The Intruders crash the Investment Banking Awards in Mayfair

Lia's picture

The Investment Banking Awards are the Oscars of the financial world. Dished out for so-called 'innovation', some of the world's richest bankers gather together to congratulate each other on devising ever more creative ways to make obscene sums of money.

One of 2012's most profitable scams was the bankers' 'innovative' approach to a key interest rate called LIBOR. Virtually every bank at the event was involved in illegally colluding to rig LIBOR, ensuring that they would always be the winners in the multi-million pound bets they were making on the markets.

When we noticed that this money-spinner had been overlooked in the ceremony, we decided to show up and make sure the LIBOR-riggers got the recognition they deserve.

Twitter: @IntrudersAction
Facebook: /WeAreTheIntruders

We Want YOU to Be in Our Next Video!

Rain's picture

We are making another video, featuring photos of the Family and we want YOU to be in it.

Here is all you have to do.

1. Select a photo of yourself (as large as possible).

2. Write a statement and add your name the way you want it to appear in the video. Your statement and your name should be less than 20 words total.

For example, in my statement and name below, the total number of words is 15.

You are surrounded by LOVE.
All you have to do is let it in.
~ Rain

3. Email us your photo and statement at

 If you are having trouble reaching us, leave a comment here and we will contact you.

4. We need your photo and statement by the end of Friday, October 12.

Thank you for participating! It's going to be a wonderful video!

In case you haven't seen our last video, here it is. Please share!


The Leading Brain Surgeon Who is Convinced of Heaven After 7-Day Out-Of-Body Odyssey

Rain's picture


Source:, October 9, 2012, by Soren Dreier

Author: Leslie Larson


A sceptical scientist who had spent his career studying the mechanics of the brain and dismissing patient tales of journeys to heavenly realms has revealed his extraordinary conversion after his own encounter with the afterlife during a near-death experience.

Dr Eben Alexander spent 15 years as an academic neurosurgeon at Harvard but he was struck with a nearly fatal bout of bacterial meningitis in 2008 and had no brain activity when he lay comatose for seven days at a Virginia hospital.

Chris Bourne: The Power of the Energy Worker

Lia's picture

Transforming the field

These are difficult and confusing times for evolving people. We see what’s going on and feel in our hearts the misalignment of humanity in so many ways. There’s a natural tendency to want to fix the problems and bring mankind into a higher harmony. Indeed there are many thousands of people who’ve been seeded here by the Law of Attraction. Some will have a very obvious physical impact, whereas others have a different role. They see and feel the energy field to which humanity is connected. They have the inherent ability to bring their consciousness to bear in a particular situation, bring light into it and initiate realignment with the divine flow. These are the ‘Energy Workers’…

Wide spectrum of characters

In the work that we do, we are blessed to connect with and meet many people around the world who are unfolding divine gifts of beingness. There’s the complete spectrum of different soul ray configurations, but all united by one common sense of urgency:

They can feel the lack of rightness in the world at the moment
and there’s a soulful yearning to do something about it

After the U.S. “Saturn Return,” Saturn enters Scorpio, with Uranus/Pluto setting the stage

Lia's picture

 By Ann Kreilkamp

Posted on October 9, 2012

This isn’t going to be a long research article (I don’t have patience for those anymore), but I would like to offer a short glance at the U.S. chart, and the fact that we’ve just gone through another Saturn Return, where the chickens come home to roost. All of 2011 and 2012 signified that the Empire, built up since Eisenhower’s day when he warned of the Military Industrial Complex, is on its way out. Why do say this?

Because the Empire needs an endless supply of fiat U.S. dollars to keep on expanding, and that capacity, to print money at will, is just about exhausted. Here’s the chart, with the original Saturn in the tenth house of the nation’s path. (Notice that chimerical, deceptive, and/or truly spiritual Neptune is near the Midheaven of the chart, strongly positioned to gin up The American Dream (or nightmare, as it has turned out to be).

Raising Your Frequency, Healing the Earth

Lia's picture

Friday, 5 October, 2012  (posted 9 October, 2012) 

It may sometimes feel like you have been waiting a long time for the new Earth based on love. In reality, though, no waiting is involved when you are on your active path of ascension. This means being present and taking steps based on conscious awareness.

Indeed, as you apply consciousness to your choices, you have a tool for raising your frequency and helping the Earth at the same time. That's because you are integrally connected to humanity and the planet - as your energy vibration rises, you uplift the whole.

What is happening now is that people like you all across the world are waking up and becoming conscious of how energy works. You are learning about the impact of your thoughts on what you manifest. You are discovering how to be more present and actively engaged with the world.

Shifting Your Frequency Higher


Lia's picture
Indian IN the Machine
 Angel In the Sky Thank You to Indian In the Machine
Dear world,
Many of us anxiously have some unsettled feeling that something major is about to happen… let’s remember one thing:  we are changing inside… take a good look at the inner world MORE than you focus on doom and gloom in the outer world, can we do this? … feel the inner world in stillness… whatever you search the world for,  or seek in others, comes down to one moment sitting beside the crystal core of your heart, to see what gifts have yet to be opened….
See that when the big event comes, that you will not be swept away in the river of change…  please refer to 20 SIGNS OF BEING AWAKE for further guidance if need to.

Earth’s Free Energy

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canoe web


If we lifted Ayres Rock out of it’s comfortable pillow deep in the Earth and turned it upside down for the world to see, we would find mega tonnes of Clear and Rose Quartz Crystal.

Photography by Julie Holt  copyright 2012

Quartz Crystal is the Earths immune system

Silica / Quartz Crystal allows the Earth to resonate to the same vibratory level as the Universe around it. All living things have an energy field (aura) and also a certain amount of Silica with-in them to activate it. The Earth is the same, needing these same ingredients to vibrate at a fast enough rate to create an energy field.

Unique Projections MAX Becomes the Vortex of Ascension

Lia's picture

Crystal Good  

Unique Projections

 MAX Becomes the Vortex of Ascension


MAX will be in an exceptional environ within the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. Arkansas is the largest continual strata of natural quartz crystal on the planet. As such a natural homogenic  'Harmonic Oscillation Wave ' will take place between MAX and the quartz deposits. MAX has been intricately involved in the Triple-Date activation of the Crystalline Transition, and that transition is logically centered in Arkansas. The Crystal Vortex is the heart of the transition.



The Tula Vortex- Of the Great Central Sun


 MAX-White Framing

The Declaration of Human Freedom

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by Archangel Michael

Thank You to Steve Beckow

Every being is a divine and eternal soul living in a temporal body. Every being was alive before birth and will live after death.

Every soul enters into physical life for the purpose of experience and education, that it may, in the course of many lifetimes, learn its true identity as a fragment of the Divine.

Life itself is a constant process of spiritual evolution and unfoldment, based on free choice, that continues until such time as we realize our true nature and return to the Divine from which we came.

No soul enters life to serve another, except by choice, but to serve its own purpose and that of the Divine from which it came.


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