GFP Newsletter - 11/16/2017

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This is what I call SANNYAS - a man, a woman who has come to realize: The reality cannot adjust to my dreams, so I will adjust to reality. Immediately, a revolution happens.


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3 Proven Things Schools Can Do to Curb the ADHD Epidemic Without Prescribing Drugs to Kids

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

We really just don’t know what the long-term, generational effects of such widespread use of ADHD medications will be on our society and the individuals who’ve been taking these meds their whole lives. There have never been long-term studies because the medications have not been around for very long, yet the FDA and Big Pharma are perfectly comfortable pushing these pills onto the public.

The truth is that they do not want people to be healthy and free of dependency on pharmaceuticals, they want customers and cash flow and don’t care if children as young as one year old are being put on these drugs.

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What Is Coming…

Breathe deeply.  The inactivity around you is signaling a deep shift coming.  You can hear it…like a train’s whistle in the night.  You sit and contemplate how far away it is, when it will arrive and what it will bring.  Now, in the quiet, it is time to think upon what you choose to release, manifest, change or discard from your existence.  Please do not view this task as daunting…see it as a freeing of your soul for the new and brilliant things on their way to you. ~ Creator

Placing Letters Together To Make Words

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Sometime I would just like to be "done", "finished" with all this 3d illusion. Then I wonder what illusion I am in? There is no "done" ever. The universe is always creating brilliance by taking a whole lot of small things and putting them together to make much bigger things until the bigger things start to glow. Then, I wonder why I would ever want to let go of this kind of magic. lol

I wonder why I ever give any energy to anything unreal? I am just a whole bunch of small things brought together to make a big thing which glows. The glow is the brilliance of the universe, within me. Could be the glow is just a feeling of awareness of the Life of creation and I feel that. lol

All the things which make me up are the same things the universe has made. Like, I mentioned the universe takes small things and puts the small things together to make much bigger things that glow brilliantly. Feels like creation, to me. I am the one experiencing this, this moment of presentness, just writing this.

I often wonder, I wonder a lot, what within me actually is, me. Then I wonder what a "me" is? Then Life comes along and takes my hand and guides me through this amazing experience of being.

I wonder how I can be any different from the universe or from my HU+MANNESS.  It seems in this realm I must place letters together to make words to convey feeling to express thought to engage in communication. Wow, that takes a whole bunch of energy just considering the experience, let alone writing it down.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 16, 2017

There is an old pervasive belief that says the more light you shine the more the darkness is drawn to you. Please hear us when we say that belief was created out of fear, to create more fear, and to keep you from shining in your full glorious truth and authenticity. It was an untruth designed to keep you constrained and out of your authentic power.

Let's think this through. Have you ever seen the dark corners of a room try to snuff out a candle? The darkness has no interest in the light as the light transforms darkness. If the darkness was invested in itself, would it choose to expose itself to the one element that could threaten it?

Dear Ones, you are all a piece of God. How could anything be stronger than that? The only way a lower vibrating energy can truly affect you is if you give your power away and allow it to do so.

So shine. Claim your glorious energetics and allow them to shine brightly, unimpeded, without fear or worry, for the entire world to see! Shine as the beacon you are, knowing that you are the master of your own unique energy as an individuated aspect of Source energy. Not only is it safe for you to do so, it is exactly what you are on the planet to do. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/15/2017

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Learn! Learn through life - and the greatest lesson is that you don't see reality as it is. You project on it, and when you project, you are bound to become frustrated sooner or later, because the reality cannot adjust to your projection. How can the reality adjust to your projection? Who are you? You have to adjust to reality, reality has not to adjust to your projection. That's why you are in misery - because you feel every time that something goes wrong. Nothing goes wrong. You start with a dream and the reality doesn't believe in your dream - that's all. How can you force reality to adjust to your dream?


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Make Life New!

God said:

There is nothing like Life on Earth.

Where else would you find all these twists and turns and otherness aside and apart from Oneness?

Not in Heaven, and not in all the other isles where Beings may abide. Only on Earth is there such a mix, such a mix of one thing or another, a mix of coincidences that congregate, and are still greater than the sum of all the parts. In fact, now remember a Glorious Oneness upon Earth. Life has had you fooled, Dear Ones.

There is something going on, and it is Life. Life is Life, yet Life on Earth is a mystery of mysteries. We might also call it the Holy of Holies.

What an Adventure you live and skate on. There is a volume of other Adventures you live amongst and apart from what you know you partake in. Sometimes you star in the stories, and sometimes you have walk-on parts, or you are even part of the scenery, as if no more than a painting on the wall. Nevertheless you are involved. You play a Great part.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 15, 2017

Dear Ones, as you move forward on your enlightenment journey and start to play in earnest with the energies of creation, we suggest you shift from focusing on what you want to deciding what you choose.

“I want” comes with the idea that you are limited, separated from what you desire, and hoping for something to be doled out to you. “I choose” is claiming your right and intention to move into whatever it is you wish to experience, understanding everything is fully available to you.

Can you feel the difference? One has somewhat of a feeling of powerlessness, the other is a full expression of your authentic power and your complete ability to co-create. What do you choose today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Just Let Go…

As frustrating as it is for you, it is time to let some things go.  You know the ones; the resentments, the angers, the hurts and pains.  The amount of space these things take up in your every day life is astronomical.  Every time you ‘feed’ them, they keep you exactly where you are….stagnant and feeling exactly the same as you did when they occurred.  It is time to breathe some ‘new air’, my darling one.  You are worthy and deserving of this gift to yourself. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 11/14/2017

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Learn through life, otherwise things are not going to be different. Everybody thinks: This time it is going to be different. You are not different so how is it going to be different this time? And if you observe closely you will see that not only do you repeat, you fall in love again and again with the same type of man or woman, the same type. It has to be so.

I have heard about one man who was divorced eight times. And then he suddenly became aware:

What is happening to me? Is somebody playing a joke or what? Because I always fall in love with the same type of woman again.

Nobody is playing a joke; you are choosing. And if you remain the same and you have not learned, how can you choose another type of person? Again the same type of person will appeal to you. You will fall again in love with the same type of person, then the same circle will be repeated. Eight or eighty times - it makes no difference. If you remain the same you will do the same. You will again find the same person first appealing, then disgusting.


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Life Is What You Make of It

God said:

There is Life, and there is Life.

Life is what you make of it. This is Life on Earth.

What you make of Life says a lot about you.

Remember that you are not to judge. You are not to weigh even your own Life. Let Me take that back and look at this from different angles. I mean, really, who can sum up Life, for Life is ongoing.

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5 Lessons on Parenting from the Animal Kingdom

by Jessie Klassen

Nature has lessons for those who listen, and for those who observe with sincerity and open hearts.

Growing up on a farm, I was afforded the opportunity of having a close relationship with animals. And over my years of living my life this way, there has been many lessons that I have been taught.

As a mother myself, I have paid special attention to the animal mothers, and the way that they parent their babies.

Here are 5 parenting lessons that I have learned from the Animal Kingdom

Lesson #1

Model the behaviour you would like to see in your child”

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 14, 2017

As you move toward the end of your year and look forward to the future, the question to ask is not “What should I do?” but rather, “How do I wish to express myself?”

You see, up until this point many of you had incarnations with very long to-do lists. This was why you often were looking for the guidance of what you should do next. You knew you had things on your agenda to experience and you didn’t want to miss anything.

Those times are now drawing to a close energetically. This can take some getting used to, as you reorient yourselves to the next phase and understand that the new focus is all about how you wish to be, and what you wish to experience.

As the pioneers on a rapidly shifting planet, you are more than ready for this change. You will release the fear of missing something or making mistakes because not only are you mindful, you are starting to recognize that the true value is in experience and self expression.

This is also profoundly important because this marks the shift away from martyred service to joyful service. It is about navigating by preference, playing in unprecedented energies, and co-creating and making a difference as you go, and that, Dear Ones, is exactly what your souls have been aiming for all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 11/13/2017

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Buddha said that the world is like a wheel. And you are clinging to the wheel, and you go on moving with the wheel, Become aware that you are repeating. Repetition is unconscious. Become aware that you have been behaving like a robot, not like a man. Become aware. Go back and watch, relive the moments and see that you have been doing the same thing again and again - the same anger, then again the repentance, the same marriage, and again the divorce, the same falling in love, and then getting fed up. If you can see and watch the repetitiveness of your life, the very understanding that you have been repeating will become a consciousness.



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