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Lead Poisoning In Children 3x Higher In California City Than in Flint

by James Holbrooks, The Anti-Media

Following up on a report published in December of last year, Reuters ran a piece this week that shed light on the alarmingly high rate of lead poisoning among children across the state of California. One rate in Fresno was almost three times higher than that of Flint, Michigan.

From Wednesday’s article:

“Dozens of California communities have experienced recent rates of childhood lead poisoning that surpass those of Flint, Michigan, with one Fresno locale showing rates nearly three times higher, blood testing data obtained by Reuters shows.

“The data shows how lead poisoning affects even a state known for its environmental advocacy, with high rates of childhood exposure found in a swath of the Bay Area and downtown Los Angeles. And the figures show that, despite national strides in eliminating lead-based products, hazards remain in areas far from the Rust Belt or East Coast regions filled with old housing and legacy industry.”

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Daily Message ~ Monday March 27, 2017

When something comes up to be cleared it is a wonderful sign that you are ready to hold more light, to shine more light, to BE the light that you are. Coming into the light means there is an opportunity for healing and wholeness. It is always cause for celebration for it indicates evolution and energetic refinement. ~Archangel Gabriel


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An Oasis For Bees And People Alike: How One Man Is Growing Food For Both (For Free)

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

This man has started dozens of gardens in New Orleans' poorest area to feed residents for free.

After Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, many of the areas impacted by one of the deadliest hurricanes on record in the U.S. were never again the same. Funding for infrastructure and community development has been scarce and many of southeast Louisiana’s poorer districts, including the Ninth Ward, have suffered deeply ever since then.

That’s why David Young decided to create Capstone Community Gardens & Orchard, a volunteer-run non-profit that has converted over 30 blighted and abandoned lots into gardens and orchards for the community.

Young started the organization shortly after Katrina hit when he saw that there were many without food and no resources to access fresh food in the area. With a crumbling infrastructure that wasn’t likely to be fixed anytime soon, companies didn’t want to rebuild many stores, making it even more difficult for the already-poor district to find the food they need to thrive.

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Scientists Transform Spinach Leaf Into Beating Human Heart Tissue

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

A new study reveals how a vascular system may be grown from a common green most people eat for dinner. Published by the journal Biomaterials earlier this month, the information shows how scientists were able to successfully build a working human heart muscle from spinach.

According to National Geographic, the newfound ability to grow a vascular system will further developments in tissue engineering. This is because scientists have already created large-scale human tissue using methods such as 3D printing, but until recently, were unsuccessful at developing small, delicate blood vessels that are imperative for tissue health.

One of the study’s co-authors, Joshua Gershlak of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), described the study:


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This fiery New Aires Moon is the first New Moon of the Astrological New Year!  Coming in on the heels of the Spring Equinox which brings in the Astrological New Year.  It is a time for intentions and to visualize what you would like this Astrological New Year to look like.

This Aires New Moon seems to have a message……no matter how chaotic, intense and transformative the last several weeks have been, and still are..…..there seems to be a “new” energy of motivation, movement and the urge to start something “new”.  This Aries New Moon is opening up a new beginning….as it moves you into a heighten level of higher consciousness. It is almost like the Universe is saying…..take a step…any step….just move!!   There is no way to hide now.  Things are being put in our faces…..right in our faces…. and now is the time that we DO have to deal with them.  If you stumble and fall…..it is time to pick yourself up and brush yourself off….and move forward again!!   Both Aries and all New Moons are about creating the “new”.   Starting something “new”…..manifesting and creating the “new”……and we are all in the process of Co-Creating the “New” world and Co-Creating our newly evolved selves!  

But first remember that….New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle. New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle.  It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!  Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies that gives us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. During this powerful New Moon….meditate and manifest on Peace….within yourself and in the World.   Meditate for direction and guidance during these very powerful energies……

GFP Newsletter - 3/26/2017

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We have enough evidence that at the time of Mahabharata - which happened three thousand years before Jesus Christ - something like nuclear weapons were used. So it is not that science had not developed - but it was prevented; its direction was changed.

Seeing its destructiveness, seeing that it is against ecology, seeing that sooner of later it would destroy humanity itself ... all scientific movement was directed into other dimensions. For example, yoga, tantra, ayurveda - these are all scientific methods, but not against nature, not against man; they are creative.


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Prescription Opioids Take a Backseat to Medical Cannabis, Study Shows

by Sabrina Mueller, Awareness Junkie

New research shows that, given the choice, patients will now reach for cannabis over prescription opioids, anti-depressants and sedatives, such as Valium and Xanax.

Canada is one of the first nations to create a federal medical cannabis program. As of August 2016, more than 65,000 patients were receiving products from more than 30 federally-licensed medical cannabis producers.

Collecting Medical Cannabis Data

In order to asses the merit of the new federal program, professors at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the University of Victory created a survey of 107 questions. These questions pertained to demographics, patterns of use and the cannabis substitution effect.

Two hundred and seventy one patients, all with prescriptions to medical cannabis, responded to the survey. These individuals had a wide range of conditions including chronic pain, metal health and gastrointestinal issues, while also retaining prescriptions for many other drugs.

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All the Fantastic Interweaving

God said:

Just as the sky is spread out before you, so is the world. There is a panorama of Life in the World, and it is all there before you. Take your pick.

You can look up at the full canopy of the sky. In the same sky above, you can see pretty blue sky with white powder-puff clouds. Look at another part of the sky, and you can see dark clouds in a dark sky. You may think:

“Thunderstorm coming.”

Or you might look up at the sky and spot a rainbow, yet, all of this is One Sky, and who can say that only some of God’s Sky is beautiful? If you personally can’t say that thunderclouds are beautiful, can you not say that you are seeing wonders before your eyes? Is a dark sky any less a miracle than a blue clear sky with white embossed clouds?

So is Life, the Life you live, and the Life and Lives you remark on. Remember, I looked at Creation, and I said: “It is good.” I could have said: “This is a fantastic sky. We sure hit the jackpot!”

Oh, the incredible weaving of the world I wove. Everything in place. Every aspect taken care of. Such integration. I could have said: “This is perfect, all the interweaving.”

The same way, a child, admires what his little hands patted together from Play Dough. He looks at what he has made with good feeling. He did well, and Life is good. Look at what he made!

Also say that what you made is good.

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10 Of The Most Powerful All-Natural Antibiotics Known To Man

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

There’s a huge shift right now occurring within the medical industry. More and more people are starting to learn that modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry have become more concerned with profit than they are with people.

Mark Mattson, Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging, has explained that pharmaceutical companies can’t make money off of healthy people, which is why there is no funding for research. So, it’s not really surprising that drug companies would manufacture pills that have negative side effects, because then they can keep us sick.

Arnold Seymour Relman, a Harvard professor of medicine and former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal, has also stated:

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500 Children Missing In DC In 2017 — Sex Trafficking Fears Have Officials Asking FBI For Help

(Matt Agorist, FTP) Washington, D.C. — A total of 501 juveniles have been reported missing in D.C. since the beginning of the year. This startling number has forced the hands of several officials who’ve written a letter to call on special help from the Justice Department in investigating the matter.

The letter, obtained by the Associated Press, asked FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to “devote the resources necessary to determine whether these developments are an anomaly or whether they are indicative of an underlying trend that must be addressed.” It was signed by Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond (D-La) and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, who represents D.C. in Congress.

“Ten children of color went missing in our nation’s capital in a period of two weeks and at first garnered very little media attention. That’s deeply disturbing,” Richmond’s letter said.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday March 26, 2017

Dear Ones, it is your surrender, trust, and faith that keeps you in your most abundant state of flow, as well as in a state of open acceptance and allowing. They are the vital keys to all that you wish to experience and create. Simply put, if you choose not to stay in your surrendered faith and flow with your trust, you are choosing to keep yourself separate from the stream of endless support and love that is available to you. Trust is both the anchor and the activator that allows the potentials you never knew were available to make themselves known to you and expand your life in the most miraculous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 3/25/2017

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Consciousness is one and can only be one.

It is just like the light. East and West make no difference at all. Geography has no effect as far as consciousness is concerned.


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Study Reveals That This Group Of People Has The Healthiest Hearts In The World

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

People living in Western societies, or those living with the luxury of technology, often find it unfathomable that groups of people survived before them without these same advancements. Although phones and computers are recent devices that many people know how to make-do without, people often question how others survived without modern medicine, procedures, food, and much more.

The problem with technology and a rapidly growing population is that while it aids us in everyday transactions, there are actually huge downfalls to becoming so advanced. One area in which this is evident is with people’s health. Though modern medicine boasts a plethora of prescription drugs to help with endless ailments and surgeries that can fix most issues, the alternative side to that is people in the past didn’t have nearly as many issues because their overall health wasn’t always as bad. Yes, their life expectancies were shorter because of disease and different ways of living, but they also didn’t have junk food or sugary drinks they had daily.


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