ARCHANGEL RAGUEL. Breaking Old Vows and Opening To Abundance. By, Bella Capozzi.

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 September 21, 2012.

The other day, a client and I had a surprise visit from Archangel Raguel.  I don’t recall having had a lot of personal interaction with Raguel-at least in this lifetime-nor had my client, who I will call “Katherine.”  She and I were working on some issues which were blocking her ability to receive clear direction and to manifest abundance (common issues which I’m sure we all can relate to).  Raguel presented himself to me as a tall male Angel, with short chestnut curls and a bright smile.  He seemed very personable and talkative, with a lively sense of humor.  After the session concluded, he identified himself to me as Katherine’s primary guide.  We learned through Raguel that Katherine had many past lives on Earth as a healer and a priestess, but also a couple of lives lived within the confines of the Catholic Church.  Her past life as a nun was the one which was sabotaging her manifestational ablities right now.  He stuck around for awhile after the session, and presented me with a short message to share.


Archangel Raguel:

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Prepared It is a time to learn

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Thursday, September 20, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Prepared

It is a time to learn


A time to gather new information to assist you and help you evolve your light. Enjoy the process, for it will lead you where you want to go. As the seasons change, it signifies more changes in your lives. Taking the time to gather what you need for the next part of your journey lets you feel more prepared for what lies ahead and lets you have more trust in your own decisions. Change is always happening and as evolving beings, this is important. Take the time to let yourself feel comfortable and make those changes with clarity and wisdom.

The Equinox, The Last Quarter of This Year, The Advancement Into 2013 and More!

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I read a sign on facebook not to long ago that said something like: There are people in this world that have no idea what is going on, and they have no idea that they have no idea.  These last few weeks I had seen, even within myself, how true that statement is.  My god, life can be busy.  Very enjoyable, very heart filling, but very very busy.  It is sooooo easy to lose yourself each and every day.  Most people have no idea what that even means or feels like (to really, and I mean REALLY know yourself,) especially if that (busy life) is all you know.  I so have forgotten how exhausting what we call ordinary life can be.

For as much as I enjoyed my time in Virginia and Pennsylvania, and god knows I enjoyed every moment, I was not sad about coming Home.  Quite the opposite really.  I was missing myself!  I was missing my connection to spirit, to life, to all the things most people don’t have time to connect to or find out how deeply They exist.   Work and family connections seem to dominate lives.  Which, on the surface, one can say that is what life is all about, and for a very long time, I surely would have agreed too.  In that degree, life is a very external event, happening outside of you, all around you… but what is really happening within and what happens if that external world suddenly ceased to be?  Where does one get the food of life they have depended on?


Northeast ocean temperatures reach record high

Rain's picture - Clarke Canfield/AP, 9/18/12

Current northeast sea surface temperatures (

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Ocean temperatures off the northeast United States reached a record high for the first half of 2012, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Tuesday.

The average sea surface temperature for the waters over the Northeast continental shelf, from North Carolina to Canada, was a little over 50.5 degrees from January through June, breaking the previous record of 50.45 degrees for the same six months set in 1951. The average temperature for those months during the past three decades has been about 48 degrees.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Dramatic Rescue at Sea After 26 Hour Ordeal

Rain's picture - Matt Sampson, 9/12/12, Associated Press

Harris was adrift at sea for more than 24 hours in this plastic container.

SITKA, Alaska — A fisherman who spent a night adrift in a 4-by-4 foot plastic fish bin after his boat sank off Alaska says he gave himself pep talks and sang “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” to keep his spirits up. His fellow crewmember managed to get into a survival suit and washed ashore on a beach after his own night afloat.

A Coast Guard helicopter hoisted Ryan Harris, 19, of Sitka, from his plastic “lifeboat” on Saturday, more than 24 hours after the boat sank on Friday, the Daily Sitka Sentinel ( reported Monday.

Image: Wildfires in Washington State

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Source: - 9/21/12

NASA image courtesy Jeff Schmaltz LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team, GSFC.

The summer of 2012 will unfortunately be known as the "Summer of Devastating Western Wildfires" and practically not one state out west was spared. Washington State has been hardest hit of late. This satellite image shows a rash of wildfires currently burning in the middle of the state.

Related Video: Residents Urged to Leave Again

Drought Halts Traffic on Mississippi

Rain's picture - AP, Jim Suhr, 9/20/12

Barge Heading Southbound on the Mighty Mississippi

A barge eases southbound in a Mississippi River channel toward a lock that remained shut down Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012, in Granite City, Ill., causing a traffic jam of dozens of tugboats and hundreds of barges.

GRANITE CITY, Ill. -- Crews scrambled to make repairs Wednesday near the busiest Mississippi River lock shut down because of damage blamed partly on the summer drought, snarling hundreds of barges and tugboats in a backlog that was growing worse by the hour.

Workers closed Lock 27 just north of St. Louis last Saturday after discovering that a protection cell -- a vertical, rock-filled steel cylinder against which barges rub to help align them for proper entry into the lock -- had split open, spilling into the channel tons of the rock that ultimately obstructed passage.

Activist Post – Migrating Noth Pole Contributing To Severe Weather?

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Activist Post – Migrating Noth Pole Contributing To Severe Weather? – 21 September 2012

Few can argue that severe weather is currently impacting the globe. Certainly the record droughts in America have become a huge concern for food prices, which has subsequently sparked an uptick in alarming climate change rhetoric.

As the Northern Hemisphere has experienced one of the warmest summers on record, Arctic ice has receded considerably, prompting the typical global warming “collapse” discussion. While northern ice has indeed reached new modern lows, ice in the southern hemisphere continent of Antarctica has reachedrecord highs. Charts for both hemispheres can be seen here.

Long-Term Care Residents Become Healers to Each Other

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Source: - Kristian Partington, 9/17/12

Program to battle the plague of loneliness and depression in LTC residents

Few will argue that moving from independent living into a long-term care setting is one of the most difficult transitions a person will make in the course of life.

Loneliness, depression and feelings of helplessness can be rampant for residents, and helping them combat these feelings to live lives of fulfillment and meaning is an important goal of providers — it’s a cornerstone of life quality.

But when a person goes from raising a family and contributing steadily to the growth of their community through a lifetime of careers and volunteering to the point when they no longer ask for their help or advice, one could imagine finding meaning in life might be difficult.

Five Reasons Why Conspiracy Theorists Are More Popular Than You Think

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Saman Mohammadi | The Excavator, September 18, 2012

From now on, conspiracy theorists should be described as public intelligence analysts. We are part of a public intelligence community whose headquarters is the entire world. Our loyalty is to truth, freedom, and peace. We investigate reality to serve humanity, and bring nations together under the banner of peace and co-existence.

1. Public opinion polls show that the majority of Americans and Westerners agree with the views of “conspiracy theorists” more than those of government officials and media personalities.

Interest Rate Manipulation Extends Far Beyond Libor, Secret Survey Reveals

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Huff Post - Mark Gongloff, 9/19/12

Interest rates all over the world are mostly made up. That's the verdict of a new study by the International Organization of Securities Commissions, a copy of which was obtained by Bloomberg. It found that more than half of the benchmark lending rates in the U.S., Europe and Asia are "calculated by methodologies that were unclear, not transparent and only rarely subject to specific regulatory standards or obligations." Less than half of all benchmark lending rates, in contrast, were based on actual market transactions.

In other words, the interest rates that affect personal and business loans, and hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives contracts around the world, are based on either guesses or lies: Not particularly comforting.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Gaia Energy Conduit Clarification has Accelerated

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Gaia Energy Conduit Clarification has Accelerated…



The process of clarifying Gaia energy conduits has been accelerated to enable rapid dissolution of anharmonics introduced during recent portal activations. Acceleration will continue through the 10-10 gateway.

Those affected by this acceleration will sense a rapid withdrawal from standard activities. Such are not aligned with the Higher D energies currently processing throughout Gaia.

Alignments with Higher aspects of Source continue as planned.


VIsionkeeper: Let us manifest together

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Let us manifest together

Posted on September 21, 2012

People keep saying there is nothing they can do to change what is occurring in the world today. WRONG! There is much we can do. I think we should begin by coming together to manifest what we dream about. Keeping it trapped in dreams does nothing for us, releasing them into the present moment allows us to create that dream into our reality. So, let us begin to release our dream for free energy! Let us hold the thought of free energy in our consciousness and see it from every angle. How is life lived with free energy available? How does it change our life? In what ways? See the patents for free energy being released to the world! See a power greater than the dark ones pushing this information forth to release the world from slavery! Carry the thought of free energy patents being released with you everyday. 


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