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See Life as Your Good Friend

God said:

What a difference a day makes! One day in Life, everything comes up roses. Another day, you may feel torn apart.

Part of you wishes Life would make up its mind, yet Life arrives as it arrives, whether you like it or not. However Life appears, you have to go along with it.

You may feel that Life isn’t rock-solid when it may be you who wavers. Yes, Life doesn’t stay the same, yet must you see Life as an affront and allow yourself to be railroaded?

Is your happiness really so dependent upon what happens around you? Turn your face to the Sun or to the rain with openness. You wonder why Life doesn’t give you a break, yet, how about you, Beloveds? How about your giving Life a break? Could you be more amenable to Life as it shows up? Is it so much how Life shows up, or is it the way you receive Life as if Life is out to get you?

There are days when you are really out of sorts. Does Life owe you a living? Must Life coddle you and toss you only gifts wrapped in ribbons of gold? More vital than ribbons of gold lie gratitude, regard, and appreciation from you even for what you call hard times. Yes, for even the experience of Life the way you may see it.

You so desire Life to bow down to you. Beloveds, lean toward the idea of taking it for granted that Life does love you and does value you and does have you in mind and heart no matter how Life appears. You don’t have to keep score. You don’t really want a tug of war with Life, so let go of the idea that Life must suit you. There is more than one wave on the Sea.

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How Your Favourite Chocolate Bars Are Contributing To Illegal Deforestation

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

Our love for chocolate is undeniably high, meaning that the demand for cocoa beans is continuously increasing. Chocolate companies make a lot of money off this industry — an estimated $100 billion annually to be precise — and this number is only expected to rise.

Trust me, I get it. I’ll be the first to admit that I love chocolate and eat it regularly. But, our obsession with this bitter yet sweet treat comes at a cost, one that’s far more detrimental than you may think. Our love affair with chocolate is seriously damaging the environment, contributing to deforestation and endangering species along the way.

A new report produced by non-profit Mighty Earth revealed just how damaging the cocoa industry can be for the environment, breaking the chocolate industry wide open by exposing how these companies are illegally clearing protected land.

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Juice Company Dumps 12,000 Tonnes Of Orange Peel In The Forest And Transforms Forest Into Magical Landscape

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

In the late 1990s, an experimental conservation project in Costa Rica saw a juice company dump 1,000 truckloads of discarded orange peel on degraded land. Unfortunately, the project was forced to end in its second year and was forgotten about – until now. Nearly two decades after the project was abandoned, the orange peel has grown into a thriving lush green forest.

In 1997, two ecologists from the University of Pennsylvania approached Del Oro, a Costa Rican orange juice manufacturer. They said that if Del Oro agreed to donate parts of its land bordering the Guanacaste Conservation Area, a national park, the company would be free to dump its waste orange peel at no cost in designated zones where the soil quality was poor. Del Oro decided to seize this unique opportunity and some 12,000 tonnes of orange peel was dumped on the deserted pasture.

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For You…

Today, take some time to breathe.  With all the Earth plane chaos over the past few days, it may feel as if your soul has taken a beating.  If it is quiet time you need; take it.  If you choose to share your time with others; do it.  If you prefer your reflections and releases remain private; give that to yourself.  Remember, my darling child, you do not have to do anything or be anything to anyone else unless you choose. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 10/16/2017

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When the outside and inside disappear, nobody dominates anybody, because a domination is not a good state of affairs. The one who dominates will be thrown sooner or later, the oppressors will become the oppressed, and the oppressed will become the oppressors. It is just a fight between your left hand and right hand and the whole game is a pretense. Remember this paradox: the more you go inwards, the less of the outer there is. When you really reach to the innermost, inner and outer both disappear. Then you are nothing, and everything.

In a school a teacher was asking tricky questions, and then she said: Charlie Brown, how will you define nothingness? Without a single moment's hesitation Charlie Brown said: Nothingness is a balloon with its skin off. That is you at the last moment, the skin off - nothingness. But then you have become the Whole because the skin was dividing you from the Whole.

And where is your skin? Self-consciousness, the ego is your skin. When the ego is off you become nothing and the Whole simultaneously, because they both mean the same thing.


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Psilocybin Appears to 'Reset' Brain Activity of Depressed Patients – Stunning Results

Heather Callaghan, Contributor
Waking Times

To be sure, of all the recent human trials to come out showing the promises of psilocybin – the hallucinogenic compound found in magic mushrooms – it’s only the scientists who are surprised by the stunning brain changes from psychedelics. (Then again, behold the results for yourself.)

That’s what happened when Robin Carhart-Harris of Imperial College London and his colleagues announced the good news today with their newly published study in Scientific Reports. They ran 19 depressed and treatment-resistant volunteers through a magic mushroom trial to look at the results in their brains. Previously, Carhart-Harris and his team ran 12 people through a similar trial and five months later, 5 of them were still free of depression. That report detailed the spiritual benefits of psilocybin for depression.

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Let’s Turn the World Upside Down

God said:

Hello, Beloveds, how are you today? Actually, let Me tell you how and Who you are. Let’s have a new take on you and all this that you call Life.

You may have been thinking that Life is worrisome. Surely, you have thought to one depth or another that there really is something the matter with you, or, you are soon to be in some kind of trouble or turmoil, that it is inevitable that you will be undone sooner or later. How about getting out of the whole concept of trouble and so erase fear and fatigue from the whole of Earth?

As it is, there are costs My Children apply to living Life on Earth. You may think you are to pay up all the presumed costs of living. One is financial and your tribute to the idea that costs will always be going up. Let’s remove this idea from the face of the Earth. Let’s better suggest Blue Skies and Sunshine and radiate them.

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Your thoughts, your voice and your song are important!  Let them be heard!  Let them be heard by those that cannot speak so they may find the courage and strength to speak themselves.  Sing!  Let your voice and song join the many others that are singing in this moment so those who have not listened before will hear and understand your words.  All humans deserve to have the honor of being included.  Even if you have not uttered a word to anyone, your thoughts are heard by The Universe and you are a part of this graceful and awakening moment.  There is joy, courage and strength in sharing!  Do not let this pivotal time on your Earth plane pass you by. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 10/15/2017

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If you divide you become two; if you become two, then the conflict arises, the whole game of inner war, an inner politics arises - who is to dominate whom? Either the outside is to dominate the inside, or the inside is to dominate the outside. If the outside dominates the inside you become a materialist. If the inside dominates the outside you become a spiritualist.

In either case you are half, you are not whole.


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Make Your Stories Be True

God said:

You are more than a Greeting card I give to Myself. You are a Gift I give to Myself. As you have heard along the way, you are a Grand Gift I make, and you are also a Grand Gift I receive as well. Regardless of any outer expression and appearance, you are My Treasure. Make no mistake. I am not a fool. Where does My Heart travel to? Where does My Heart come from, and of what is My Heart made?

Even as you may mistake yourself, all the same, you are My Treasure. You don’t have an obligation to be a buried Treasure. Whether you are stuck in mud or not, you are My Treasure. You are My Treasured Self. You might say you are My Counterpart. The True deal is: What I am, so are you.

Make this known to yourself without delay. What I am, so are you. Know this deep in your Heart.

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Study Finds A Substantial “Very Strong” Link Between GMOs & Multiple Diseases

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

It’s no secret that we are living in a time where chronic disease continues to rise at an exponential rate, especially within the past couple of decades. New evidence continues to mount suggesting that Genetically Modified Organisms (more specifically GM food) might have played, and do play a key role in those statistics.

A study published in the Journal of Organic Systems last September examined US government databases, researchers searched for GE (Genetically Engineered) crop data, glyphosate application data, and disease epidemiological data while performing a “correlation analysis” on a total of 22 different diseases.

Researchers reached an alarming conclusion:

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Daily Message ~ October 15 - October 21, 2017

As many of you know, I’m off and travelling this week. First, I’m leaving the US to head back to Canada for a few days…then I’m off to Paris, London, and finally Edinburgh! (Read the Etherically Speaking post titled I’m Going to Scotland for more details of how this came to pass.) Because of this there will be no daily messages from October 15 – October 21. They should resume October 22 once I’m all settled in. Hope you have a wonderful week filled with your own adventures!

GFP Newsletter - 10/14/2017

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Thinking is digested into feeling - it becomes your heart, so love is still a more subtle bio-energy than thinking, but that too is not the end.

Again in love, that which is more subtle is absorbed and digested - it becomes your witness, your meditation. It becomes your awareness, but that too is not the end because still the witness is there, and when the witness is there the division is there.

The division has become narrow; you are coming almost to the center but the division is still there.

You are a witness - the subject and the object. Of what are you a witness? The division is still there.

Then at the last jump energy has become totally centered; the object and subject disappear. Then there is no witness, then you have gone to the Beyond, then you are as if you are not. You are and you are not; you have become the Whole.

This is the state, the final state where in one way you are totally, utterly annihilated, and in another way you have become the Whole. The son disappears, now you have become the Father. Now there is no Jesus, just the Supreme-most Father exists - the son is absorbed. Where will you draw the line between that which is outside and that which is inside?


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Carl Jung Explains Humanity’s Major Transition From The Age of Pisces To Aquarius (Audio)

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Astrology is an ancient art and science dating back thousands of years. It appears in many cultures, but as with most ancient wisdom, much of it was and has been concealed and forbidden from public viewing. Secret societies, both those whose hearts are grounded in the good will for all of humanity, and those driven by greed and personal gain, have also used this type of ancient knowledge. From Atlantis to ancient Sumer, Vedic astrology to ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, many great minds throughout the ages have practiced astrology, and for good reason. Despite its many skeptics, astrology has much to offer.

It’s also import to mention here that many of our founding fathers of modern science, especially in the fields of mathematics and physics/quantum physics, were all spiritual mystics.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”- Nikola Tesla


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