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Our New year wishes for the Mother Earth

Mesha's picture

Please feel free to make a wish for the Mother Earth and a new Age new year.


Mother you are so beautiful you fill my heart with love your love shines with the Christ light in all dark places -It is done. your child Mesha.


headaches and time confusion..? help?

LightBiscuit86's picture


man the past few days i have been waking up with intense headaches and it had me the other morning almost throwing up leaning over the toilet. im also losing track of time alot and its not bc of the pot lmao. i mean sometimes it just seems like a few hours flew by, alot faster than when ur having fun even. or sometimes its the opposite completely! just now it happened (which inspired this post) and it was like, i was just sitting here bored just reading about some stuff, and i looked around the room and forgot everything about today, like what i was about to have to do, and the reason i forgot was cuz it felt like a different day all of a sudden, and i had no clue what freakin time it was, i felt lost until i found a clock to look at, right in front of me. why i took so long to figure that out i dont know. but anyways. i also have these crazy dreams about "being on a different timeline" and i dont know man. anybody else going thru similar things?? its like time will speed up for a few hours, but u wont notice until its finished and the few hours have passed already, 

or sometimes it will FEEL LIKE a few hours flew by, but u look and its only been a minute or two and u were just lost in time or in a different day or something. aye >,< 



New Book about Everything now on-line for free

Quetzalcoatl_2012's picture

Greetings, My name is John P. Lynch and I have just published my book EXTREME THINKING (A Theory of Everything) on-line. It is the book I wish I had discovered in my searching. As a theory of everything, it literally covers everything: the cosmos, life, the mind and culture. It has an answer for all of life's most difficult questions. It is also a how-to-book for changing the world based on the teachings of Confucius, and uses education as its vector of change. It is EXTREME because the THINKING is like snowboarding a McTwist. It is free and can be found at: You can also check out some of our videos at: Thank you for your consideration, John P. Lynch Director, Humans of Terra


Amazing Interview With Rob Potter and Alexandra Meadors LIVE from Egypt 12.21.12

Guardian2012's picture


You have got to hear what took place at the Giza Pyramid Activation with Cobra and Rob!  You will also hear the latest information on victories for the Light!  THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!!  I have also posted some of the news Rob shared in writing below with Kabuki.

Also Rob sent me some photos of the trip, claiming that these pictures represent their Pleiadian Space Family hanging out with the conference group.  One of the photos was taken at Saqquarra, the ancient mystery school of the Atlantians and Pleiadians, where the tunnels connect under Giza.

Rob Interview 12-21-12 Final


Orbs 300x225 Amazing Interview With Rob Potter and Alexandra Meadors LIVE from Egypt 12.21.12


Alexandra’s On The Fly Interview Live From Egypt With Rob Potter

Guardian2012's picture

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hey Folks!

Just so you know, the Skype connection with Egypt in this 30 minute interview was pretty solid through most of it but there are bits towards the end (after the 20 minute mark) that are a bit sketchy.  You may have to turn it up a bit or slow it down if you have that software editing capability to hear everything Rob is saying.  But his information about the various temples and rooms discovered below the pyramid are very interesting.  Apparently this has not been released by the Egyptian government as of yet so we are some of the first to hear about it!  And to think Jesus' UFO has been held there for approximately 2000 years!  Wow!

Let me know what you think of the pyramid news!  Have a wonderful Holiday everyone and stay posted for the December 21st interview coming up shortly with Rob and possibly Cobra as well!


please pray for my dad

starlight's picture

Hello dear family of light. My name is monikah and for years my dad has been fighting many health problems and has caused him to only be able to use 30% of his lungs. he can barley breath anymore and it terrifies me. I ask out of the kindness of your heart please pray for him. his name is steve thomas.

love and peace to all






My Chemtrail Photography "Deceivingly beautiful"

LightBiscuit86's picture

please enjoy, i dont wish to post this in a negative manner, i know all about chemtrails inside and out, im a science/physics/chemistry/everything geek lol but i made this album i have put alot of work into, public just to share with yall on here cuz i love you so much. there is DEFINATELY some strange activity in most of the pictures! some things i actually CANT explain! however, nonetheless, they are beautiful to look at. i hope you like my shit =D 
love and light!!!






I have crystalline objects being expelled through my skin

reneepoo's picture

HI there everyone,

     I've been following this site and reading the articles avidly for a few weeks now, but I only just made an account.  I'm excited to find like minded people who will be open to my experiences without discounting their validity.  Over the past several days, 2 weeks maybe, I have had very hard, crystalline, seed or tear drop shaped objects being expelled from my skin, particularly over my chakra points and on the back of my hands and soles of my feet.  It is not acne or a rash.  I feel a sharp object, almost like a splinter, and when I remove it with a pair of tweezers, the exit point bleeds extensively, there is a burning sensation, then the exit site heals.  During meditation, I envisioned myself as like a lcd screen with burnt out pixels here and there and this 'dark matter' from old hurts and issues are being removed and replaced with pure light. Then on a few articles on this site, I've read that our DNA is changing to a crystalline form and that has resonated deep within me.  Last night I sat with that, accepted within my soul that my physical form is changing and evolving and this morning, I do not have anymore of these crystals emerging from my skin.  I'm writing this to acknowledge within myself that everything is as it should be and to seek insight from my fellow enlightened brothers and sisters.  Does anyone out there have anymore info about what has been happening to my physical form? Or is anyone else out there experiencing something similar to this?  



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