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Knocking at God’s Door

God said:

The fact is that you are deeply searching for pure Truth. This is a missing ingredient you have been seeking with all your heart all your Life on Earth.

Meanwhile, you ride the rails of hot spots and all the surface expanse of the world. The whole search is for a viable piece of yourself as you search here and you search there.

You escalate on the surface, and you deepen or escalate the same beyond any borders as well. Yes, of course, while you are on Earth, you are a mixed bag. You go in two directions at once. You are tethered, and you fly free. This is the situation you find yourself in.

You are Janus, the God of the New Year Who Faces in Two Directions at once. You don’t always know what is where or if it is at all. You do not always love a mystery. You also love clarity. Clarity isn’t a free hand-out on Earth. So many seeming directions loom in front of you. Sometimes you glimpse that the Whole Course before you is not free but destined. In this world, you do have it two ways -- free and destined.

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Google Confirms That Their Contractors Suppressed Alternative Media

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Being a part of and a voice within the “alternative news” network, I’ve had a front row seat to just how many changes and how much censorship has occurred since we started, all the way to the present day. Although I do not prefer the name “alternative news,” it’s simply just news, nothing ‘alternative’ about it. It’s up to the people themselves to examine the sources and decide if it resonates with them or not.

The problem today is that we have too many people reading headlines, and not enough people examining sources and thinking for themselves. We rely on a handful of corporations that own approximately 90 percent of major information sources to give us our information, thus turning off our critical thinking and action caps and using our gift of intelligence to figure things out. We let someone else do it for us, and as a result we’ve become dependent on them for information. Anytime this source is simply questioned, some people can still have a fit.


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Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 19, 2017

Many of you have swung wildly from selflessness (which excludes the self) to the other end of the spectrum to a self love practice which also involves separation. It is good to experience both extremes, for you are gathering all of the information required to find balance and inclusion with your love practice.

Dear Ones, the true expression of love is never separating. It is always inclusive, supportive, safe, healthy, and nurturing. Self love is simply making yourself equally deserving of the love and care you so beautifully give others. Healthy boundaries, acceptance, and balance keep the flow open and constant, in ways that empower both yourselves and others.

Love is not a commodity, but rather the constant that you seek. It is a state of alignment and actuation that is ever expanding and the embodiment of your divine beingness. It is truly what anchors the energy of heaven on earth. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Why Global Healing Is About To Accelerate

by Ulonda Faye , The Mind Unleashed

How often have we truly wanted to forgive a situation, a person, or even ourselves only to keep reliving whatever occurred in the depths of our soul?  How does healing truly happen, and how can we let it unfold in a natural process that involves love for self and others? One traditional method from Hawaii is called Ho’oponopono.

On November 14, 2016, I expressed my deep feelings about Ho’oponopono through an article I wrote for The Mind Unleashed titled, Ho’oponopono: Healing for Ourselves & Our World.  During the Presidential election in the United States, I felt there was a deep need for healing, all around.

As we know from many spiritual traditions,  all experiences that take place are reflected: as within, so without.  I believe deeply, what occurs in the world to be a reflection of something in each and every one of us, which is also the basis of Ho’oponopono. The way the election season played out, and this is not merely a reference to the results, but the whole election process and season, revealed deep disharmony, disrespect all around, and pain within society for months to a year to now.

GFP Newsletter - 4/18/2017

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There are no commandments in my vision.

I simply love you as you are, and I would like you also to love yourself as you are, and just go on growing, just remain simply yourself.

Be a little alert because there are so many crocodiles around, religious crocodiles. Just be watchful.

Those crocodiles have killed almost the whole humanity. They don't want human beings on the earth; they want Catholics, Protestant, Mohammedans, Hindus, communists, atheists - but they don't want anybody just to be a simple human being without any adjective.

I would like you to be just yourself without any adjective.


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Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 18, 2017

Yesterday we spoke of being aware of everything that follows the word “but” being an indicator of a self imposed limitation. We would like to expand on that today.

When you speak a sentence that contains the word “but” the beginning part of that statement is spoken by your inner creator – the part of you that wishes to grow and expand. It is the part of the sentence that contains your dreams, your desires, your preferences, and what your soul sees as potential. It is spoken by your highest self, the part of you that flows, and seeks to move, unimpeded, into your next great creation and expression of self.

The “but” is the indicator of the impending shift into the lower self. The energy of the word “but” is intentionally stalling. It immediately stops the flow. Everything that follows is the work of the lower self, the part of you that seeks to keep you small and wishes for everything to stay the same. It is the part of you that is not interested in expansion or enlightenment, and will try to control your experience through fear and doubt.

So the first part of any sentence that contains the word “but” is always the creative, expansive, soul driven part of you, the “but” pushes the pause button, and what follows is the formation of road blocks between you and your dream. Another way to look at it is the first part is heart-centred expansion, the “but” is the indicator of a change of leadership, and the end is mind-centered contraction.

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Why Are You Bereft When Life Moves On?

God said:

There are so many Layers of Life in the world, so many aspects of Life that peek out at you, aspects piled up one after the other like so many blankets. How many Coverings and Paraphernalia of Life are there when all is said and done, you wonder. No matter how neatly the blankets are stacked. At some point, the temperature may change, and you may feel that you were booby-trapped in the blink of an eye and Life let you down.

Perhaps you counted on someone who at one point in time could not be counted on. Of course, the someone wasn’t the illusionist. That was you --you held the title. You held onto what could not be held onto. You would have been wise to let go long ago, yet you held on until the layers of blankets were tattered and pulled from your reach.

You felt harshly dealt with, yet you were the one who held on for the sake and shape of what you wanted. It matters to you how a certain relationship or event turns out. Ultimately, Life turns out as it turns out. What could have been is beside the point. Perhaps it was for a while and not long enough, yet that doesn’t mean that Life owes you.

Why are you bereft when Life Moves On? It may seem to you that there are others who have a stability in their lives, but not you, oh, no, not you. Invariably, the blanket seems to be pulled out from underneath you.

You set sail on one ship, and return on another. You have no say as to when you are to leave one ship for another. The thing for you to do is to embrace your next voyage.

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TED Cancelled His Talk, Now The Physicist Hired By The CIA Is Exposing The Reality Of ESP (Documentary)

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Cancelled or banned TED talks are nothing new. When coming across information, no matter how much evidence it has behind it, any topic that challenges the current accepted framework of knowledge will always encounter a harsh resistance. For example, in 1900, Lord Kelvin said that “there is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.”  It was only five years later when Einstein published his paper on special relativity, which forced the scientific community to open up to an alternate view regarding the nature of reality. Scientists and new discoveries were and are still scorned by those in power, a classic example would be Galileo and the Catholic Church, or when we realized the Earth is round, but have things really changed that much?

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What Is Kundalini Energy & How Can You Awaken It?

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

As we come into Spring, a time that represents rebirth and growth after a period of darkness, this is the perfect time to talk about Kundalini energy! Spring relates to transformation and rebirth in nature, so what better time to focus on your personal energy and overall wellness?

As you let go of anything that no longer serves you and welcome more light into your life, you’re likely releasing energy and blockages on your chakras. An excellent way to do this is actually through Kundalini yoga, a branch that focuses on awareness, consciousness, and chakras. However, what exactly is Kundalini energy and how do you awaken it?

If you’re unfamiliar with the chakra system, please read this article first.

GFP Newsletter - 4/17/2017

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A pagan is natural - as natural as trees and birds and rivers and mountains.

Why don't you ask me, "Does a flower need religion?" What will the poor flower do with religion?

The flower blossoms. Its fragrance is released. The flower dances in the wind, in the sun, in the rain. That's its religion. What else is needed? A dance in the rain, in the sun, in the wind ... what more do you want? Your fragrance released to all directions ... what more do you want? - because this is fulfillment. You have matured, blossomed. You have come to your ultimate peak. There is nothing higher than that.

This is the religion of a flower.


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Go Ahead, Make Mistakes.

God said:

Beloveds, don’t be afraid to make a wrong move.

Who told you that you have to be perfect in the eyes of the world? Not I. A desire for perfection may well immobilize you from moving forward. Desire for perfection often stalls you. It is a delaying action. Brave is the Soul Who can let go of having to be perfect in the world.

I understand how it is not generally easy for you to be cavalier with mistakes. I have to tell you directly that you must let go of the idea of perfection in the world. You have to. When you do, this will be a red-letter day. This will be cause for celebration. Doing your best and having to be perfect are too different things.

Remind yourself more than once that everything in this world is compared to something else.

Look, your first draft at writing a story could turn out to be more real, more solid, more magnificent than all the fine-toothed versions that follow. You can revamp grammar, refine the structure, etc., and you may also remove all the life from your story. Momentum has great value.

Perfection may not let go of its hold on you. Some of My blessed souls, rather than living their lives, stall them at every turn. Your intellect is not to always come first. Satisfy your heart, your heart, your beautiful heart.

On Earth, dear Ones, there is always more perfection to be had around the corner. When you seek perfection, you may think you are being realistic, yet you are enmeshing yourself in the purest of fantasies.

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Good News For Elephants: China’s Price Of Ivory Has Plummeted

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

China’s ivory trade has wreaked havoc on the elephant population. Approximately 35,000 elephants are killed annually, largely in part due to the illegal international ivory trade demanded in China primarily. The need to reduce demand for ivory is vital for stopping the endangered Asian elephant and threatened African elephant.

But it looks like we may finally be seeing a breakthrough. As China prepares to impose a domestic ban on the ivory trade, a new report reveals that the price of raw ivory is falling. This is particularly good for African elephants, who have been subject to poaching by the thousands for their tusks, which are then smuggled into China.

According to Save the Elephants researchers, while the wholesale price in early 2014 was $2,100 per kilogram, it had dropped  to $730 per kilogram by last month.


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