GFP Newsletter - 10/4/2016

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These are the two ways: either run away from it as everybody else is doing, or run into it. Reach to its very center howsoever painful, fearful - but reach to the center, because that is you. And it is good at least one time to be at the very exact center of your being.

The moment you reach that center then the second word becomes significant: ecstasy.

Ecstasy is the flower of agony.

Agony is not against ecstasy.

Agony is the way to ecstasy.

You just have to accept it - what else can one do? It is there. You can close your eyes - that does not mean that the sun has disappeared; it is still there. And everybody is trying to close his eyes; the sun is too glaring. Close your eyes, completely close your eyes. Forget about it, don't look at it ... as if it is not there. Believe it is not there.

These pseudo-religions are trying to teach you exactly that:

Try to reach to God, try to reach heaven, follow Jesus Christ.

But none of them says don't follow anybody and don't look for any paradise or heaven because this is all trying to deceive yourself.

Encounter yourself, face yourself.

Have a one hundred and eighty-degree turn.


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Damian Marley Is Converting A California Prison Into A Marijuana Farm

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

You might know Damian Marley for his soulful reggae music and for the fact that he’s Bob Marley’s son, but recently, the artist has made headlines because of a new business venture. That’s right, Marley has partnered with Ocean Grown Extracts and is converting a former 77,000 square foot California State prison into a cannabis grow space. Eventually, the farm will provide quality herb to medical marijuana dispensaries in the state.

Marley has not missed the irony of the new venture. He says,

“Many people sacrificed so much for the herb over the years who got locked up. If this [venture] helps people and it’s used for medicinal purposes and inspires people, it’s a success.”

According to Billboard, Marley is excited about the potential economic boost that will result from the marijuana venture. Reportedly, the farm will generate about 100 jobs, as well as 100 million dollars in annual tax revenue for the Cali neighborhood of Coalinga.

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Upon What Is Happiness Based?

God said:

Listen, despite your doubts and bereavements, all is well. Despite all your disappointments in life, all is well.

Know that you are fortunate in life. Many in your shoes would be happy, very happy. You know that. So I ask you, why would you choose to be dissatisfied with your life when you could just as well look at your life in a beautiful light?

Ask yourself what would make you happy. Do you have an answer to this? No matter how fine your life is, there is something you want and don't have. This seems to be a fact of life in the world.

All people on Earth have objects of desire that they do not yet hold in their hand. Everyone. And many on Earth are desiring differently from each other. Many see their desires as actual needs. Someone needs to lose weight, and someone else needs to gain weight. It is even possible that they would trade each other if they only knew how.

If you could undo a present condition that causes you unhappiness, would this guarantee your happiness? I have to wonder, what unmet desires would you bring up front to be disgruntled about then?

You may not be able to change a situation, such as your car's breaking down. However, your car takes this in its stride. Okay, it broke down. Your car doesn't object strenuously. It doesn't lose heart because it broke down. You might, however. You might be aggravated.

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Get Up, Get Moving

Dearest One….your resting time is over.  It is time to stand, stretch and start moving forward once again.  The time for making excuses as to why you cannot has passed.  I know you may not have fully regained your strength, but you can no longer sit and watch the world go by.  Get up, get moving and grow! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 4, 2016

When you recognize that you are connected to an endless wellspring of everything you need, it becomes far easier to connect, to be open, and to unify with compassion and unconditional love. It has been the false belief that it is a limited universe and that you may not have enough that has perpetuated the separation you are now seeking to heal. When you look at the world through the eyes of abundance and love, you profoundly change your experience with everything around you. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 10/3/2016

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Sitting under a tree is just representative. You will be surprised to know that after Buddha's death, for five hundred years his statue was not made. Instead of a statue only a tree was made. For five hundred years, in the temples that were made and dedicated to Buddha, there was only a tree carved on the stone or marble, nothing else.

It was enough to remind one to step out of the road, because this has been for thousands of years the tradition, to plant trees on both the sides of Indian roads - huge trees with big branches almost meeting over the middle of the road so the road is completely covered with shadow. Even in the hottest summer you can go on the road in coolness, in the shadow.

So the tree became the symbol of dropping out of "the road." The road is the world, where everybody is going somewhere, trying to find something, and in fact basically trying to forget himself because it hurts. To remember oneself hurts, and the only thing that everybody is doing is to get engaged, concentrated - after money, after power, after this, after that. Become a painter, become a poet, become a musician, become someone and go on becoming. Don't stop, because if you stop you become aware of your hurt; the wound starts opening up. So don't give it a chance. This is the road.


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Your God-Given Energy

God said:

Today it could be that you are feeling more energetic than you have been feeling in a long time. It is such a good feeling to feel energy coursing through you, and you are ready for the world. Yes, you will be feeling this sense of exhilaration more and more.

Everyone in the world has access to this energy. It is physical energy, yet it is also greater than physical. The energy you sense exists in your body, and also in your mind and heart. The lack of energy you may have been feeling is a kind of malaise. It is a kind of dreariness. Be sure you are getting rest from tension so you can begin to feel and use your God-given energy.

The sense of lack of energy is moving away from you. This sense of lack has been a kind of cover-up. Your energy always is, yet sometimes it is covered up with what you might call stress and other difficulties with yourself. Practice being good-natured, easy-going.

It is easier to practice being good-natured than it is to practice being relaxed. Aim to become good-natured. It is a marvelous thing to be good-natured.

The next time you receive frustrating customer service, for instance, be good-natured. Good nature makes a big difference in your life and the lives of all those you interact with, directly and indirectly. Yes, be good-natured. Good-nature is akin to being easy-going. Just hearing the words easy-going and good-natured ease tension. Feel your body loosen up. This way you take years off your life. You take away wear and tear. You take away roughness.

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Trouble Sleeping? 4 Herbs That Help You Get A Good Night’s Sleep

by Mark DeNicola, Collective Evolution

Insomnia can be a debilitating affliction, leaving us physically, mentally, and emotionally depleted. And it can be surprisingly difficult to overcome, its causes complex and often mysterious.

If you do suffer from insomnia, you are certainly not alone, as a 2013 study from the CDC revealed that nine million Americans use prescription sleeping pills to help them sleep at night. When you factor in how many unwanted side effects generally accompany pharmaceuticals, that number is certainly alarming and in dire need of change.

Thankfully there are healthier, natural solutions for you and your loved ones to turn to should you have trouble sleeping. Here are four of the best herbs that you can start using today to help you get a good night’s rest:

1. Lavender

Most of us are familiar with lavender-scented soaps and detergents. Lavender’s distinctive aroma is enjoyed by most, and thankfully, it grows in many places around the world (including the United States and Europe), making it relatively easy to find.


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Daily Message ~ Monday October 3, 2016

When you judge yourself you deny your beauty, your divinity, and the perfection of you and the Now moment. Dear Ones, please know that you are an individuated aspect of Source energy, absolute perfection in your imperfection, a vital, honoured, and necessary part of the whole. It is time to accept yourself, and others, as just that and to finally release the idea that you can ever be anything less. Please hear us when we say there is no payoff in denying your truth, and everything to gain from accepting your divine perfection. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 10/2/2016

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People start running from their birth till they die. They don't stop, they don't sit by the side of the road under a tree.

To me the statues of Buddha and Mahavira in the East, sitting in a lotus posture under a tree, do not mean anything historical. They mean something far more significant.

These are the people who have stopped running. These are the people who have stepped out of the road on which the whole procession of humanity is going.


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Why The Struggle Is Bigger Than One Pipeline: Oil Company Lied About Safety of DAPL

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The Dakota Access Pipeline has exposed a harsh reality many were unaware of or attempted to ignore: U.S. oil interest and government co-conspirators will bulldoze over any and all obstacles standing in their way of collecting billions from exploiting fossil fuels.

While the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, and thousands of supporters across the country, have vehemently protested the 30-inch pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners have, without blinking, stolen land from private landowners, ruined ancient Native american burial grounds, and put hundreds of waterbodies in harm, including the Missouri River water source of the tribe.

The people of Standing Rock have even filed a lawsuit to halt the construction from further damage, as has one of the South Dakota Native American nations and landowners in Iowa. Meanwhile, other members of the camp have taken nonviolent actions, locking arms around construction machinery to stop the digging. Many have been arrested as a result.


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