GFP Newsletter - 5/12/2017

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A child can attain Enlightenment. A man just on the verge of death can attain Enlightenment because Enlightenment is not concerned with your body - it is concerned with something which is absolutely bodiless. It is concerned with the within which has no age. It is non-temporal. Time is not at all a problem. You may not have observed this, because you live such an unconscious life, and observation needs consciousness, alertness, awareness.

If you look within can you feel the age, how old you are? If you close your eyes and look within, the emptiness within seems to be ageless, without age. Are you a child? Are you young? Are you old?

The inner space seems to be non-temporal - it is. That's why you become old through others' eyes.

You become old because of the mirror. If mirrors disappear and nobody talks about your age, and there is no calendar and no time measurement, you will remain young longer.


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Accept Your God-Given Happiness

God said:

Give Joy to the World! This cannot be said enough. Joy to yourself as well, for you live on Earth and are indeed part of the world. There is no reason for you to be left out of happiness.

If you want to make a difference to the world, be happy. Don’t try to be happy. Be happy. I wonder if happiness cannot be a decision you make. I wonder if you can allow happiness. Maybe you don’t have to chase it down and find it.

Happy doesn’t have to mean a desire fulfilled, although it could.

Happiness is not a desperate have-to-have sort of thing.

Happiness could be a walk around a lake. It could be seeing a sunrise or a sunset at its prime. Happiness could be seeing a kindness or a smile. Honesty could reap happiness. Happiness can be a quiet calm thing. A glass of water could be happiness. Cracking an egg could be happiness. The sky is the limit. There is no end to the little things that can be happiness, and happiness again and again.

I vote for happiness.

Happiness is always right around the corner. Is this a new thought?

Happiness is renewable.

Happiness can step right up to your door.

Happiness could be a new ballgown. Of course, you can have happiness without a new ballgown.

How you look at Life influences your happiness.

Finding fault isn’t exactly a source of happiness any more than hunger is.

Happiness can take you by surprise.

Happiness can also be your daily fare.

Anticipate happiness. Indeed, happiness is on its way to you.

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Daily Message ~ Friday May 12, 2017

When you have gone through a period of intensity, be it energetic or otherwise, it can be difficult to focus on anything other than how uncomfortable you are. But there are key elements that do help minimize your discomfort and help you move through the challenging time with the greatest amount of speed, support, grace, and ease possible. Those elements are surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, allowing and gratitude.

We understand you may not feel like practicing any of those elements when times seem hard, but that is the very time they can help you the most. If you are stuck in a phase that is seeming to persist, we highly recommend examining each of the essential elements and asking yourself how you can start to implement the use of them again.

Any of the elements of surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, allowing, or gratitude, utilized by themselves, will help in their own distinct way. But using them together, just like a code or a combination, (which is why we refer to them as the Divine Combination), is the power move many of you are missing.

There is a magic, or an alchemy, if you will, that only activates by using them all together, and that is the formula you seek, especially in harder times, to move you beyond any blockages into the higher vibrational solutions your soul knows must exist but is having trouble to find. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Paediatricians Now Advised It’s ‘Dangerous To Call Breastfeeding Natural’

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Is it dangerous to use the term natural? Paediatricians are now being advised to think so, particularly when it comes to describing breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is natural though, and while it is certainly not the only way to feed your baby, and not physically an option for some women, it is nevertheless, and I think inarguably, the most natural and healthy way to feed a baby, the way women have been doing it since the beginning of time. So where’s the danger in referring to breastfeeding in this way?

Science Struggling With Term ‘Natural’

A bioethical argument published in the journal Paediatrics is now advising paediatricians that it’s time to stop referring to breastfeeding as something that is ‘natural.’

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The Ancient Power of Chanting (Mantra) Validated by Modern Science

By: Sayer Ji,

Chanting (mantra) is an ancient technology that modern science reveals connects us in a very real way to the farthest reaches of the universe.

I love chanting mantras, and I do so daily as an integral part of my kundalini yoga practice. I don’t need to know the specifics of how it produces a calming and sometimes even transcendent effect on my consciousness, but I’ve always been deeply curious about the mechanisms that may be at play beneath the surface of my awareness. This is why I am both deeply grateful and amazed by the work of John Reid, the UK inventor of the cymascope -- a technology that renders sound visible. In an article published on his website titled, “Cymatics -- A Bridge To the Unseen World,” John and his wife Annaleise, reveal facts about sound that are simply mind-blowing and worthy of far greater dissemination. First, did you know that sound is actually not a wave but spheroidal phenomenon? In their words:

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Do You Know?

During your healing processes, when you apologize or asking forgiveness, do you know why?!  Remember, there will be times that the ever-elusive apology/forgiveness may not be what you think it is for.  You may have already been forgiven time and time again, but you continue to focus on it because it keeps you ‘busy’; it diverts you from your own healing work.  Really think about that one!  What is more important to you? Receiving forgiveness and not hearing it or focusing on your own healing so you may better understand what you are looking for within. ~ Creator

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The Dakota Access Pipeline Has Had Its First Leak Despite The Fact It Is Not Operational - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

The controversial pipeline leaked 84 gallons of oil in South Dakota.

Early last month the DAPL leaked 84 gallons of oil in South Dakota. This adds to the argument from the indigenous tribes that the pipeline is a danger to their water supply and needs to be further reviewed for environmental safety.

The incident which took place on April 4 spilled 84 gallons of oil, despite the fact that it is still not operational. The state’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DERN) shared a report on its searchable database, however they did not release the information to the public.

DERN spokesman Brian Walsh said that the spill was relatively small and the state doesn’t share information on spills unless they feel they are a threat to public health or water supplies.

He said “We realize Dakota Access gets a lot of attention. We also try to treat all of our spills in a consistent manner,” Walsh said. “We treated this as we would treat any other 84-gallon oil spill.”

GFP Newsletter - 5/11/2017

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The mind creates a false center; that false center is the ego. When you move inwards and look for the ego, you will never find it there. The deeper you go, the more you will laugh because the ego is not there. You are not there. Sometimes, just close your eyes and look for the ego. Where are you? Who are you? And emptiness surrounds you from everywhere; nobody is there inside. And this moment is the most beautiful and ecstatic moment possible. when you feel that there is no ego.

When there is no ego, you are empty. And when you are empty, the Divine rushes towards you. You have created the situation.


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New Study Finds Yoga Helps Depression, In A Major Way

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The ancient practice of yoga has long been revered for its mental and physical benefits. The research standing behind it is just a bonus, merely supporting what many yogis could already tell you from personal experience.

In today’s fast-paced society that strips away our ability to slow down and enjoy the moment, stress, anxiety, and depression are on the rise. Depression alone affects more than 15 million American adults, or about 6.7 % of the U.S. population age 18 and older, in a given year.

The most common treatment for depression remains a combination of antidepressant medicine and psychotherapy — sometimes called “talking therapy.” But new research suggests we may wish to break these standards for treatment.

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For Whom Does the Sun Shine?

God said:

What is all this fuss in the world about? It can’t all be nonsense, can it?

You are not altogether above the world. You get your hem caught on a nail. You are stuck often enough. Instead of going where it matters and reaching where you want, you may spend time trying to get unattached from a nail you are caught on. So much time and trouble for not much.

Where is your time worth spending? Not just on getting away. Go for where you want to be. Your day has come. No more just hanging out where you happen to be. No more just sitting where you have been. Now get up and move forward.

Don’t panic. You are not asked to do more than you can do. What is meant to be yours to do is definitely attainable. There is no huge effort you have to undergo. Easy does it is to be your rule of thumb. Easy does it. Mosey along. Get thawed. Make hay while the sun shines.

Believe Me, for whom does the Sun shine? It shines for you.

Today is the day you come to Life. Today is the day you are immersed in get-up-and-go. Spontaneously, you do. Today is the day you get going. You begin to make a statement. You are not on a high horse, yet you get moving. What a good feeling this is – to be getting somewhere. You are not drifting in and out of consciousness. You are progressing by leaps and bounds. This is your day!

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Growth & Healing

Your healing is not always about asking for forgiveness or begging it from another. There are many facets to this process that often go unnoticed and unused.  A great deal of introspection may be required of you.  My darling one, I know that it can be painful and very challenging to look back into your past and see/experience the damages, but it is for the best when your growth is involved.  This does not mean you need to devote hours and hours of time ‘beating up on yourself’ for what you have/have not done.  It does mean taking an honest look at who you are and how you have improved since then.  As always, be kind to yourself during this process and know that The Universe is right beside you, loving you, every step of the way. ~ Creator

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First Make Peace in Your Own Heart

God said:

It certainly seems that the world is too much with you too often. The thing is that you want plenty of everything. You want to ride the rapids while you also want to float on cool mountain streams. You want plenty of sunshine, and you desire plenty of the darkness of night too. You want it all while you want it, whatever it may be, when you want it. Confess, you love contrast, darlings. You want what you want when you want it, and, even then, you may not feel consoled. You want to direct traffic while, at the same time, you just want Life to happen. Beloveds, sometimes you give Life mixed signals.

If everything were your choosing, what would you choose? Not so sure, are you? What about choosing goodness and mercy for all? How about starting with that?

You might want to nix some occurrences that previously you had invited. Choosing Life inch by inch isn’t so easy as you would have thought. Of course, some matters you are positive about, yet you’re not positive about everything. Dear Ones, you simply don’t have enough information to positively know where something might lead you. You may have some fear that, left to your own devices, you might miss out on something, or, on the other hand, you could be up a creek. You may want to be a leader, yet find yourself stranded.

GFP Newsletter - 5/10/2017

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Try silence; be silent with me. If you feel it impossible, then listen to the music; not to the words I am saying to you, words are just excuses - listen to the music. And don't argue, because what I am saying is not a logical statement, it is absurd. But that is not the point at all, the logic of it. The point is the music of it.

First try silence with me. If it happens, it is beautiful. If it cannot happen, then try music. These two are the only ways, there is no third way. Don't listen to what I say, just listen to the rhythm. Just listen to the harmony, the harmony of the opposites. And it is a single note, remember. I go on repeating the same thing every day in different ways. Sometimes a Zen story is the excuse, sometimes a Sufi story is the excuse, sometimes the Gita, sometimes Jesus or Mahavir; these are all excuses. But I go on repeating the same note. I go around you trying from everywhere, all the possibilities.

Listen to the music! Don't listen to the logic. It has no logic in it - it has only a melody.


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Hospitals Begin Dispensing Medical Cannabis Oil to Patients

Anna HuntStaff
Waking Times

Grand Cayman’s CTMH Doctors Hospital and Cayman Pharmacy Group has started dispensing cannabis oil to patients with a valid medical documentation. To meet expected demand, CTMH purchased nearly 13 liters of cannabis oil from Canadian-based CanniMed® Oils. Doctors at the hospital can now prescribe it to selected patients who reside in the Cayman Islands.

The hospital officials stated:

These advancements in medicinal cannabis have been proven successful in multiple case studies around the world. These case studies reveal life changing results for patients suffering with many conditions such as chronic pain, neuropathic pain and seizures. As with all medications, care and caution must be exercised to minimise risks and maximise health benefits.


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