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Aluminum, Fluoride and Glyphosate — A Toxic Trifecta Implicated in Autism and Alzheimer's Disease Research

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Contributing writer for Wake Up World

Aluminum is a known neurotoxin, and according to Professor Christopher Exley of Keele University, aluminum-containing products are likely fueling the rise in Alzheimer’s disease.[1] In an article published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology,[2] he writes: “We are all accumulating a known neurotoxin in our brain from our conception to our death. The presence of aluminium in the human brain should be a red flag alerting us all to the potential dangers of the aluminium age. How do we know that Alzheimer’s disease is not the manifestation of chronic aluminium toxicity in humans?”

People with aluminum toxicity display many of the same symptoms as those with dementia, Parkinson’s, ADHD, autism, and other neurological diseases, and mounting evidence suggests aluminum may play a significant role in the development of those (and other) diseases.

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This One Thing Helps People Live Longer Than Anything Else

by Josh Richardson, PreventDisease.com

What helps people live longer than anything else? What about having an optimistic outlook on life -- a general expectation that good things will happen? According to a new study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, that's the case.

"The absence of the negative is not the same thing as the presence of the positive. We found that factors such as optimism, life satisfaction, and happiness are associated with reduced risk of CVD regardless of such factors as a person's age, socioeconomic status, smoking status, or body weight," said author Julia Boehm, research fellow in the Department of Society, Human Development, and Health at HSPH.

"While most medical and public health efforts today focus on reducing risk factors for diseases, evidence has been mounting that enhancing psychological resilience may also make a difference," said Eric Kim, research fellow in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences and co-lead author of the study. "Our new findings suggest that we should make efforts to boost optimism, which has been shown to be associated with healthier behaviors and healthier ways of coping with life challenges."

The study appears online today in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

GFP Newsletter - 2/5/2017

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Power should be distributed to everybody. It should be decentralized; there is not need for power to be centralized.

Centralized, power is bound to corrupt.

With power decentralized, everybody is powerful in his own way.


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Kiss the Earth

God said:

I am your dear God. That’s it! What did you think I was? Did you really think that I am a despot who delights in making you dance through hoops?

In one sense, there is only one choice I give you, and that is the choice to grow. Willingly or unwillingly, you will grow, and you will grow higher and higher like Iowa corn. You will grow even higher than Jack and the Beanstalk. Not even the sky is the limit. There is no limit to the heights you can climb. There simply are no limits. In other words, you are limitless.

This is a wonderful thing, yet you fear it. You may protest the ground that you walk on, yet you don't want to let go of it. What do you think I would say to you?

I say to you: Kiss the Earth beneath your feet and kiss the Unlimitedness of your rising higher and higher. You will not have to stand upon your tiptoes. You will get off the ground and fly. You will fly. Do you know the happiness this is?

Has not everyone had dreams of flying?

Dreams come true. You will soar. You will fly beyond your wildest dreams, and dream anew yet Great Dreams, and they will also come true.

I have heard you say: "There has to be more to Life than this."

How right you are. Shakespeare penned it: "There are more things in Heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Yet you have dreamt them all in your psychology.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 5, 2017

So many of you wonder if you are good enough, or smart enough, or doing enough. Dear Ones, your beingness is more than enough! There is no one else on your planet that holds the exact same energetics, talents, interests, or character traits. You came into the body with all of those things because that is how you add to the mosaic of the whole.

Never worry if you are enough, because as an individuated aspect of Source energy there is no way that you could ever not be enough. In fact, that is why we urge you to shine brightly and beautifully just as you are – because your beingness is your greatest contribution and exactly what the world has been waiting for. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 4, 2017

Many people hold back love because they think it is a limited commodity, that there is only a certain amount that they have to give. This belief occurs when a person is has not yet discovered their own divinity as an individuated aspect of Source energy.

When you come to the realization that not only are you born from love, you ARE love, and that not only is it an infinite resource, it is your truest, best feeling expression of self, you become comfortable with allowing it to flow. From honouring that truth of self and that alignment, it becomes easy to move into unconditional love.

If you see people who are practicing separation and conditional love, realize they have not yet discovered their own divinity or the abundance of love they are and have access to. They are still in the pain of the illusion of separation from Source, and are experiencing themselves as limited beings.

Hear us when we say that their experience of lack of love is in no way powerful enough to choke off your experience of an abundance of love. They are simply individual choices of self expression based on what they accept as their viable options. All people would choose love, alignment, connection, and peace, if they truly believed it was available to them.

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But of course, life on Earth at present is far from normal.

Humanity is preparing itself for a massively inspiring and uplifting occurrence, a general spiritual awakening that is available to all, offered to all, But imposed on no one!  You have free will, which is an essential aspect of your divine nature, the absolute freedom to accept or reject the Love that surrounds you in every moment of your eternal existence.

Love is freely offered and bestowed upon you by God, our divine Source, the Center from which all consciousness, all awareness flows constantly and without interruption.  It is the Life Force, the field in which all experience occurs.  It is eternal, without beginning or end, and It is Indestructible!  There is nothing beyond It, because all is contained within It, safe, secure, at peace, while beautifully and harmoniously interacting with Itself in every moment.

And yet, because Love is infinitely gentle, constant, unforced, and accepting, each individual field of consciousness, each conscious living entity created by God in His infinite Love and Wisdom, is absolutely free to accept or reject It.  The games of separation that you have been playing for eons absolutely depend on that freedom.  Without complete freedom there could be no experience of separation.

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BREAKING: Radiation at Fukushima Spikes to Highest Levels Since 2011

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

Nearly six years after the initial explosion caused a catastrophic meltdown at the Daiichi nuclear power plant in the Fukushima prefecture of Japan, the situation has suddenly taken a drastic turn for the worst. Last Thursday, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the company which owns and operates the now defunct power plant, announced that radiation inside the containment vessel of one of the plant’s failed reactors has now reached levels undetected since the disaster first occurred in 2011. Radiation inside the reactor has reached 530 sieverts per hour, a drastic increase from the previously recorded 73 sieverts per hour recorded in the aftermath of the meltdown. The level of radiation is so high that an official of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences told the Japan Times that medical professionals have never considered dealing with this level of radiation in their work.

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A “Mini Ice Age” Is Coming Soon Says Math Professor’s Solar Cycle Model That’s 97% Accurate

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

This has nothing to do with human impact on climate change, but instead the activity of the sun and how solar cycles impact our climate as well. It’s based on a mathematical model that shows the sun might “quiet” down in the coming years thus impacting our climate as well. This is not a climate change denial article, please read it before commenting.

A few months ago, NASA published a study showing that Antarctica is actually gaining more ice than it is losing. They made the announcement after using satellites to examine the heights of the region’s ice sheet. The findings contradict the prevailing theory that Antarctica has actually been shrinking, however. The paper is titled “Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses” and was published in the Journal of Glaciology.

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Dietary Changes Now Proven to Effectively Treat Major Depression

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

More than 15 million Americans suffer from serious depression, and it is estimated that globally some 350 million people are struggling with the challenging mental disorder. While the causes of depression are varied and largely unidentifiable, since the 1950’s the pharmaceutical industry has been developing a broad range of antidepressants, and it now estimated that 8-10% of the American population is taking some type of antidepressants.

GFP Newsletter - 2/4/2017

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Howsoever thick the conditioning may be that has happened to humanity in the past, it can all be broken. We just need a few authentic religious persons - not priests, not professionals but people who have experienced. They will become burning torches in the darkness of the night.


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God said:

Dear One who worries needlessly, let Me say what I have to say in this way:

You have no choice but to have confidence in your Self. I am your Very Self, so, it is for you to have confidence in Me. Unless you have confidence in Me, you have disbelief. You are practiced in disbelief. You were taught it, and you learned it. Let go of disbelief now. Stop asking yourself all the questions.

Pick up an image of yourself as the innocent you are. Pick up the baby of yourself and lavish love on her. No one, especially you, is to put yourself in dissarray

It is to you I write, Godwriter, as an aside. Let Us have a heart to heart. You understand Heavenletters very well. You are doing My Will. Let go of perceived results – recognition, numbers, personality, hard work, etc. No matter how close you are to Heavenletters, Heavenletters are My responsibility. Forget about confidence in yourself. Have confidence in Me which is the same as to say confidence in your Self.

The existence of Heavenletters came from Me. I looked over the whole world, and I asked Myself: "Which One of My Chidren is to tend to these particular Words of Mine on Earth?"

I looked for a Relayer of My Words. I spotted you. I picked you out. You were handy, and you’re good at it.

My eyes fell on you. There was no doubt in My Mind. There was no doubt in My Heart.

This is the big difference between you, the personality, and Me, the Oversoul. You know how to doubt. I wouldn't know how to doubt if I tried.

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New Mexico Committee Passes Bill To Decriminalize Industrial Hemp

Experts suggest that the U.S. market for hemp is around $600 million per year. They count as many as 25,000 uses for industrial hemp.

By: Mike Maharrey / Activist Post   A bill working its way through the New Mexico House that would remove the state ban on industrial hemp has already cleared its first committee hurdle. Passage into law would set the stage to nullify federal prohibition on the plant in practice.

Rep. Rick Little (R-Chaparral) introduced House Bill 166 (HB166) on Jan 18. The legislation would simply remove industrial hemp from the state’s list of controlled substances. This would open the door for a full-scale commercial hemp market in the state by treating it like any other crop for farming.

HB166 would not require any license to grow hemp, and it would create no state regulatory structure. This would have a similar effect as a bill passed in Connecticut in 2015. In short, the state would treat industrial hemp like other plants, such as tomatoes. By ending state prohibition, residents in New Mexico would have an open door to start industrial hemp farming should they be willing to risk violating ongoing federal prohibition.


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