippy.

As I reached about 1/4 mile down the road, I saw a few flakes of snow!! What a treat!


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MONTAGUE KEEN ~This is your opportunity to free mankind



Montague Keen 

“This is your opportunity to free mankind and your planet and this is why you are on Earth at this time.”


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We Are Among Us~Poetry written and read by Dwaine Hartman

Video Link



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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ St. Germain ~ 3 November 2013



St Germain,


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Pam Younghans ~ NorthPoint Astrology Journal ~ Week Of 4 November 2013



Highlighted Aspects this Week

TUE: Venus enters Capricorn; WED: Saturn conjunct Sun, Jupiter stations retrograde 9:03pm PST; THU: Neptune sextile Venus; FRI: Venus sextile Mercury; SAT: Saturn sextile Mars; SUN: Mercury stations direct 1:11pm PST


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Solar Eclipse November 3, 2013 By Kara Schallock


Since the Lunar Eclipse of a few weeks ago, we have been balancing our Divine Male and Female within. We’ve been stepping more into our Power and with the Solar Eclipse tomorrow (November 3), we should have anchored this more into ourselves. It hasn’t been an easy passage and personally, I have had very disrupted sleep and daily headaches. Last night was the first time I slept through the night and woke with no headache! I know many of you have been experiencing the same, along with some big challenges especially in relationships, which fits perfectly with this balancing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine. We can no longer be in the New and have relationships be of the old.


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Visionkeeper ~ Embrace Your Today’s ~ 3 November 2013



death-grave-graveyard-text-tombstone-wish-you-were-here-Favim.com-84729(Picture by http://www.favim.com)

Music to read by below:


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New 19-year cycle beginning? (Scorpio solar eclipse, Uranus-Pluto square, blood moon tetrad, 12/16/13)


are we at the end & beginning of a new 19-year cycle?

the eclipse early this morning hearkens back to the powerful scorpio solar eclipse of nov. 3, 1994. the changes in world events and technological advancement of the past 19 years may be wrapping up & advancing a stage. do you remember what was going on for you in 1994? does this resonate?

both eclipses and the hebrew calendar and other ancient calendars follow this 19-year lunar cycle: [link to en.wikipedia.org]

note: others have suggested that this 19-year cycle begins or ends at other various points, such as 1990-2009, etc.


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Earthquake Report for 11/03/2013




44 earthquakes



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Scorpio Solar Eclipse and New Moon:


Sunday, November 3rd's Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio at 12 degrees has so much energetic intensity associated with it that we must be careful about where we wield our swords, how we direct our emotional energy, and how responsible we are being to our human Selves and our Higher Selves at this time.


Your Higher Self wants you to grow beyond anything you've experienced before, and in order for that to happen, you have to leave some stuff behind. You can't carry everything – and do you really want to? - so what are you choosing to let go because you feel it has already served its purpose?



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5 Reasons to Volunteer by The Alternative Daily


volunteerWhatever reason you choose, volunteering is truly an exercise in compassion, and can bring boundless positivity into the lives of the people helped by your chosen organization, as well as to you. You may even see improvements in your mental and physical health.



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Sarah Varcas ~ Fully Alive! : Uranus/Pluto Square




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Eclipse Celebration and Discussion Today ~ Noon Pacific, 3 pm Eastern



Eclipse Celebration and Discussion

~ Special Chat Session Today~

ALL are welcome ~ Join us!


Solar eclipse


Join us here: tinychat.com/galacticpress



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The Dawn of Self-Empowerment by Owen K Waters


November 3, 2013
In recent decades, the consciousness of humankind has progressed rapidly. Indeed, today, we are in the throes of the greatest transformation in the history of humankind, a shift to a New Reality of heart-centered consciousness. We stand at the gateway of an unprecedented turning point in human consciousness, a social and spiritual transformation called The Shift.


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During this time of gathering unity, please see the film, A Separation


Exopermaculture Posted on


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Hilarion ~November 3~10, 2013 The crumbling ashes of the old



Beloved Ones,


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