6.7 magnitude earthquake strikes south coast of Papua, Indonesia

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Source: The Extinction Protocol, 10/12/12

October 12, 2012 – INDONESIA - A magnitude 6.7 earthquake has struck eastern Indonesia near the Aru Islands. The US Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake was originally measured at 6.9. It struck at a depth of 33 kilometers, 80 kilometers north-northwest of Dobo on the Aru Islands.

The US Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said a destructive widespread tsunami was not likely to be generated by the earthquake. However, it said there was a small possibility of a local tsunami. People in the northern Australian city of Darwin reported feeling the tremors. Today’s earthquake is the fifth 6.0+ magnitude earthquake recorded in the month of October. –Radio Australia

Heavenletter #4340 Love Loves Everywhere, October 12, 2012

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Heavenletter #4340 Love Loves Everywhere, October 12, 2012 


God said: 


Let go of your heart. Do not clutch it. Let your heart be like a kite that flies. Let your heart soar. Hearts are made for soaring. Your heart is made for soaring. This is balance, beloveds.

You may have thought that keeping your heart down on the farm is steadying, but, no, your heart is meant to take off. Balance is when your heart stays on high and gets used to it. This doesn’t mean that your heart jumps around. No, your heart is steady at the speed of light.

Your heart is set to love. There is to be no turning off your heart. That’s it. That’s the message for today.

Your heart is meant to be mellow. Let it be mellow.

The most significant event ever to occur in your space-time continuum

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The most significant event ever to occur in your space-time continuum

October 12, 2012 by John Smallman

The excitement mounts as the moment for your awakening draws ever closer.  It seems that you have been waiting a long time and that there have been many delays and disappointments, but this is not really the case.  Time is illusory, as you well know, and so although it appears to you that dates for various events have come and gone without anything of note occurring, enormous changes have been happening on humanity’s inner or spiritual levels in preparation for the most significant event ever to occur in your space-time continuum.

Without President Obama, the Western Economy Would Have Collapsed

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Steve Beckow, The 2012 Scenario

I had a personal reading with Archangel Michael today through channel Linda Dillon and some of the matters we discussed had to do with President Obama. He said that Mr. Obama is aware of NESARA and is participating in steering it.

He revealed that, without the President, the western financial system would have collapsed and in the course of that discussion revealed that the Company of Heaven would not allow NESARA to be introduced through a wholesale ruin of the world economy, lest there be war in the streets. That probably accounts for some of the delay in announcing NESARA.

Compassion as a key to Ascension

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By Trinity Bourne


St Francis, was an incarnated angel of compassion, and has had a special place in my heart throughout the aeons. When I immerse myself in nature, walking in the woods, he'll frequently appear. He'll transform into an earthly presence, as if breathed into being through the breath of the trees. We'll walk together, delighting in the vibrations of light as it flickers through the trees. We'll feel the Angels' chorus singing the birds into life, whilst an ethereal pulse enlivens a gentle breeze that ignites the whole forest with Love. In these moments, time ceases to be. That moment is eternal...

Please Participate In a Global Meditation On October 21

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By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri

“Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act.”  ~ Albert Einstein

A Plea to Save GaiaIs there a difference between yes and no?
Is there a difference between good and evil?
Must I fear what others fear? What nonsense!
…Everyone else is busy…
I am different.
I am nourished by the great mother.
~ Lao Tsu. Tao Te Ching, #20.  6th century BCE


Dear Fellow Conscious Co-Creators:

The insider elites and banksters have been manipulating wars, chaos, famine, and engendering hate and fear for eons. The hubris of these criminals knows no boundaries. So, nothing has truly worked because of the lies and deceit and layer upon layer of poisoning that they have done to us. This has devastated ALL life on our besieged planet. They have stolen our homes. They have stolen our jobs. They have poisoned the food supply with deadly GMOs, pesticides, and chemicals. They have poisoned our air –Gaia’s air– with Chemtrails aerosols and stealth HAARP technology, weaponized biological agents, and wrecked our weather. They have poisoned all of us (even newborns!) with vaccines, fluoride, mercury, and toxic pharmaceuticals –ad infinitum.

The Celtic comeback: Enda Kenny makes cover of Time magazine

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Independent.ie -  Michael Brennan, 10/5/12

TAOISEACH Enda Kenny has become the first Irish leader since Sean Lemass to make the cover of Time magazine.

The colour of famous “Time” red logo has been changed to green on the front cover, which contains the headline “The Celtic Comeback” alongside Mr Kenny’s photo.

To read the rest of this story, visit independent.ie.

Spirit Science 16 ~ The Shift of Ages

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One of the most frequently asked questions we get asked is "What do you think will happen with 2012?". We thought the best way to shed light on the situation was simply to make a video about it! So without further ado, here is our 2012 video!

The Spirit Science 2012 Discussion Thread

Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this video possible!
Put together by SpiritPatch
Additional stuff by The King of Atlantis!
Music by Matteo Penna
Credits - A live video of Elijah and the Band of Light (Seriously check this guy out, his music is pure love and light!)

Were looking for guest artists on Spirit Science! If you have a drawing tablet and want to help out, send an email to thelightcouncil@gmail.com

Namaste everyone!


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