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From Chamuel

Achara's picture

ChamuelWelcome. I am angelic of origin. I am angelic of nature. I am angelic of light. I am the essence the vibration and the song that is known as Chamuel. I am angel of self-love and I come on this day to enfold you in that thought.

Every measurement of time, every measurement of day and of night reflects of how much you love yourself. Everything on this planet loves you. It is innately and genetically programmed to love you. The dirt that you walk upon loves you. The wind loves to mess up your hair and kiss your body. The animals love you and do not’ understand why you are afraid of them. Everything loves you. The trees smile at you from their great height, but they never look down on you, for they know that you are steward of this beautiful sphere.

When you are in a place of truly loving you, then everything that you desire to manifest and create – can, will, and must happen. For that is the way of the Universe. There are many days when there is not much that you like about yourself. On these days when your creative energies are dismal and have run a muck, your creations are like a highland bog.

It is through you that everything happens. It can be no other way. For that is the destiny of this place that you reside upon that loves you more than most days you love yourself. Everything touches everything else And that is what you have forgotten.  That is why I, Chamuel, angel of self-love, come to tell you that -- your moods affect all of life. A tree smiles when you are in a good mood. A tree looses leaves when you are in a bad mood. If you are attracting people that are negative and down in the mouth, then look at your own energy – for the vibration is similar of nature.


What is wrong with Kuwait ???

windblown4's picture

Does anyone know what is wrong with the richest per capita country in the Middle East??

 Kuwait...the land of the pompas , arrogant , holier than thou people who somehow think they are the chosen of this so called 'Allah' 

But do not pocess the compassion to offer one single penny in assistance nor provide one pound of food for the millions of displaced people suffering through a cold winter in tents.

 Maybe Saddam should have been left alone when he took over this arrogant pompas people.

They are the sewer of the entire region thinking they are the chosen and all else need leave them alone.

They can pay the yanks for protection but cannot see past their biggoted attitudes to offer help to their neighbours.

Disgusting people... 


Hello there!

EstherO's picture

I am Esther Oscar from Los Angeles, California. I am interested with your site so I registered here for me to roam around and meet other members out there. Hi everyone! Thanks for letting me here! ;)


Om and consciousness

Legalize Freedom's picture

The mantra OM chanted out loud is very useful

the Oh sound is the alpha state

the M sound is a bit deeper, 

one can balance rations, 50 % oh 50 % m 

or play around, and they learn how to enter into good states of being
Here is an indepth yogic perspective on why and how OM works, and the 7 levels of consciousness it tunes one into being. 


Getting recognition of the cancer cure.

Legalize Freedom's picture

Those readers of this site should be well aware that cannabis oil eaten each day combats tumors while encouraging the replacement of them with healthy new cells. 

Surgery takes something out. 
then there is a left over spot, 

so how can surgery compete with cannabis ? 

Well, anyway , 
What I ask you all to do is sign up and sign this, 

my goal is to get the threshold signature count in love so that we can make it that every person who signs into the whitehouse petition site sees this 


right now only we can see it via direct link

when anyone can view the petition someone will learn about healing cancer


trust me the medical business is no cup of tea, in fact the tea was made illegal and replaced with bitter pills, 

lets fix that!

Hopeful you spin the wheels of levitation, the higher consciousness, however you like to, so please tune in , out of social mind which DOESN'T CARE , and realize that its very easy to find some of your respected acquiantences, friends, etc, and get them to sign too, 


Unusual Dream State

howsheseesit's picture

Hello Everyone,


Last night I had something very strange happen to me, and I wanted to share it to see if anyone else has ever had anything like this.  Upon "waking up" I got on my computer and wrote the following.


"1:08 am December 5, 2012


I was sleeping on my back, which is highly unusual for me.  I was dreaming, and in my dream I was in a dream within a dream.  The actual “dream” my mom was in the shower and I had left the front door open, but not in this house.  I closed it, but I had a feeling someone was in the house.  I locked the door and then I unlocked it so that I could run out of the house if I needed to.  I was scared, but I was fully aware.


Just then I woke up from this dream to see a figure of a woman standing at the end of my bed.  I couldn't make anything out other than she was a female which I suppose I just sensed.  As soon as I saw her I fell backwards onto my bed.  My heart was pounding and I could not move or open my eyes.  I almost felt as if I was trying to leave my body and go with her, but I couldn’t.  She startled me, but did not scare me.  I laid there motionless I even tried to scream, but it wasn’t out of fear, it was just trying to test my limits.  My mouth opened, but nothing came out. 

Just then I felt some sort of energy enter my body, but not in a scary way (not demonic or anything, I don't allow that in my life), in just an entering sort of way.


Then I “woke up.”  I looked at the end of my bed and nothing was there.  My heart wasn’t pounding at all and I thought.  “I’m sorry if I seemed scared, but you startled me.  Just know I wasn’t scared.”


Disabling Anonymous Comments

will's picture

For a number of different reasons, we're looking in to disabling anonymous comments on this site. For most of our members, this really wont change anything as you've already got an account on the Galactic Free Press. This will speed up the site and help reduce spam, as we get thousands of anonymous spam submissions each day that bog down our server. It will also help reduce the negative comments we sometimes get, as those normally are from anonymous users.

I wanted to announce this first, and get some feedback in case anybody has a good reason for continuing to allow anonymous comments on our site. Feel free to leave comments below.


Almost Astral!

funun's picture

I recently have had two experiences which seem to match what people describe as what can lead to astral projection! 

The only way I can describe it is like an period of intense dreaming.. sometimes lucid.. sometimes not. This has been going on for quite a while where I go to sleep and wake up after about 3 hours wide awake and unable to get back to sleep. I've gotten used to this happening now and then but the last two times this has happened I've had a different experience that continues from it but is alot more intense! The first time it happened I saw spirals behind my eyes after hearing rushing in my ears and then started seeing pictures of eyes! The second time happened earlier and was similar.. I was dreaming when a man in my dream made eye contact and I realised I was dreaming. I started hearing rushing in my ears like as if I was standing next to a jet engine and my teeth felt like they were shaking! I think at one point I sat up and wanted to scream but I thought that would be a bit distressing for other people in the house. I opened my eyes with my arm raised but my arm was.. fuzzy...  and when I closed my eyes again I could see a tunnel with a light at the end and I was moving down it! When I woke up I don't think I had moved a muscle. Was I moving out of my physical body?


Does anyone have any tips for meditations that could help or just a way to keep calm during the experience.. it's quite full on and end up waking myself up which is understandable.. the wooshing is very very loud. :)


Safe travels to ya! 



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