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Rare Astrology: January 8th-February 6, 2017 All Planets Are Moving Direct

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

Starting January 8th and going through February 6th, 2017, all of the major planets will be moving direct (forward). Ancients saw this as a time of great fortune and a very opportune time.

Wave Rayne is the first known astrologer first to publish articles, teach online courses and present slide show lectures on both the occurrence and potential of All Planets in Direct Motion (APDM).

Wave states, “Now, here in this moment, from our geo-centric view, our entire solar system, moving together, in the same direction, like a flowing cosmic river, all traveling towards this one direction.  From the position of the Sun or Earth’s perspective, All Planets in Direct Motion represents an organic, holistic, synchronous, harmonious group passage through the endless universe. 

An APDM cycle is definitely one of hope for the future. It’s uniquely a time where the earth’s perspective becomes like the Sun. Where the vibration of the solar system can provide an extraordinary kind of cosmic assistance to any endeavor created to benefit, rather than to hinder, human life on earth. Where the whole planet can be energized by cosmic fuel rather than fossil fuels.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 3, 2016

Dear Ones, the times you are in, right now, are the exact times you have been preparing for. It is time to remember what you know, to dip into the vast pool of knowledge you have gained from experience, and put the wisdom you have attained into practice.

You are ready! You have been devoted to your learning and evolution. It is time to honour the work that you have done and allow your own divinity and innate wisdom to be your navigation system. We often speak of trust as being an essential element to move forward in your enlightenment process. It is recommended that you now put that trust in yourself and know that you are ready to allow your truth and love to lead the way.

You do not need to be perfect to begin. You will continue to grow and expand, learn and evolve, as always, through your experiences. But your soul is ready to begin to navigate in new and empowered ways, to create and connect, and shine brightly in the truth of your beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 1/2/2017

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What is a law? - a certain way of behavior without any exception. The moment you find the exception, the law has to be dropped; it is not a law, you have to find out more, you have to go deeper. The exception is not allowed in the objective world. And in the subjective world there are only exceptions. Each individual is an exception.


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The Star People: ‘Extraterrestrials’ From A Native American & First Nations Perspective

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Scholars have estimated that, prior to the ‘discovery’ of the Americas by Europeans, the pre-contact era population could have been as high as 100 million, you can read more about that here. The people that roamed these lands comprised of extremely intelligent beings full of knowledge and teachings that were, unfortunately forgotten by most, but carried on by a few. It’s these teachings that can play a big part in guiding us back to a human experience where all life can thrive. Yes, it is possible, our potential as a human race is greater than we know.

Another aspect of this society might have also dealt with extraterrestrial contact. I am not Native American, so when it comes to the topic of sharing beliefs from our very recent past from this culture, it’s best to leave it up to those who are direct descendants from where these stories permeated, and those who grew up around the Elders sharing them.

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Beneath the Ground, Gold Mines Thrive

God said:

The Surface of Life altogether is like an illustration. The Surface of Life is an AS IF. IF Life were truly as it appears to be on the surface, IF Life truly were as it is generally thought of and presumed to be, where then would miracles lie?

It appears that My children lead Separate Lives. Human Beings live in separate homes with separate addresses and separate everything. For the most part, as Life is viewed, none of the twain meet, yet the Unvarnished Truth is that there are no Separate Lives. There is Oneness. This may not be obvious to you. This may seem like quite a Leap of Faith that could not be true as you see it when you look around you.

Death seems obvious. At some point, all the people that you know and do not know, will close their eyes and stop to breathe, and then you may accept this as a permanent gap. The Truth is that no one lives alone, and no one dies as death is commonly thought of.

Nothing is what it, at first, seems. Beneath the ground, gold mines thrive.

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Daily Message ~ Monday January 2, 2016

Acceptance is an integral aspect of moving into a higher vibrating life experience. You simply cannot connect in a profound way with others, or with yourselves, without it.

It is through acceptance that you recognize the divine perfection in all. It is the tool that moves you beyond resistance. Resistance creates barriers between you and others, and also, between you and your own beingness. It also keeps you in perpetual engagement with what is unwanted or feared. Acceptance is the healing key to all of your challenges because it shifts you into an energetic space that holds all solutions.

Dear Ones, the greatest joy that comes from reunion with Source is the pure acceptance that comes with it. That acceptance is at the core of unconditional love, unity consciousness, and enlightenment. Acceptance is the pathway to peace. It is what will heal the pain of separation once and for all.

As you look forward in this year of creation, please know that acceptance is one of the most important elements, both personally and globally, for it supports the energies all souls at their core yearn for – unconditional love, authenticity, and connection. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 1/1/2017

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Science goes on discovering laws because it deals only with dead matter. It has not yet come to encounter consciousness. Perhaps the very existence of consciousness is beyond its scope. It can discover laws, it cannot discover freedom.

Laws create a certain slavery. Matter exists in slavery. Hydrogen and oxygen meeting in a certain proportion make water; H2O is their formula, no freedom, it cannot be H3O. Hydrogen cannot say, "I am bored always being H2; just for a change, today I am going to be H3.

The material existence is absolutely mechanical. There is no freedom, there cannot be, because there is no one to be free. Freedom needs consciousness; its first requirement is consciousness.


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Who Is Going to Have a Heart unless God Does?

God said:

My children are not worthy or unworthy based on their scores in the world.

The world has thought this was the case. When, as a child, you were "good" Santa Claus left gifts for you. It mattered a lot if you were "naughty or nice." When you met an objective or imposed standard, you were good. When you didn't meet a designated standard, alas, you were not good.

You aren't a better person because you reap an A on a test. You are not a worse person because you fail a test. All the results mean is that you got a certain grade on a test. I suppose if you got a C on the test, you would have been seen as if you were an average so-so person. You passed the test, yet you aren't high on the list.

What happened to: "Judge not lest you be judged?"

I have to wonder how empty it feels to you to be merited highly because you got an A on a test. Or because you are taller than someone else. Or prettier. How much do all these matters really matter when all is said and done? Ah, but when you live in the world and are judged as the world judges, demerits can be hard to take.

It is as if there is an exclusive club to join. This club has become "In." Everyone wants to be part of this club. It seems to so happen that snobbishness rules this club. Way too many are ruled out for one reason or another. This club is simply not available for everyone.

Endless are the ways worthy people are ruled out. Yet this smattering is bought and sold as the way it is supposed to be -- has to be -- for one snooty excuse or another.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 1, 2017

Every single day is a day of new creation. We urge you to take with you the gifts of your past experiences and leave whatever no long suits you behind. It is time for you to allow yourselves to shine, to thrive, to love, to connect, to flow, to BE. Surrender into the unfoldment of endless possibilities, as newly reborn energetic beings who are poised to create as never before. These are your times, Dear Ones, embrace the divine perfection of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Holy Purpose

God said:

Ego is a false God. No longer give reverence to ego. Ego may serve a purpose. The true purpose of ego is to help you let it go of it. In this sense, ego serves a tremendous purpose. In this sense, ego serves a Holy Purpose. The dissolution of ego is worthy.

The swelling of ego is a distraction from your True Purpose which is simply and unequivocally service, not necessarily primarily to yourself. Ego is full of fancy. Ego is fanciful. Your ego is not meant to be highlighted. No bowing down to ego. There are to be no flourishes. Ego is not meant to be a velvet cape that you swirl as though you were a toreador ready to subdue a bull.

It is inevitable that you will get up off your knees to swarthy ego. No longer will you worship and extol ego. Ego leads you down a crooked path. There is a big difference between ego and, let’s say, the Glory of God.

Ego would make you big. It would blow your head up out of proportion. Ego would have you swagger. Yes, ego goes to your head. At the same time, ego doesn’t give you much. In Truth, ego defeats you. Every time, ego lets you down. You fall down every step that ego takes you on. Ego is a hot air balloon. Ego can only fizzle out. Ego doesn't even say, "Sorry." Ego tricks you. Oh, yes, what a trickster ego is. With ego, you really bet on the wrong horse.

You, in fact, are far more worthy than ego tries to make you out. Ego whips a cape around you and does a magic act that has fooled you.

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2017 - A Return to the Path, A Return to the Sacred

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

With the dawn of a new year, as we move beyond the winter solstice and the days again begin to grow, reflection on life and events past offers an opportunity for course correction and for re-plotting our purpose on this priceless journey of life.

We are all bound together on this beautiful planet; the good and the wicked, the peaceful and the violent, the rulers and the ruled, the rich and those who toil for their existence. We are one and the same, all of us actors in the ever-intensifying human story taking place in the Matrix. All of us reacting and responding to the illusions of Maya, all of us carried forward by the force and persistence of perceived reality.


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