God said:
I heard you greet Me this morning. I heard you say:
“Good morning, Gah’-ahd.”
You echoed My Name in two syllables, and so you burst My Name out in song, as you might naturally sing out:
“Good morning, Sunshine…”
And so the Song of Us echoes rhythmically throughout the Universe much the way a remembered song that needs no introduction sings forth itself in daily Life. A song sings itself on time to the beat of the Universe in every language. All languages are equal. Each language is beloved. In every language and, in a myriad of music, the Universe sings out on the Waves of Life.
Hail to the Greetings of Oneness to Oneness. There is nothing but Oneness. There is nothing to greet but Immense Oneness of the One. I am the One, and you also are the One even as you disbelieve, yet, in fact, Oneness has nothing to do with belief.
You tend to live on a Voyage of Fiction embellished, fiction upon fiction something like the surface of the Waves of the Ocean, and so you surf. You may love to surf. You may also love to be a Deep Sea Diver even as you tremble at the idea. You may say to yourself:
“Better a Fate Known than Unknown.”
You may pull a curtain over your eyes and say:
“Better to live on a couch, watch others’ lives and sit out my own. Asked to dance, I say, ‘No thank you, I will sit this dance out.’”
How great is your fear to hear the Call of Life and volunteer yourself! You may prefer to hide under a mushroom.