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The Morning Sun Is True

God said:

I do not say: "Woe, unto you." I do not.

I do say: "Peace unto you." I go so far as to say: "Blessings unto you. Joy unto you. Be light of heart."

Joy exists, and it exists within you. You already have it. It is yours. It belongs to you. You, dear ones, however, set standards for joy. This is tantamount to setting restrictions on your joy. When you set restrictions, you block out joy as if forbidden.

Joy is your nature. Solemnity is not your nature. Solemnity is something you impose upon yourself. You and the world cut yourself off. Somewhere along the line, you become convinced that joy must be overruled.

Death of a loved one, from your point of view, as if there were a law against it, precludes joy. Getting a low mark on a test in school wrests joy away from you. Losing your job, the identity you see, the paycheck and the security it seemed to offer, you may have accepted as ruling out joy. Still, you do begin to have a hint that joy is your birthright.

You don't have to be happy because of this or that. Just be happy. Absorb happiness regardless of what is going on. I do not make a rule that only under certain circumstances can you allow yourself happiness, and under other circumstances you must deny yourself.

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FrankenSwine: Genetic Scientists Create Human-Pig GMO

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Contributing writer for Wake Up World

“Science is a good piece of furniture for a man to have in an upper chamber, provided he has common sense on the ground floor.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

In Greek mythology, a chimera is a fire-breathing monster created from different species, most often portrayed as a creature with a lion’s head, a goat’s body and a serpent’s tail. Chimera have long been regarded as mythical creatures — to the extent that the word “chimera” also means “an illusion or fabrication of the mind” or “an unrealizable dream”— and the idea of a human-animal chimera has remained confined largely to mythology, however — until now.

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After Seeing A UFO & Extraterrestrials, This Painter Is Delivering A Message From Space

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

After seeing a UFO or an extraterrestrial (ET), would you share your experience with others? Odds are that tons of people out there have had encounters with ETs, but were too scared to come forward. There is a huge stigma surrounding UFO and ET phenomena, which is largely due to mainstream media and Hollywood.

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This National Park Opted To Shoot Poachers On Site, Has Killed 50 So Far

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Guards are trained to shoot and kill poachers, which is why thousands of Indian one-horned rhinos are still alive in the park.

If humans fail to change their ways and adopt more sustainable habits, incredible species will go extinct. In fact, the African Elephant isn’t expected to outlast the next decade due to increased poaching activity. It’s because of this sobering reality and the increasing demand for ivory that a national park in India is shooting first and asking questions later.

The BBC reports that Kaziranga National Park has a pretty successful track record when it comes to protecting rhinoceroses from poachers. However, a controversial tactic is utilized by park rangers: shooting on sight. So far, the park has killed 50 people.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announces the World Mercury Project’s $100,000 challenge


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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announces the World Mercury Project’s $100,000 challenge with goal of stopping use of highly toxic mercury in vaccines.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 15, 2017 – Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman of the World Mercury Project (WMP), announced a $100,000 challenge today aimed at putting an end to including mercury, a neurotoxin that is 100 times more poisonous than lead, in vaccines administered in the U.S and globally.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 15, 2017

When you are trying to manifest something new, it can be frustrating when you feel like you don't have all the details or the knowledge of how it will work out. We would like you to know that you don't need the details right away. You just need the basics, or the main foundation.

Ask yourself, "What do I know for sure?" So let us suppose you were wanting to move. Start with the broadest details. Do you know what country you would like to live in? Which area? What climate do you prefer? Do you prefer city or country or small town? Is safety a main concern to you? Are schools important? Do you prefer to be near water, or inland? As you start to focus on broader details, you start to realize that you do have more clarity on what you would like than you first thought.

Your manifestations are much like building a house. You create the foundation first, which supports all the other elements to be built upon it. As the house starts to take form, the smaller details fall into place, until all that is left to do is the finishing touches and you are ready to move in. You can't worry about what switch plates to buy until you have walls and electricity first!

GFP Newsletter - 2/14/2017

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You are asking what is truth.

I can show you the way so that you can see what is the truth.

You cannot see through my eyes; you cannot get a glimpse of it through my words.

If you are really interested in knowing, then I can show you the path which leads to truth.

I have been calling that path meditation.

You be silent - because truth is your innermost property, your own treasure: not the kingdom of God somewhere else in the heavens, but the kingdom of God within you just now, throbbing, pulsating - your heartbeat.

It is here, but you are not here.

You have to be brought back home. You have gone too far away from yourself. Perhaps you have got lost and you don't know how to come back home. Perhaps you are standing in front of your home, but you cannot remember that this is your home.


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Life Is Not a Bad Guy

God said:

What if you simply welcome Life? What if you felt that you were Life's genial host? That you are to help Life feel welcome and comfortable on Earth?

It would seem that you have considered Life to be your host and that Life is to make you welcome and comfortable. Is this so? I think that's exactly what many or most of My children have been doing, expecting Life to massage their feet and soothe their feelings, as though Life is supposed to be your butler or servant of some kind.

Of course, Life does serve.

You and Life are reciprocal. You serve each other. Life on Earth is not a one-way activity. Life parents you, and sometimes you have to go along.

In one sense, I ask you to intercede for Life and make its job easier. Let Life sit on the couch. Let Life put its legs up on the ottoman. Plump the cushions up for Life at least once in a while. Serve Life some tea. Take at least some responsibility for Life.

No matter what happens in Life, Life is not a bad guy. As you do your best, so does Life. Life gives you its all. Life wants to make you happy. Life has other responsibilities as well. Besides that, it is not always easy for Life to make you happy.

Do your utmost to smile back at Life. Give Life a break. Don't be a hard taskmaster. Even when Life disappoints you, be cordial.

I won’t say that Life makes mistakes. If it did, you flub up every once in a while too.

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Great Political and Social Leaders Always Call Out the Bankers

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

A common thread between many of the world’s great political and social leaders is their willingness to call out the major banks and bankers for their complicity in establishing and maintaining economic tension and international conflict in our world.

Jesus whipped the money changers when he drove them from the Temple for turning his Father’s house into a den of thieves, and since the days of Christ, history is the story of a never-ending struggle between houses of finance and public interests.

Banks are in a unique position of power in our world, and can generate extraordinary profits without actually producing anything. Through the issuance of currency and credit, they can control the amount of money available to the economy and create economic booms and busts, seizing titles to land, homes, businesses, and property. They hold extraordinary influence over government for their role as financiers of everything from public works to war, and enjoy extraordinary pecuniary advantage and privilege.

“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its profits or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.” — Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863

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Bridges Being Built For Wildlife Are Saving Thousands Of Lives

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

The wildlife bridges allow animals to safely pass over or under main roads.

An increasing number of animal bridges are being put up across the globe by conservationists to ensure the safety of the world’s animals. These relatively new wildlife crossings are a huge and innovative upgrade from the simple road signs on highways which show a brief warning that animals may be in the area. These bridge methods are being employed with the sole purpose of protecting wildlife and preventing human-animal conflict and in turn preserving the world’s ecosystems, by helping to stop habitat fragmentation. In the United States alone, estimations have shown that the current road systems affect the ecology of a huge one-fifth of the country’s land, whilst vehicle-animal collisions are costing the US around $8 billion a year, according to a recent report.

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Nature Comes To The Rescue Again - Peppertree Disarms Most Dangerous Bacteria

by Karen Foster,

Superbugs are without a doubt a major threat affecting all health care systems. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is caused by a type of staph bacteria that's become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections. Despite attempts by new antibiotics to neutralize the effects of MRSA, none have succeeded. But nature did.

The red berries of the Brazilian peppertree -- a weedy, invasive species common in Florida -- contain an extract with the power to disarm dangerous antibiotic-resistant staph bacteria, scientists at Emory University have discovered.

The journal Scientific Reports is publishing the finding, made in the lab of Cassandra Quave, an assistant professor in Emory's Center for the Study of Human Health and in the School of Medicine's Department of Dermatology.

"Traditional healers in the Amazon have used the Brazilian peppertree for hundreds of years to treat infections of the skin and soft tissues," Quave says. "We pulled apart the chemical ingredients of the berries and systematically tested them against disease-causing bacteria to uncover a medicinal mechanism of this plant."

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Untangling the Knot of Fear

By Wes Annac, Editor, Openhearted Rebel

Meditation is wonderful.

By bringing your attention to your subconscious, it helps you become aware of things deep within that either help or hurt you. If you meditate for long enough, it’ll reveal the answers to your deepest questions.

Without meditation, I don’t think I could receive the guidance I’ve needed to get through countless problems in life.

Meditation was there for me each time I realized I can’t find what I need in the material world. By becoming silent, still, and willing to listen to the nothingness, I discovered a higher consciousness and the potential to plunge deeper.

Within the meditation-induced nothingness, you discover the intuitive stream of thought that leads to positive places through positive choices. If you can tune in and listen to this intuitive thought stream, it’ll help you stay on the right path.

Acknowledging and Releasing Fear

I recently discovered in meditation that I carry a lot of fear. It’s as I’ve been tangled in a knot of fear that I can now untie.

I was advised to acknowledge it, explore it if needed, and let it go. I was also advised that if necessary, I can repeat this process until I heal every bit of leftover negative energy. We don’t have to give in to it anymore. With perseverance and the intuitive wisdom received in meditation, we can finally release it.

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Empty Tank?

In the coming weeks, there may be times when you feel as if your tank is nearly empty.  You will sputter, jump and feel like you are running on fumes.  This, my love, is the time to stop, ground yourself and most definitely breathe!  While you are resting, ask yourself these questions:

Am I taking care of myself physically, mentally and emotionally?

Am I allowing toxic situation and people to affect who I am?

What am I currently doing that is draining rather than filling my tank?

How can I put myself back into a space to co-create and to help myself move forward?

Listening for and to the answers of these questions will put you in a better space to reassess where you are and what you need to change.  Remember….a tank is never truly empty, there is always a reserve on hand. ~ Creator


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