God said:
When Life doesn’t make sense to you, breathe. When Life is too much for you, breathe. When you don’t know where to turn, breathe. Breathe in, and breathe out.
Yes, remember to breathe deeply, and remember Me with all your heart. I am here. You are not forsaken. It is impossible for you to be forsaken. Well, sure, you can talk yourself into the idea of abandonment.
My Beloveds, if there is one who forsakes, it is you. Do not commit the folly of forgetting your place in the order of things. You are here on Earth for a reason. No matter how bare Earth Life may seem to you at a given time, you are not here on Earth to despair.
A sense of desperation, no matter how strongly you may feel it, is not Truth. This is not to say that Life in your court is easy. I understand that you may feel desperate on the verge of immense danger. You feel you are failing or are going to fail in something, and you are faced with insurmountable difficulties. You might fall off a cliff. You fear a disaster brewing. You are consumed by the concept of disaster.
Of course, you are aware of different scales of disaster. A disaster can be as nearby as burning a roast in the oven for a special dinner in your home tonight or as far away as death of your hapless body sometime or another. Of course, death is not a disaster. You do not die. Your loved ones don’t die. Bodies lie down. Your Soul takes off!