God said:
Beloveds, on Earth, excuses exist.
An excuse may be true, yet it is not for you to make an excuse as if responsibility is not yours. There are no excuses for excuses. Refrain from excuses. You don’t need fall guys such as time, energy, ability etc. to fend for you.
Excuses make you helpless, as if you are a victim and are not responsible for your own actions and inactions. This is an area beholden to your will.
Dear Ones, of course, it may be so that you are too tired to wash the dishes. Perhaps the honest excuse is that you don’t feel like it. You may say you can’t make yourself do it.
You have this one Life to live right now. Make good use of it.
Most excuses are not worth their weight in tin. In any case, excuses are made of styrofoam.
Don’t malinger. Take action right away, and then you won’t have so much hanging over you. When you make an appointment, keep it.
Saying you’re sorry is a good step, yet it doesn’t mean it’s okay that you didn’t follow through. Don’t make excusing yourself a way of Life.
On the other hand, don’t beat yourself up. Move on. Just don’t let non-action take over.
I also realize that you often do not really know why you aren’t following through on something. You owed someone money, and the longer you haven’t paid it, the harder it is to get back your momentum. Something in you seems to prevent it. The longer you take to put something off, the harder it gets.