God said:
Beloveds, those of you who feel discontent, let Me ask you what wonders have I not performed? What wonders are there that I cannot perform? Perform is not the right word. I am not a performing artist. I am certainly not a trained seal who must do your bidding, yet you are asked to have Trust in Me.
You wonder what trust in Me means. It does not seem to mean I give you everything and anything you want. You know you play a part in success, yet sometimes you are at a loss, and sometimes you despair. What is it you are missing? Is Faith more long-ranged than Trust?
What is there that I cannot do? What cannot I give? Now We come to what seems to be the rub. What does it really mean that I am here for you?
You see that My Will may not be in line with yours. There is a from your side. We are not exactly at odds yet somehow not exactly in line. Oh, woe, from your side, for too often you do not see why even half your desires do not seem to be fulfilled as yet.
You often ask yourself why someone quite like you has wealth while you struggle? Someone seems to have love without end while you seem to be stranded on a deserted island called Earth. Why?
Why are some people so talented? Why do you seem to be lacking, if not in ability, then in drive and ambition? You wonder, after all, what exactly your difficulty is.
Why are some people so smart and up to the minute whereas you too often seem to be the last to know and left out of an inner circle?