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Anonymous: “The Elimination Of George Soros Has Begun” Women’s March, Ukraine Conflict, & More

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

Anonymous recently published a video titled “The Elimination of George Soros Has Started,” and to be honest, I’m pretty excited about it. George Soros is a key member of the shadow government disguised as a philanthropic billionaire.

His donations seem heartfelt and meaningful, but if you look a little closer, you’ll realize that every donation he makes has an ulterior motive behind it, helping to secure his control over the political landscape and in turn profit from it.

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This 12-Year-Old British Gypsy Has A Higher IQ Than Stephen Hawking & Albert Einstein

by Amanda Froehlich, TrueActivist.com

Inspiring stories like this give us a clear sign that brilliance to solve many of the worlds challenges exists on our planet, it’s simply about getting them to the right place to facilitate new ideas, without it getting lost in corruption and economic limits.

A 12-year-old daughter of migrant Roma workers in England is raising the bar on human intelligence, much to the delight of her family and community.

As the Western Daily Press reports, pre-teen Nicole Barr of Essex aced her IQ test with a perfect score of 162.

Essex’s score surpasses the wits of noted geniuses such as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking and places her among the top 1% of the population. According to NY Daily News, the average IQ score for adults is 100, and anything higher 140 is considered genius level.

Nicole told the Western Daily: “When I found out I got such a high score, it was so unexpected. I was so shocked.”

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This Website Tells You How Much Big Pharma Pays Your Doctor To Prescribe Drugs

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

In 2014, Harvard University stated that prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death. North American culture practically worships the pharmaceutical industry and often fails to recognize many of the issues within it. Many Americans are completely unaware that new prescription drugs have a 1 in 5 chance of causing serious reactions, even after being approved.

In fact, approximately 1.9 million people are hospitalized annually due to properly prescribed medication (not including any overdoses, self-prescriptions, or mis-prescribing). 128,000 people die every year in the U.S. from drugs prescribed to them, so why is this still happening? The reality is, drug companies make a lot of money from selling prescriptions, and they even pay doctors to do it for them.

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Freedom of Press? 6 Journalists Face 10 Years In Prison For Reporting On DC Unrest

By: Claire Bernish / The Free Thought Project   Washington, D.C. — Protests and riots over the weekend in response to the inauguration of Donald Trump led to the arrest of more than 200 peopleincluding at least six journalistswho now face the possibility of ten years in prison and fines of up to $25,000.

Random people present at 12th and L Streets were kettled by police after roving bands of rioters smashed store windows, vandalized cars, and set vehicles and trash cans alight on Friday morning.

But, instead of arresting those actually responsible for the rampant destruction, police violently swarmed the trapped group — detaining legal observers and media workers along with protesters and agitators — arresting 230 and charging all who happened to be present with felony rioting.

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New Moon in Aquarius January 27/28th: Dreams, Wishes & Chinese New Year

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

Late in the night on Friday January 27th and early morning of Saturday the 28th (depending where you live in the world), there will be a beautiful new moon taking place at 8 degrees of Aquarius. This new moon is highlighted by Venus square Saturn and Mars moving into Aries just a few hours after the new moon. This new moon is also the beginning of the Chinese New Year, which is themed by the Fire Rooster.

The New Moon

With the new moon being in Aquarius, an air sign, our dreams and highest visions for ourselves and the world can be charged with a lofty mindset. This is good. A great way to utilize this energy is to create new affirmations/dreams/wishes and vocalize them out loud with a lot of passion and emotion behind it. What are you ready to begin anew? What dreams and wishes do you have that you want to begin? How can you best visualize these with emotion?

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Study Suggests That Group Drumming is Better Than Prozac

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

It was 1987 when the first SSRI medication, Prozac, hit the market. Soon, it became a household name among antidepressants, and by 1993, more than 10 million people around the world had tried Prozac as a means for treating their depression.

It would eventually become the gateway for other drugs in the same SSRI class to emerge, a class of medication that would prove to be at the forefront for the entirety of antidepressants.

But with its popularity has come a lot of controversy. The British Medical Journal revealed that Prozac (fluoxetine) could cause activating symptoms such as agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, and aggressiveness. Additional reports found it to have violent side effects.

GFP Newsletter - 1/25/2017

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And the second realization that comes is: "What I used to call 'I' was nothing but this combination."

When this whole combination subsides, falls into a deep harmony, the discordant notes become a symphony. You suddenly become aware of a new I, which was standing far back because the noise of your mind was so much, and you were so much engaged in all that. Your real self was simply waiting for you to look inwards. But you were focused outwards, and you were so much struggling with things .... You cannot be victorious - and you cannot be defeated either; you will always remain in a limbo, in a confusion.

Once all that confusion is gone, suddenly from the background a new concept of your being emerges.

It is more like am-ness than I; it is more existential. It is not egoistic, it is simply a feeling of am-ness.


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An Academy Award for a Role Well-Played

God said:

You have no idea of what it means to Me to love you, My child, My One Child who appears in many forms. The forms you appear in are like old clothes hanging up in a closet. At one time, these clothes were precious to you. Now their value to you may well have faded.

This is the way of the world. The world enchants you today. Your remembered thought cannot substitute for the actuality it once represented. You may remember a beautiful blue taffeta-print dress from forty years ago. The blue taffeta was a treasure at the time. Now the representative treasure was given away long ago you know not where. All it is now is just another thought reconstituted. Even if the once dream of a dress were to somehow reappear, the glow it once had is gone, and it has become just a dress.

You may remember occasions in your children's lives from when they were little. You cannot return to the days of those long ago photographs. Your once young children may have wisps of gray in their hair now. Yet all of these recollections are only recollections. Not one remembered thought is reality now. In fact, even when these remembered thoughts were happening, that wasn't Reality then either.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 25, 2017

Dear Ones, many of you will be pleasantly surprised by sudden developments in your lives this year that seemingly come out of the blue, but are absolutely perfect matches you couldn't have imagined. The reason for this is your truest desires are starting to come together due to your willingness to flow into fresh possibilities and potentials in an energetic cycle that supports new experiences. Simply put, this is co-creation at its finest. The secondary theme for 2017, we would say, is expect the unexpected, in new and wonderful ways. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Psycho-Acoustic Medicine: Science Behind Sound Healing For Serotonin, Neurotransmitters & Health

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Mental illness has reached an all time high in the world, and yet the modern day medicines to relieve symptoms have gained controversy. This is, in part, why people have dug up the past to better understand alternative ways of healing.

Sound, for instance, has been a tool for promoting the physical and emotional health of the body for as long as history can account for, deeply rooted in ancient cultures and civilizations. The ancient Egyptians used vowel sound chants in healing because they believed vowels were sacred. Tibetan monks take advantage of singing bowls, which they believe to be “a symbol of the unknowable” whose “vibrations have been described as the sound of the universe manifesting.”

“Our various states of consciousness are directly connected to the ever-changing electrical, chemical, and architectural environment of the brain. Daily habits of behavior and thought processes have the ability to alter the architecture of brain structure and connectivity, as well as, the neurochemical and electrical neural oscillations of your mind.”

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Bursting The Bubbles

Very soon, the arrows of truth will begin striking the bubbles of misdirection and falsehoods.  Pop, pop, pop!  You may not be the operator behind the bow, however, you may find yourself a ‘target’ of return fire.  Do not be dismayed by this, dear child.  You, in your hearts of hearts, have always known the truth and can rest in the easy assurance of safe passage through this challenging time. ~ Creator


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New Ancient “Mystery Human” Discovered Shakes Up Theories Of Human Evolution

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Evolution is something scientists have observed at several different levels in nature, and when it comes to human ancestry, they’ve been able to collect bits and pieces of the giant puzzle that is human evolution.

We do know that some form of evolution (scientifically speaking) has occurred on various levels, but there are still many missing links to our evolutionary journey, and new discoveries made every year are continuing to re-write what we previously believed to be true.

It’s important to remember that there is still much we do not know, and the evolutionary tree is far from understood, let alone complete.

A New Species Discovered?

One great example is a discovery that was made just over a year ago where researchers found what looks to be an entirely new species of hominin that is currently unknown to modern day science. The discovery was made in a Siberian cave.

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BREAKING: Trump Signs Executive Order Forcing Continuation of DAPL & Keystone XL

By: Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project

In a move that is sure to cause a firestorm of controversy, Donald Trump signed Executive Orders at 11 a.m. EST, advancing the Dakota Access Pipeline as well as the Keystone XL.

According to Reuters, U.S. President Donald Trump signed two executive actions on Tuesday to advance construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, an administration official said, rolling back key Obama administration environmental policies in favor of expanding energy infrastructure.

The entire substance of the executive order was not made immediately clear. However, they will fulfill campaign promises Trump made to approve both pipelines — which have been vehemently opposed by a massive bipartisan sect.

This news comes on the heels of a pipeline spill yesterday, which dumped hundreds of thousands of liters of oil on an aboriginal community in Canada.

As the Free Thought Project has reported, this move by Trump has been premeditated since the election. It is most likely why the company behind DAPL, Energy Transfer Partners, said in December, the denial of an easement necessary to drill under the Missouri River is of no consequence for its plans to complete the project.

GFP Newsletter - 1/24/2017

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You just have to be a little alert about your inner composition and you will be surprised to know many things. You will come to know that all your joys are within you, all your miseries are within you.

Nobody else creates them, you simply find an excuse in somebody. Everything is within you, and except you nobody else is responsible.

Then what is the question of dropping misery? If you want to continue, continue. If you don't want to continue, who is telling you to continue? The very understanding that "it is my own work" becomes the dropping.



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