Hello Everyone,
Last night I had something very strange happen to me, and I wanted to share it to see if anyone else has ever had anything like this. Upon "waking up" I got on my computer and wrote the following.
"1:08 am December 5, 2012
I was sleeping on my back, which is highly unusual for me. I was dreaming, and in my dream I was in a dream within a dream. The actual “dream” my mom was in the shower and I had left the front door open, but not in this house. I closed it, but I had a feeling someone was in the house. I locked the door and then I unlocked it so that I could run out of the house if I needed to. I was scared, but I was fully aware.
Just then I woke up from this dream to see a figure of a woman standing at the end of my bed. I couldn't make anything out other than she was a female which I suppose I just sensed. As soon as I saw her I fell backwards onto my bed. My heart was pounding and I could not move or open my eyes. I almost felt as if I was trying to leave my body and go with her, but I couldn’t. She startled me, but did not scare me. I laid there motionless I even tried to scream, but it wasn’t out of fear, it was just trying to test my limits. My mouth opened, but nothing came out.
Just then I felt some sort of energy enter my body, but not in a scary way (not demonic or anything, I don't allow that in my life), in just an entering sort of way.
Then I “woke up.” I looked at the end of my bed and nothing was there. My heart wasn’t pounding at all and I thought. “I’m sorry if I seemed scared, but you startled me. Just know I wasn’t scared.”