GFP Newsletter - 2/13/2017

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Words mean what we want them to mean, they don't have any intrinsic meaning.

Meaning is something different, totally different - and truth is pure meaning, pure content without any container. The moment you put a container around it you are doing something ....

It is as if you see a bird on the wing in the sky. It is so beautiful - the flight, the freedom, the space, the sunrays, and the joy of the bird on the wing ... life throbbing, pulsating. You can catch the bird, you can put it into a golden cage - do you think it is the same bird?, the same bird that was on the wing when the sun was rising, the same bird fluttering in the strong wind in the vast sky with no barriers? Yes, your cage is beautiful, golden; but the bird has no longer the same freedom, it has no longer the same beauty, it has no longer the same truth. You have killed everything.

In a very superficial way it is the same bird because the body is the same, but what about the soul?

What about the innermost core of the bird? Can it be the same in the cage and in the open sky on the wing? This is a little bit delicate, but not beyond intelligence: it is no longer the same bird.

The same happens to truth.

The moment you put it into language, the whole freedom, the whole beauty, the whole authenticity is gone.


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The Art of Disguise

God said:

If the Truth be known is a common expression.

Here's the joker! Truth is known. Deep down in every one of My Children, the Truth is known. This has to be so, for deep within each one of My children am I.

Logic often does not take you where you want to go. Beyond logic, you really do know that you are not this miserly person you may see yourself as on Earth.

All is known. This is inevitable. You know it on a deeper level than you may yet be on speaking terms with. Your mind may not as yet have devoured this knowledge that you, the True You, are conversant with. Knowledge deep in your heart may not have surfaced as yet. This knowledge is a Life Saver, of course, yet you are not an emergency. You are actually emerging from a cloak of darkness.

The Truth is not a stranger to you. You may dodge it. You may run away from it. You may be scared of it. You may disbelieve it. You may think the Truth is too good to be true, yet you know the Truth, and you cannot escape it forever.

The Truth I speak of is the Truth that you are a Divine Being. You are not this individual you bat around with in your mind. You’re not this individual in a body who experiences emotions and the illusion of disapproval and so on. You are more than this.

The Love I speak of is not the same as the emotion you call Love. The Love We talk about is deeper and higher than any emotion. Falling in love is emotion, and you feel you can't live without all the emotion you have pinned your hopes on.

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Numerology: Here’s What Your Name Says About You

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

You may have heard of numerology before and perhaps you didn’t give it much credit or brushed it off as some new age mumbo jumbo, but what if you could test it out for yourself and see what it can actually represent? If you found it to be accurate in being able to describe details in your life would you accept that there’s actually some truth to it or brush it off as mere coincidence?

Are You Seeing Repeating Number Sequences?

Up until very recently, I hadn’t given numerology much thought at all, but for the last decade or so, I’ve been seeing 11:11 quite regularly. In fact, I’m sure a lot of my Facebook friends get annoyed with me because I always feel the need to share “11:11!” when I see this on a clock, or license plate or anywhere really.

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How Sunscreen Could Be Causing Skin Cancer, Not The Sun

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Summer may be a long way off, but it’s never too early to start thinking about protecting your skin. For most people, this means covering themselves in sunscreen, which corporate marketing campaigns encourage at every turn. Yet, while we do indeed need protection to prevent sunburns, blocking out the sun entirely is not ideal. Rich in vitamin D, it offers a number of other health benefits, including, oddly enough, cancer prevention. We’ve been made to fear the sun, and, as a result, adults and children are choosing to drench themselves in a bath of toxic, hormone-disrupting chemicals.

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Lucid Dreamers Found To Produce The Fastest Brainwave Frequencies Ever Recorded

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Lucid dreaming is one category of dreams that many people experience. It occurs when the individual is dreaming and during that dream the individual is completely aware that they are dreaming. Some people report a low-level lucidity state where one is aware they are dreaming but not able to alter the content of the dream. Other people have experienced high-level lucidity where one is aware they are dreaming but are also able to alter the dream, and have the freedom to do whatever they desire within the dream.

Dreams are a fascinating phenomenon as they provide us with insights into a world full of experiences we cannot perceive or create in a completely conscious state. Or can we?

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Cops And Lawmakers Exposed In Massive $800M Private Prison Bribery Conspiracy

By: The Free Thought Project   JACKSON, Miss. (CN) — Mississippi sued 10 people and 15 corporations this week to recoup more than $800 million in state money lost in a seven-year prison bribery scandal.

Defendants in the 11 lawsuits included former Mississippi Department of Corrections Commissioner Chris Epps, and former Republican state House Member Cecil McCrory, the key figures in the conspiracy. They and four other people pleaded guilty to their involvement in the conspiracy.

Attorney General Jim Hood says in the lawsuits that multiple corporations, including prominent private prison contractors, paid millions of dollars in bogus “consulting fees” to people who used the money to pay bribes and kickbacks to Epps.

Epps then steered approximately $800 million in public contracts to those private prison contractors.

“The state of Mississippi has been defrauded through a pattern of bribery, kickbacks, misrepresentations, fraud, concealment, money laundering and other wrongful conduct,” Hood said in a statement. “These individuals and corporations that benefited by stealing from taxpayers must not only pay the state’s losses, but state law requires that they must also forfeit and return the entire amount of the contracts paid by the state.”

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 13, 2017

Every single time you judge yourself you deny your own divinity and perpetuate the pain of separation in yourself. Dear Ones, we urge you to start to treat yourselves with the love, respect, and honour you deserve.

Can you commit to seeing your innate goodness? Can you see your innocence and desire to do your best? Can you forgive yourself if you make what you consider to be a mistake and simply encourage yourself to do better next time rather than berating yourself?

How much easier would it be to bloom and grow into your full potential if you created the environment that supported it by finally giving yourself the love you've been yearning for from yourself for so very long?

How do you do that? By thinking of how you would want a beloved child, the love of your life, or your very best friend to be treated and apply to self. By doing so you have the power, right now, to begin to move into the deep and profound healing only you could give. ~Archangel Gabriel

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CNN Caught ‘Reminding’ ‘Objective’ Audience Members What Debate Questions To Ask

A recently surfaced photo purports to show the questions given to presidential candidates during town halls were pre-selected by CNN.

By:  Jack Burns / The Free Thought Project   There were two candidates for the presidency who both came out on the losing end of their party’s nomination: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT). Both men bore the blunt of some vicious attacks from members of their own party. Cruz fell victim to then candidate Donald Trump, who repeatedly referred to him as “Lying Ted.” The characterization seemed to stick, and Cruz eventually was forced to drop out of the race, unable to keep pace with Trump. Likewise, Sanders was targeted by members of the Democratic National Committee, all in an insider’s attempt to de-legitimize Sanders, leaving Hillary Clinton as the heir apparent to the Democratic Party nomination. Now, a recent photo of a debate between the two has surfaced, which purportedly demonstrates unwitting audience members were possibly involved in a larger scheme to make the two front-running candidates look worse than their competitors.

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Fukushima Radiation Spikes To Record Levels: It’s Really Time To Shut Down All Nuclear Power Plants

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

A massive undersea earthquake devastated the Japanese coast in March, 2011. As the world watched on in terror and horror, a tsunami forced Tokyo Electric Power Company-operated Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant offline.

The consequences of having placed a nuclear facility near one of the world’s most active fault zones soon became a major topic of discussion. According to a Japanese Parliamentary panel tasked with investigating the disaster, Fukushima was a “profoundly man-made disaster” that was “the result of collusion between the government, the regulators and TEPCO, and the lack of governance by said parties.”

The radioactive impact seemed immediate, yet six years later, the damage has yet to fully be assessed.

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Love Is Love

Love is love. It knows not why it was created nor why it exists. It just is. It’s only purpose is to flow throughout The Universe and envelope each and every one of you in it’s embrace because you are no different than the stars, planets or any other living thing on this Earth plane; you deserve and are designed to attract love. Do not turn your back on the wonderful gift it has to offer you. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/12/2017

will's picture

Language is all human creation:

Truth is not.

We are a creation of truth.

Language is our creation; hence it cannot express our origin, it is superficial.

Language is just a toy in our hands.


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A View of Life in the World

God said:

You are getting right to the Point of Life. Heretofore, you may have been hit or miss, playing around in Life, even as you may have been taking Life very seriously. How important Life is to you, and, yet, it could be that you have been fiddling around on the outskirts. Life has been vital to you, and yet you may have kept it at a distance or at a standstill, not seeming to ever really begin, just making the motions.

Never mind, don't be hard on yourself. You don't have to put Life on your plate and fill up your plate to overflowing. Of course, it is a good idea to be companionable with Life, have an easygoing relationship with it. You don't want to have a contest with Life and outdo Life. It's okay for Life to just mosey along. You can take Life in your stride without a big to-do.

It's okay to go along with Life as it arrives. You don't have to be a hotshot at Life. You don't have to outrun Life.

You can also be okay with Life as it appears. You can also deepen your life. You can stretch it. You can gain mileage as your Life comes into view.

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Seattle City Council Pulls Out Of A $3 Billion Investment For The Dakota Access Pipeline - TruthTheory

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

A decision has been made by a committee of the Seattle City Council after vote results favoured a divestment of $3 billion of city money from Wells Fargo, following the bank’s role in the construction of the recently reinstated building of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

According to a record by the Seattle Times, council members Kshama Sawant and Tim Burgess co-sponsored the bill. At the time that the bill was being heard before the Affordable Housing, Neighborhoods and Finance Committee, pipeline opposition activists were gathered outside in protest against the building of the pipeline. Huge campaigns and public pressure to divest from the banks that are contributing to the building of the pipeline is what led to the preliminary hearing.

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Amazon Builds A Prototype Store Run Almost Entirely By Robots

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

The new store will sell food and drink items and as well featuring an in-store pharmacy.

There is currently a new prototype in place which demonstrates the future of online shopping giant, Amazon. According to a recent report by the New York Post the prototype is a near-future Amazon supermarket, called Go, and has no cashiers or checkouts. The convenience store will be 10,000 to 40,000 square feet on two stories, and will only employ a few real people. The rest of the workers will be a workforce of robots, who will bag all of the items for the customers who are browsing the store on the level below. Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, has claimed that he wants the new store to include a ground level where the shoppers can physically touch and select items themselves, according to recent


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