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Almost No Children In France Are Medicated For ADHD: Here’s How They Define & Treat It

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 11% of American children between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as of 2011. However, if you ask the American Psychiatric Association (APA), they maintain that even though only 5% of American children suffer from the disorder, the diagnosis is actually given to around 15% of American children. This number has been steadily rising, jumping from 7.8% in 2003 to 9.5% in 2007.

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Let There Be Light

God said:

Welcome yourself to Planet Earth. Perhaps you have felt that your feet do not belong on Earth. You have wondered what you are doing here. Sometimes it has seemed to you that you are serving a sentence in darkness. You would prefer to have your feet off the ground.

You are on a trip, dear ones!

While you are here, you belong here. You are a visitor here. You were not born and bred here. In one sense, it can be said that you belong anywhere and everywhere. If you are here, you can know you are meant to be. Of course, I understand that this does not have to mean that Life on Earth is your cup of tea. You may indeed be bewildered.

You do try to get acclimated here. Most assuredly, you have tried.

This is good news, not bad news. You are someone who tries to be at home and to help others also be at home. You are a guest here on Earth for a limited time. You might as well make hay while the sun shines and make Life on Earth easier for all the bewildered ones who stand near you, and those who stand far away from you as well. In terms of Infinity -- where near and far do not exist -- everyone is near you. Rather, everyone is you.

Sometimes you do feel the pain of all, not only your own, except all pain in the world is also yours in any case.

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 31, 2016

Dear Ones, the universe is always responding to your intentions and requests. You just simply must allow enough time for your desires to come to fruition .

For example, if you gave your order to a server at a restaurant, you would not continually change your mind and order something different after a minute or two because you didn’t think the original order had been received would you? To do so would only keep you hungry and unfulfilled! At some point you would have to give the people behind the scenes time to receive, prepare, cook, and deliver your order. You would have to trust in the system.

The same it is with the universe. Allow the unfoldment! Settle in and enjoy your time as you are waiting for your order. Trust that there is an entire team whose greatest purpose and joy comes from serving you and seeing your delight as your dreams become reality. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 10/30/2016

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What I suggest is that a simple meditativeness should become a part of all sciences, religions, arts, all departments of human research - a simple meditativeness of becoming silent, thoughtlessly silent.

In that silence is the experience of oneness.


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The Love that you are longs to flow through you freely and constantly.

Humanity is on course and on schedule, and the awakening is progressing beautifully.  It may well seem to many of you that the world is in chaos and that that state is deepening, but what is happening is that the awakening process is stirring up many unaddressed issues that have to be resolved and released for the awakening to proceed and come to completion.  You are all dealing with these issues magnificently just as you intended before you incarnated to assist fully in the awakening process.

Many on Earth are very confused as their unaddressed and unacknowledged issues arise into their conscious awareness, and you, the Light workers and Light bearers, are, by your constant intent to be, share, and extend Love to all on the planet doing sterling work in this massive assistance program for humanity.  It is completely successful because, of course, it has already been accomplished.  Let go of your focus on linear time, it is an aspect of the illusion that only confuses you.  Just remember that there is only the ever-present now moment in which the Love that is creation enfolds and embraces all without even the most infinitesimal break or interruption.  There is no separation, there is no illusion, there is only Love, God, Source, the supreme and wise Intent that flows eternally throughout creation embracing and enfolding all life in utter joy.

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How To Transform & Heal Ourselves This Halloween

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

As we celebrate Halloween on October 31st, let us ask ourselves, “How can we tap into our divinity and empowerment on this dynamic day?”

Before being reminded of the essence of Halloween, let’s ask ourselves some potent questions:

Have we given away our power in any way, shape or form this year?  If yes, how did it come about?  Why did we choose to allow it?  Where can we take responsibility? How can we learn better discernment moving forward?  What is the lesson here for us to learn?  Access the inner-knowing coming forth.

As many of us know, this Celtic festival, known as Samhain, originated in what is now Great Britain.  It marks the end of the harvesting season, and the beginning of a new year.  A change in Mother Earth’s cycle of long days of light transform to become shorter and darker days.  This creates space for the season where we honor the rest and death cycle.

According to Celtic tradition, in the night of the 31st, the veil between the world of the living and dead is the thinnest, and those who have passed over, walk the Earth with us.  We are given an opportunity to connect deeply through divine access to those who have left.  We always have this ability to communicate, but this night truly allows us to tap into a clear energy primed and ready to connect.

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Life Is the Wonder

God said:

With the words Beloved God – even as I say so Myself -- what a way to start off your day! Do you know a better way? Do you know another way so golden to start your brain waves and your heart so simply and in such a lasting uplifting natural way? Two words that set you on track for your day.

Start off your day with the words Beloved God.  You can elaborate if you like. Remember this isn't a prayer or a request you are making. You are talking to Me. It is Truth. I am with you. Your pointing to the Belovedness of God reminds you of Our Connection. To start off at a good place – which is to say to start off strong -- grounds you in the Kingdom of Heaven wherein you truly abide.

Have you not on occasion started your day with: "Oh, no, I just want to go back to sleep."

In addition to not wanting to get up at all, have you also sometimes wanted not to go to work or to school or have to do anything that involves your going out into the world? Oh, how you may want to lounge in bed and not have to face the world! On some days this feels Heavenly to you!

Yet, in Life as you may know it, there is no break from the world, the world which you equate to be Life.

Sometimes you may wish to be someone without feelings, without even the most joyful of feelings for a while, for you feel that Life exerts equal pressure relevant to gladness and/or painfulness. At some point, you may just be ready to dispense with all kinds of feelings, inasmuch as one kind of feeling seems to require and bounce off another.

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8 Ways You Can Submit To The Magic Of Life - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

We live in a magical world and magic is definitely a real thing! And for those of you who refute this just picture this. Living on a gigantic rock flying around the universe at 490,000 miles per hour. This gigantic rock happens to be the perfect distance from a great ball of fire that if it was just a little closer or a little farther away this rock would be uninhabitable. In addition to this gigantic rock and ball of fire, we also have another gigantic rock (not as big as the one we live on) that moves oceans, controls life cycles and effects behaviour of life on this giant rock.

This giant rock is also home to nearly 9 billion different variations of life, all of which came from the same source and all of which did not exist in it’s current form at some point in the past. Some of this life has even decided that just surviving is not exciting enough, so they do weird things like make sounds out of strings and sticks and tightened pieces of plastic (music). Dress up and pretend to be other people in an attempt to entertain people who they don’t know (tv/theatre). And make sounds in order to let others know what they are thinking, feeling and doing (language).

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 30, 2016

Many of you are so mindful, so hesitant to make a mistake, that you end up constraining yourselves because you simply do not want to get anything wrong. Please understand you are on the planet to have experiences - many different experiences!

If you try something and you do not like it, you are free to try something else. We would far rather see you fall in the mud and have the full tactile experience to add to your energetic repertoire than to see you never leave the house at all for fear of getting dirty.

Releasing the attachment to result and embracing experience as the true value, allows you to fully enjoy of the unfoldment of your life and the beautiful richness of each Now moment. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 10/29/2016

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Science is the search into the outside world, and religion is the search in the inside world. Both are searchers, enquiries about the same truth, because it is the same truth that exists outside and that exists within. Within and without are not different, so from wherever you arrive to the truth you arrive to the same truth.

There is no need to go on comparing small details. You may have followed a different route, and on your route there may have been no trees; you may have come through a desert, and I may be coming through a jungle where there are huge, ancient trees, but if we reach to the same point...


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God said:

Dear Ones, of course I know that you think of spending more time with Me. You do know I await you. You are sorry for the long breaks you may take away from your attention on Me. You say that you are too busy. Then, in the next moment, you confess under your breath to Me:

"God, what is the matter with me? How can I say I am too busy for You? Yet I do."

Ah, hello, this is life in the world. Life in the world pulls at you and teaches you busy-ness and hurry-hurry. And you step right up, ready to accept tearing your life in two.

The world is an instigator. The world at large is very good at promoting itself. The world sure knows how to market itself to you as of supreme importance. And so the world I made tries to steal you away from Me and, sometimes, too often, succeeds.

The world gets in your good graces. Well, hey, you live in the world. The world is of utmost importance to you. The world appears much more time-sensitive to you than I may seem to you.

Of course, I will always be waiting for you. There is always a later-on. Later, after everything else, you can get around to Me, for I am in Infinity where there is no hurry-up. It is so easy to skip over Our Relationship while the world is hurtling away, speeding down the runway, and you try to keep up with the frenzy of the world.

The world asks too much of you and takes away too much from you. It gives you deadlines, and you get your comeuppances when you don't meet these deadlines. The world calls out the way Henny Penny in the children's story did:

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Dakota Access Caught Infiltrating Protests to Incite Violence, Funding Trolls Online

by Nick Bernabe, The Anti-Media

You know the Dakota Access Pipeline protests are working when oil interests start resorting to underhanded tricks to paint water protectors in a negative light. As the fight against the pipeline grows in North Dakota and around the country, dirty tricks are being deployed in an apparent attempt to delegitimize the opposition.

Dakota Access Employee Tries to Incite Violence, Sheriff’s Department Makes False Report That He Was Shot by Protesters

Mother Jones journalist Wes Enzinna, who was at the protests, says he witnessed a Dakota Access LLC employee try to infiltrate the Dakota Access Pipeline protests:

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 29, 2016

The more you are able to love and accept yourself, the more you will allow yourself to shine your own light. The more you shine your own light, the less you will be affected by other energies, people and opinions. You will become self-governing, guiding yourself through your own divinity, and BEing that divine light wherever you go, and that, Dear Ones, is true sovereignty and service. ~Archangel Gabriel



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