GFP Newsletter - 2/18/2017

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You are told to love your neighbor - but you have never loved yourself. And a person who has not loved himself, how can he love the neighbor? From where can he get love? First you have to have it.

You are loving the neighbor - you who knows nothing of love because you have never loved yourself.

The neighbor is loving you - he has never loved himself. Such insanity is happening in the world, people who know nothing of love are loving each other.

It is like beggars begging from each other, each thinking the other is the emperor. Both are thinking in the same way: the other is the emperor. Both are beggars. Sooner or later the reality manifests itself; then there is misery, suffering. Then you think you have been cheated, this beggar has been trying to prove himself an emperor. Now this is absolutely absurd - it is you who were thinking him an emperor. And the same is the situation from the other side: the other person thinks you have been cheating him, pretending to be an emperor and you are just a beggar.

When both beggars find that they are beggars, what else can they do other than be angry, enraged, violent to each other, hating each other as deeply as possible? And the love ...? It was nothing; they don't know what love is.

To know anything, you have to begin with yourself.


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Money, Only in the World

God said:

Sometimes Life on Earth feels so foreign to you. It's not Earth that is so strange really. It is the world. Earth is rewarding. The world you have trepidation about.

The world seems to run on money. Business is money. And money seems also to be one of the silliest things you can imagine. There must be another way.

Advertising has taken over. Marketing has become like a God. It is as if love has been forgotten, and only gain is remembered, and gain at any cost.

How could this happen? What did happen? And, yet, you too are dependent upon money. Can money really be the basis of Life in the World?

Maybe it isn't really about money. Maybe it's really about the thrill of the chase. Maybe it's about competition with a capital C.

Why couldn't something else besides money be the medium of exchange? Yet you can't think what it could be. Smiles can't replace paper or coin. Flowers? Not likely, but what you don’t know even as money seems too callous and callow. Hmm, there seems to be something about the idea of the deal. The transaction seems to be the thing.

All you can really say is you want to live in a different kind of world where money isn't so overly-impersonal. Hand to hand, hand from hand, to and fro pockets and purses. What kind of florid energy is the stock exchange?

So real are exchanges, paid for with money, and so unreal to you. You don't have the answers. You can't figure it out. All you know is that it seems too cut and dried.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 18, 2017

Human beings have a curious habit. They will be moving along their enlightenment process quite beautifully until a challenging energetic time occurs. Rather than seeing the energies as helping them along their process and being happy they are ready for yet another upgrade, they immediately start to judge themselves as broken, messy, and thoroughly incapable. Dear Ones, we implore you to stop kicking yourselves while you are down!

Everything – every single thing – that is happening is serving your growth and expansion. While intense energies can be challenging, they always leave you better, and shifted into a higher, clearer energetic space so you can experience more of your true beauty and divinity. Deciding to berate yourselves on top of the massive amount of shifting you are doing is at best completely unnecessary and at worst making the process far more difficult than it needs to be.

Hear us when we say you are doing an incredible job! You are kind and mindful, dedicated and courageous, as you drive the shift on your planet. We urge you to stop using times of intensity as an excuse to abuse yourselves, and to start to see it as a time when you need and deserve your own love and support more than ever. Why not finally stop looking for what you think is wrong with you and start celebrating what is oh, so right? How different would your experiences be if you created a safe space of comfort and nourishment for your spiritual growth and evolution? ~Archangel Gabriel

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We Have a Choice. - 6 Months to Live

by Jacqueline Boone, 6 Months to Live

The world is doing some pretty crazy things right now. Between Brussels, Nigeria, and the current political situation and actions in the US, I often feel dumbfounded, angry, and deeply saddened.

This is to say nothing of the recent GoFundMe campaigns from friends who are raising money for their baby girl who needs major heart surgery, a friend from high school who is dying, leaving his 2-year-old son behind, and another friend’s family’s dog who will die without immediate surgery. It’s days like these, when I’m left asking, “What is going on in the world?”

It can feel easy to give up or zone out, or we can make a choice. A choice to see the good. A choice to do good. A choice to be the good we wish to see in the world.

*One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between 2 “wolves” inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

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Scientists Reveal Plans To Bring The Wooly Mammoth Back From Extinction

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

A group of researchers at Harvard have announced that they are trying to resurrect the wooly mammoth that went extinct around 10,000 years ago. The announcement was made by the team who explained their intentions ahead of the annual gathering of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Boston earlier this week. They explained that their main aim of bringing the giants back from extinction is to use a popular gene-editing tool called CRISPR to produce “elephant-mammoth embryos”. The Guardian recently reported that the scientific team is currently only at the cell stage where they are experimenting with an array of combinations of both elephant and mammoth genes. Whilst the embryos themselves have not been created yet, the leader of the project has said that the team is merely two years away from producing them. Although recent reports have also said that it would be “many years” before any of the new “mammoths” would be allowed, or even able, to grow into full adults.

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British Online Supermarket Launches Trucks Powered by Food Waste

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

It’s easy to take for granted things we have no problem obtaining, like money to purchase food to keep us full and happy every single day. But have you ever considered the detriments of buying too much food from the grocery store, only to find weeks later that some of your items have gone bad? Or perhaps you’re not a leftovers person, and choose to scrape the remainder of every meal off your plate and into the trash. Many of our routine practices regarding food may seem harmless, but food waste is a massive global issue that must not be ignored.

report by UNEP and the World Resources Institute (WRI) found that an estimated one-third of all food produced worldwide, worth around US$1 trillion, gets lost or wasted in food production and consumption systems. This figure converted into calories means that about 1 in 4 calories meant to be consumed for nourishment are never actually eaten. Such statistics, among a world full of hunger, incredulous food prices, and social unease, reveal the environmental, moral, and economical issues surrounding many of our ‘normal’ food practices.

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Ashton Kutcher Gives Emotional Testimony At Hearing To End Human Trafficking [Watch]

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

On Wednesday, well-established actor and philanthropist Ashton Kutcher testified at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in Washington, D.C. During the hearing, he spoke about the requirement to end modern slavery and human trafficking and gave an emotional testimony to support his message.

At first, Kutcher’s presence was taken light-heartedly. Senator John McCain commented that the actor looked better “in the movies,” to which Kutcher then blew him a kiss. But from then on, it adopted a serious tone. Seated next to Human Rights First President and CEO Elisa Massimino, Ashton gave his passionate speech. He began,

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Son Of Pablo Escobar Reveals His Dad "Worked For The CIA" Selling Drugs – Media Silent

Notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar 'worked for the CIA selling cocaine' his son now claims. Media conveniently ignores it.

By: Claire Bernish / The Free Thought Project   

Juan Pablo Escobar Henao, son of notorious Medellín cartel drug kingpin, Pablo Escobar, now says his father “worked for the CIA.”

In a new book, “Pablo Escobar In Fraganti,” Escobar, who lives under the pseudonym, Juan Sebastián Marroquín, explains his “father worked for the CIA selling cocaine to finance the fight against Communism in Central America.”

“The drug business is very different than what we dreamed,” he continues. “What the CIA was doing was buying the controls to get the drug into their country and getting a wonderful deal.”

“He did not make the money alone,” Marroquín elaborated in an interview, “but with US agencies that allowed him access to this money. He had direct relations with the CIA.”

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A Former Goldman Sachs Partner & George Soros Employee Is Now Officially The U.S. Treasury Secretary

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

President Donald Trump’s cabinet picks have stirred up some controversy in the U.S., and his latest selection is no exception. The Senate just confirmed Steven Mnuchin as U.S. Treasury Secretary after voting 53-47, suggesting that Trump may not be as “anti-establishment” as he would like us to believe.

A highly experienced business associate, and chairman and CEO of the hedge fund Dune Capital, Mnuchin may seem like a suitable fit to those who don’t see the bigger picture. Mnuchin spent 17 years working at Goldman Sachs, where he eventually made partner and created a fortune of $46 million. Mnuchin also worked at Soros Fund Management, whose founder, George Soros, is a key member of the shadow government disguised as a philanthropic billionaire.

GFP Newsletter - 2/17/2017

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You are asking why people are not interested in truth? They are not interested in it because they have been conditioned. For centuries they have been continuously conditioned: You are just a sinner, you are born in sin. This life is a punishment. You are not of any value, of any worth. There is nothing to be searched for within you, you have to look outward. You have to approach some god, some truth, which is far away, a long, long journey."

And the problem is that truth is just within you.

Truth needs no journey.

It needs only a remembrance.

People are not interested in truth because they have been taught not to be interested in themselves.

All the religions are telling you: be unselfish, be interested in others, serve others, love your enemy - even love your neighbor, which is certainly more difficult. But nobody says, "Love yourself."


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Leap to the Sun

God said:

You started out today saying: "Beloved God, give me the guts to reflect You on Earth. I'm getting tired of myself. Help me get out of my mud-hole. I want to leap to the Sun. What holds me back? Why don't I just do it without further ado? The Sun reaches out its arms to me, and I can't seem to fully open my arms. It must be I hold myself back?"

Beloveds, I say: Who is responsible for you if not you?

Staying asleep in the world of matter takes away your energy. I refer to your sleeping as you race around in the physical world. Your physical eyes may be open, yet your consciousness stays asleep. You do know something isn't right.

Don't fear what the day might bring. Truth delivers Sunshine to you. And it delivers Me. There isn't anything else to deliver. Well, you will want to deliver yourself, and then you will begin to know Our Oneness once-and-for-all. Where are We? We are side-by-side as always. We are so blended, there is only One of Us. I say only. HA HA  -- imagine ONLY Oneness. It is enough. It is all that there is, and Oneness fills the entirety of Life. Oneness overflows. Dear Ones, you have tasted it, and so you yearn for it.

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San Francisco Bans The Sale Of Non-Rescue Cats And Dogs In Pet Stores

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

In an effort to crack down on puppy mills, San Francisco ruled that only rescue cats and dogs older than 8 weeks are allowed to be sold in pet stores.

Following in the footsteps of New Jersey and Arizona, the entire city of San Francisco has banned the sale of non-rescue dogs and cats at local pet stores. The initiative aims to crack down on “puppy mills” and ensure that some of the millions of animals that live in shelters across the nation find forever homes.

The San Francisco Examiner reports that on Tuesday, the San Francisco Boards of Supervisors unanimously voted to amend the city’s health code. Proposed by Supervisor Katy Tang from District 4, the new rules only allow the sale of animals sourced from animal rescue shelters or groups at pet stores. Additionally, any animal younger than 8 weeks old is banned from being sold at a commercial pet store.

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Daily Message ~ Friday February 17, 2017

Dear Ones, acceptance, which is beautiful by product of faith and trust and the supporter of patience and peace, is the key to living life in the higher dimensions, for it nurtures and supports, honours and allows, and creates the safe space for you to discover your highest expression of self. It is at the core of unconditional love, and unity consciousness. It is through the energies of acceptance that you will finally fall madly in love with yourselves, as well, discovering your own divine essence, which will move you into the joy of being. Acceptance, simply put, is the essence of the energies of Home, and what you yearn for as you seek to heal the pain of judgment and separation once and for all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Murky Or Clear?

There will be times when you will be ‘invited’ to jump into the fray and participate in the drama going on around you.  It can be very tempting to respond with a knee jerk reaction toward anger or disgust being thrown at you.  Again, this is where your free will and choice come into play.  Do you participate or do you ‘sit it out’?  In those tense moments; breathe, take a step back and ask yourself if it is something in which you truly wish to engage.  Would you be responding with judgement?  Would you be forcing your views on another?  Would your participation help clear the air or make it murkier?  Take some time and listen to your heart….the truest and most equitable solution will always be there. ~ Creator


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