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Iceland Drilling World's Deepest Geothermal Well in Race for Renewable Energy

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

At a time when the fossil fuel industry dominates the world, and as we wait to see what the fallout will be from Fukushima and other nuclear plants that continue to age and contaminate surrounding areas, we need now, more than ever, a pioneering effort to develop clean, renewable sources of energy. Doubly so as we move ever further into the digital age when our lifestyles and way of life depend ever so much more on electricity.

Solar and wind energy technologies are seeing a boom at present, although they both rely on proper climate conditions and require a significant amount of raw materials to produce the necessary equipment. Hydropower is widely used, but requires the damming of water ways which is disruptive to local eco-systems and wildlife.

GFP Newsletter - 1/22/2017

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Once you see that good and bad are together you will be immensely relieved, you will feel such a relief, because the whole conflict was baseless. You were fighting against shadows, you were fighting against yourself. It is as if my left hand is fighting with my right hand. Do you think there is any possibility of coming to a conclusion? There is no possibility. Both are my hands; there is no need for them to fight, they can be together and friendly. They can be helpful to each other, they can be a tremendous support to each other.

And that's the whole difference between me and all the religions of the world. They have been trying to create a conflict in you between good and bad, and I am trying to bring your good and bad closer and closer so that you can start using them in a harmonious unity.


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The 15 Most Fascinating Books For Self-Growth & Personal Development

by Lance Schuttler, The Mind Unleashed

The purpose of this article is to share with you some powerful books that have helped me to grow into a happier and healthier person. Change comes from action. Action can come from knowledge. Thus, when we learn more and become more knowledgeable, we can equip ourselves with the tools to change our behavior and life in a positive way. Ultimately, these books are centered around changing our own life so that we can not only improve our happiness and reach greater levels of fulfillment, but also so that this knowledge and these tools can be spread to those around us. I have included unique books so that it is more likely that these are ones that you haven’t read before. Each book is linked to Amazon so that you can read more about the books to decide if you’d like to read the book. My hope is that these books inspire you and provide you with more happiness and fulfillment in your life.

1. The Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power by Brandon Burchard: Paulo Coelho, the author of The Alchemist, sums up The Motivation Manifesto beautifully by stating that “it is a poetic and powerful call to reclaim our lives and find our own personal freedom. It’s a triumphant work that transcends the title, lifting the reader from mere motivation into a soaringly purposeful and meaningful life. I love this book.”

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Come with Me

God said:

Remind yourself of your facility for independence. You don't always require the help you think you do. You may really be looking for proof of love. Such neediness is not in your best interest. Helplessness can only lead to frustration.

Sometimes giving over-abundant help may be your need to be needed, therefore, your immense neediness to stand out as well-thought of by the world, to be extra-special in the world. A great giver can be a great needer of admiration and praise.

Either way, you don't want to take advantage of anyone by too much taking nor do you want to take advantage of someone by too much giving. Nor do you want to be unable to accept help from so-called others either.

Now that you realize strength can also be contrary to what you have thought, now also forget about it. You don't try to measure every step you take, for measuring and analyzing are not living life. Once you have an insight, the insight is the seed planted, and it will grow. You will grow.

Life is not to be a method, not a plan, not a map you follow, but spontaneous. Don't second-guess yourself. You will learn as you go along. If you discover you went west instead of east, that you said no instead of yes, or vice-versa, whatever you regret, let it be.

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The Realization

Others will say and do hurtful things.  Some of it may be directed toward you.  That is the way some humans operate…. they do not know any better.  You have heard this before, however, it is worth hearing again, “What others say about you is none of your business.’  Until they realize that, with their hurtful words, they are only hurting themselves, until they realize that lying to others is only lying to themselves, nothing will change.  Let them exist in their world, in time they will understand the implications of their actions.  Until then kindly, compassionately and with deep empathy…. send them love.  Because, in the end, love is all they truly need. ~ Creator


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Women’s March Recorded As Largest Protest In U.S. History

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Data is still being tallied, but so far, it appears if at least 3.2 million people marched for women’s rights.

Yesterday, Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States of America. Because of lewd comments the business tycoon has made in the past, as well as certain policies pushed forward by individuals who now serve in his cabinet, millions of women in America took to the streets the day after his inauguration, January 21, 2017.

According to numbers tallied by Jeremy Pressman, a professor at UConn, it’s estimated that approximately 3.2 million women participated in the Women’s March across the nation – a new record! USUncut points out that the number is expected to increase as more figures are received.

GFP Newsletter - 1/21/2017

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Try to understand what your misery is. And the first principle to understand is: Drop the idea of dropping, because if you are already determined to drop it, how can you understand it? You are already prejudiced, you are already against it.

First drop the idea of dropping misery, and you have taken really a great step.

Now the second thing is, try to understand what misery is. From where is it arising? Move into all its connections, find out its whole complex unity within you, and you will be surprised that it is not something separate, or separable. It is joined with a thousand and one things. And you will be shocked that all that you always wanted to drop is part of that which you have been told is the ideal, that this is what you should be.


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A Tale of God’s Glory on Earth

God said:

If you could see the Bright Light of Your Heart without all the trumped-up charges you and others have made against it, how happy you would be. Remove all the propaganda, and you would no longer refute your Heart or anyone else's heart. You would see the Light of My Heart wherever your eyes alit. No matter whose heart you looked into, without exception, you would be surrounded by Great Light far beyond your present reckoning.

This is not a wild-goose chase I send you on. This not an exaggeration. This is fantastic, yet not any kind of fantasy. This is not fiction meant to cheer you on. This is the God-given Truth, and it is for you to know the Radiance you are made of and that you are to spread around the world like mist.

How you see presently is a fictionalized story. It is an overdone fear-filled story that is so suspenseful you cannot put it down. You might call your story: What Happens Next? Or, The Way You See It, or, you could call your story: Footsteps in the Dark, or, you could call it: Dark Clouds and Ominous Shadows, or Lost at Sea, or even Pursued by Fear of One Kind or Another

How you see presently is the wild-goose chase. Too often how you see presently is contrary to your dreams, yet it is a dream you have with your eyes open while you are in the waking state. Of course, the true name of this waking state could be The Unawakened State.

What new title might you give to life if you weren't so frightened of it?

How about:

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Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Tells The US To Stop Arming ISIS & Introduces Bill To Stop Arming Terrorists

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

It seems taboo when a government official goes against the word of their country, and yet every time it happens, people tend to agree that the truth must come out to promote a better world.

Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has chosen to go against the corporate media’s narrative by accusing the United States of funding and arming terror groups al-Qaeda and ISIS.

This past December, Gabbard introduced the Stop Arming Terrorists Act, the terms of which her website outlines succinctly: “The legislation would prohibit the U.S. government from using American taxpayer dollars to provide funding, weapons, training, and intelligence support to groups like the Levant Front, Fursan al Ha and other allies of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, al-Qaeda and ISIS, or to countries who are providing direct or indirect support to those same groups.”

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Daily Message ~ Saturday January 21, 2017

Dear Ones, we urge you to stop and take a look at your life with fresh eyes today. It is easy to, by habit, fall into a sense of complacency and to continue things that don't necessarily match who you have evolved into. What do you accept in your life that isn't in line with who you really are? What could be changed or improved that you have stopped noticing because that's how it has been for a long time? What shifts could you make that would create more flow and ease?

Again we remind you, change doesn't need to be grandiose. Little adjustments allow your actions to match your intentions, and can create a completely different, more supportive energy flow. Cleaning up all the little leftovers of your less empowered past allows you to become more congruent, and to emanate a far more pure energetic intent, which the universe can then respond to even more precisely. ~Archangel Gabriel


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The EPA Is Being Pressured To Prohibit The Addition of Fluoride Into Public Drinking Water

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Long ago fluoride was thought to promote good oral health, and so it made its way into our drinking water and toothpastes. Today, it seems it’s everywhere, and yet, it’s not even known to actually prevent the buildup of harmful oral bacteria. However, it is known to be toxic, with long-term ingestion linked to brain, heart, and bone issues, among other things.

A few years a go, a  ground breaking publication in one of the top main-stream medical journals added six fluoride into its classification of neurotoxicants. You can read more about that here.

GFP Newsletter - 1/20/2017

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It is always the unknown that is interesting, it is always the hidden that gives you the challenge. Once you know it, the challenge disappears.


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What Gives You Even a Little Happiness?

God said:

I say: "Peace unto you," yet you have not peace.

You may have turmoil instead. Something has to give. Perhaps your holding onto your being right has to give.

What is so marvelous about being right? Do you really have to be acknowledged as the winner? How does being right serve? Much of the time, being right serves your ego. Hmm, egos have been well-served enough to last a lifetime.

When you claim you are right, what are you doing? Now, hear Me, you may indeed be right. And there are times you have a responsibility to claim this. This is understood. You do not have to deny Truth. Say your Truth, and be done.

When you get entangled in a dispute over who is right and who is mistaken, you are jousting. Really, you are in a tug of war, and you want vindication. At such times, you can know that your siren of ego has gone off full-blast. Pause, beloveds. Stay at the side of the road until the emergency is over. Stay away from redemption, revenge, and reliving dire deeds of the past.

No one, no one, has the right, to injure your child, for example. Defend your child with all your might with My Blessings.

Before the die is cast is one thing. After a deed is done is another.

When someone has already injured your child, whether by accident or malice, now you have to unwrap yourself from the offender. When you, yourself, hold a lower vibration, you perpetuate hardness of heart which you pass on to the world.


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