God said:
Of course, the Mind goes further than logic. The Mind can enrich you and travel with you far beyond logic.
Logic tends to be either/or, this and that, or, exclusively, this or that. Logic does not want you to argue with it. Logic tends to say: “Take this or not. There are no two ways about it. You must not stray. Stay on a straight line.”
Logic can entrap you into one way of thinking and block out Awareness of Oneness. Logic can be a secular-minded part of Life that confines you and denies you greater Vision. It can make hash of wide Vision. Logic can narrow your ability to think.
It is perfectly logical that when you have a tiny amount of food available, you want to keep it for yourself and your family. Logic tells you that you cannot afford to share what you have because what you have is finite, for then, as logic sees it, you have one of two choices:
If you feed another, you deny yourself and your family. By necessity, then, all you can do is to deny another. You’re sorry.
Even if you have enough today to feed another, you might not have enough tomorrow, so for your own survival, you are wise to play it safe.
All wars are based on logic. The logic was entitled The Call of the Wild – kill or be killed. With that kind of Earthward logic, there is no logical way to prevent some or most wars or any wars at all. Based on logical thinking, what can you do but fight a war? One way or another, war declared or war contemplated makes killing legit. Anything goes, for what else can be done?