God said:
Most people intend well, yet intentions without action don’t count for much.
Sure, a good deed intended is better than no good deed at all, yet having an idea unacted on doesn’t go far. There is value in thinking of a kindness, yet words have substance as you follow through on them. Anyone can say anything, and often do.
On the other hand, despite all the Good Will you wish to follow through with, you ponder about the time and energy you don’t have. You would love to be an Angel on Earth if you didn’t have all the pressing obligations that have to come first.
Unless you back up thoughts of good deeds with action, then, beloveds, it behooves you not to advertise them. You don’t want false advertising to be your habit. When you still owe the bank money, the bank doesn’t give you credit. You have to deliver before credit is in your hand. Promises without back-up are nice words. Alas, nice words alone don’t take you far, and that’s it.
Promises are like your lying down for a night’s sleep and not getting one wink of sleep. Promises can be shaky premises, dear one. Shaky premises are not to be a way of Life. Ah, yes, all that you would do if only you could.
With a foundation, how good you will feel. Oh, to feel the solid ground under you. It is not your desire to row a leaky boat. You yourself believe in substance and not shadow.