Be The Peace -~September 21st 2012 meditation

Lia's picture


On September 21st, the International Day of Peace, 100's of organization around the world are collaborating to create the largest synchronized prayer and meditation for peace ever!

There will be live events in over 640 cities around the world, starting at 6pm in local timezones, creating a profound wave of peace moving across our planet.

There will also be three specific moments during the day that everyone around the world will connect at the same time: 12am, 12 noon, and 12 midnight EDT, creating three deep planetary Pulses of Peace.

Be the Peace! welcomes people from every culture, every spiritual tradition, and every political perspective to join Together as One.

Find and event in your city and organize your own event!


The Galactic Free Press will Be Hosting an Internet Love Party and Peace Meditation on Saturday September 22nd beginning at 1:30pm pacific. You Can Join us for this Event at this Link:

The Galactic Free Press Update- The old is falling, and The Higher Grid is Ready~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, The Energies are currently spiraling around the Planet. The Old is going out and change is inevitable! Yesterday, the consciousness dipped down on the Planet, and as this occurred a Huge Energy of Love came in. These Incoming Energies will Merge with this Weekends Equinox and Some Help from The Sun. As a Result, Many More Awakenings will Occur, which will Really Help Us Light Up this Planet. The Higher Grid is Ready!

to read the full update:

The Galactic Free Press Update- The Next Step, Peace On Earth=Heart.

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, As the Energies continue swirling about due the cleansing occurring and the Energies incoming, alot is progressing behind the scenes and you can trust us on this! As Everyone begins connecting together and moving into Place, Lights are coming on. Higher Selves are Manifesting on the Planet and the Oneness Energy along with Godzillions of Angels Assisting is On the Move Creating Miracles and Manifesting Visions of Love, which will Serve Humanity for The Highest Good.

to read the full update:

~ Cobra Update~ Fixing the world[Planet]

Lia's picture
A call has been issued by Hope Girl, the writter of this excellent blog:
The idea is for people to submit their ideas about solutions how we transition from the current financial system into the new era of abundance for everyone:
Deadline for submissions is September 24th.
This is what she emailed me about this project:
"There is a tremendous amount of wealth that is about to be released to all of humanity. The equivalent would be as if everyone won the lottery at the same time. The problem is, everyone who knows about this money is just thinking about how to get it.

Who runs the world?

Lia's picture

satsang in London july 2009. Here Mooji addresses the concern many share about the growing negativity and distructive conditioning human beings create and live in. He points to the source of all appearances - consciousness, and explains how mankind must become 'kind man' again. (As said by Papaji) He must realize or recognise himself as awareness - the source of all manifestation.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ Contracting Into Expansion ~

Lia's picture

 20 September 2012

Everything in our existence was cooked in the same cosmic crock-pot.  All came from the same cosmic soup with the same celestial ancestry.  Every Being that exists between time and within time, is a part of the expressions of the Universe.  You are a multi-dimensional universe within your self, your cell structure, and your biology all is stardust.

This entire year has escorted humankind into doorways of thinking beyond mortal perceptions of time and space. There is no denying we have all shifted. Our true essence is no longer limited and linear, our true essence belongs to all worlds, to all universes, and to all Time. 

Shane B McNeil Communications, Healing, Awakening, Breakthrough Blessing Day!

Lia's picture

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][Sept 20th 2012][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
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SUN SEXTILES MOON this morning at 6:11 am, pdt, then goes into the VOID between Scorpio and Sagittarius. From the VOID, MOON moves into Sagittarius at 9:34 am, pdt. While in the VOID, MERCURY makes a 150 degree INCONJUNCT with Wounded Healer CHIRON, providing a deep unsettling call from within to take action to bring balance in the realm of communications and healing.

MOON SQUARES NEPTUNE at 11:18 am, pdt from Sagittarius (mutable fire) to Pisces (mutable water) giving us the potential for confusion, fluidity, overwhelm, and spiritual work cut out for us.

MERCURY OPPOSITE URANUS and SQUARE PLUTO at 3:23 pm and 4:21 pm, pdt puts our Communicator Planet, MERCURY, directly in touch with our AWAKENING CAULDRON of 2011-2016. We just had the second in seven PLUTO URANUS SQUARE’s on Tuesday, and today MERCURY will broadcast, to ourselves and the world, what this really means for us (now). The work we have today, may be communications work. It is our job to listen and respond to our personal Creator-made Awakening Cauldron.


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