amissvik's picture

Yesterday, as many of you know, I lost my way and, in desperation and in hope, I called out for help. I wrote an entry called HELP: LIGHTWORKER GONE DARK. The response was overwhelming. 


I am in the debt of those who went out of their way to write me words of encouragement, and to those who held me in their thoughts. My words of pain did not lead to humiliation or lectures or silence. People, my people, cared and showed it. You guys helped heal me.


Here is the truth to what happened to me. I worked a shift expressly to have the money for paying off a traffic ticket due September 23. After work I found some shad behind a building, parked my car and read my eamils, clearing my head before having to pick up and take of my son. A very odd officer felt what I was doing was, in his words, "weird." He demanded my home address. My son's address. My purpose. Even though we started the converstation with establishing what I was doing was indeed legal, the harrassment continued.


Eventually the officers let me go, then followed me, then pulled me over, ran my license and said my outstanding traffic ticket was actually in the warrant phase. They handcuffed me. They searched my car. They called me names. They were evil to me. They truly were evil, because they saw evil where none existed.


'In The Night Sky' author Linda Zimmerman seeks Ulster County residents

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Daily Freeman - Paula Ann Mitchell, 9/20/12

Orange County author Linda Zimmerman doesn’t mind admitting she was skeptical at first when it came to the local stories she’d heard about unidentified flying objects in the Hudson Valley.

In the 20 years she’s been writing about the history of the region, Zimmerman would listen politely when people would tell her about their sightings, but given her scientific mind, she’d brush them aside. “Sorry, I don’t do UFOs,” Zimmerman would often retort. Until now, that is.

To read the rest of this story, visit DailyFreeman.com.

Signs of Spiritual Awakening

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Signs of Spiritual Awakening


Signs of Spiritual Awakening | in5d.com | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databaseby Roya R. Rad, MA, PsyD

Spiritual awakening can happen when one has climbed up the mountain of self-growth and has reached what Maslow calls 'self-actualization,' Carl Jung calls 'individuation,' and other psychologists call 'a fully functioning human being' or 'a complete self.' This is an internal sense of transformation that happens, making the experience a personal and unique one to the individual. The purpose of this article is to focus on some of the symptoms that people experiencing this state of transformation report having.

Listed below are signs of spiritual awakening reported by those who have experienced it. It is important to note that these symptoms will eventually fade away after one adjusts to this phase of transformation.

The Earthdance Globally Synchronized Prayer for Peace

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Earthdance Global Festival for Peace - Setember 22, 2012

4pm California – 8pm Sao Paulo – 1am Cape Town – 9am Sydney

The Earthdance Global Link-Up for Peace
The highlight of the annual multi-location Earthdance Festival is a simultaneous link up, when every event across the world plays the Prayer for Peace at the exact same moment – morning in the Australian rainforest, afternoon in California, midnight in London, and sunrise over the Himalayas – the Prayer for Peace is a profound and powerful moment that unifies our intentions for World Peace on all levels.

The Equinox of Your Soul A message from Archangel Gabriel

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Galactic Love Reporter Shanta Gabriel

Tuesday, 18 September, 2012 (posted 20 September, 2012)
This is a time for profound and very deep healing. Just as the earth moves through the seasonal balancing point of Equinox, all of life strives to reach this place of perfect balance. At the point of balance, the energy in the body aligns with the blueprint of Divine Perfection with which each soul has been blessed. To be in harmony with your most authentic Divine self is to be in alignment with the place of balance that provides healing on all levels. This is the true state of Oneness all souls are seeking, even though it may not be conscious.

SaLuSa 9/21/2012 You are near completion of this Cycle

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Because everything is in the now we do not view things as you do, and we see the overall picture which shows that completion of this cycle will work out as intended. Once you have ascended then you will move into a new era and benefit from the upliftment in the energies, and your greater level of consciousness. All that is due to you by way of changes that will rapidly come into being, and at last you will be free from the attention of the dark Ones. There is no place in the new dimension for anything that is less, and you will be able to feel the heightened vibrations. It will be quite a new experience to know that every other person with you is of the same vibrations, and to be trusted and honest in all of their contact with you.

Geoffrey West ~ Cosmic Vision News ~Inlight Blogtalkradio – 21 September 2012

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Direct Link to radioshow

The Show Begins at 4pm Pacific and The Galactic Free Press Will Be on the Show with a Clip about current events

21 September central USA around 17 pm,  mainland Europe 22 September 1 am.

Call in to speak with the host (323) 784-9697


CVN host, Geoffrey West offers news, talk and commentary about the latest events unfolding with regards to what is arguably the most guarded secret, and yet the most important event to improve the human and planetary condition.


Disclosure, as a global awareness event is now happening.  CVN is among the first to formally declare disclosure as real and peaceful.CVN will be an evolving program, adapting to the events unfolding upon, within and beyond our planet.


CVN will also address current events that support a shift to a peaceful planet.

Jesus: Oneness is Non-Negotiable

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by John Smallman ~ September 21, 2012


The essential changes that humanity needs to make in attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in order to restore the normal, necessary, loving, and peaceful conditions in which you can relate to one another on every level are occurring very rapidly now.

Humanity’s region of the divine energy field — your field of consciousness — continues to strengthen and intensify as more and more of you become aware of how each one of you can and does affect it, and then very positively makes the intent to do so.

A wonderful Light is now bathing your beautiful planet and is clearly visible to all who wish to see it. You are making astounding progress on your path to awakening, and even those who are the least aware of the spiritual dimension that is your identity will be unable to remain unaware for very much longer. Then they too will add to the ever-growing brilliance of the Light that envelops you all.

The Ascension Train is Just Three Months Away from Grand Central Sun Station. Arrival Time: December 21, 2012

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By Galactic Love Reporter Stephan Cook


The most magical, blissful moment that each and every one of us has ever witnessed, partaken of, been privy to, chosen, enjoyed, reincarnated and waited for is just three, ever-so-short months away, as of today.

Yes the Ascension train is rolling on.

“Yippee!” is all I can say (well, I can also say “hooray”, “brilliant”, “at last” and “I can’t wait”‘!).

Yep, 92 days to go, inclusive (which for those of us into numbers – adds up to that wonderful number 11!)

And I can guarantee you that things won’t be the same in three months as they are today.

In fact, they won’t be the same in a week’s time as they are today!

Here’s what I ‘know’ will happen in three months’ time http://the2012scenario.com/2012/07/definitions-visions-and-meanings/

A new connection, a new task and the preface of The apprentice’s manual

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Aisha North

Be The Light - Luas*** -

As you all know by now, the messages I channel come from a group calling themselves “The constant companions”. I do not know how many members there are in this group, the only thing they have told me is that they are “more than five”. This collective of entities seems to be put together in order to convey different kinds of topics, and the energy, content and wording in the different messages changes according to whom it is that connects with me. Some have been with me a long time, some come in less frequent, and sometimes they introduce a new “member” to me in a private message. They did that two days ago, and I was told by this new member that “he” ( a very masculine energy) was going to start to work with me on a new project. The manuscript was going to continue as before with regular installments from the rest of The CCs, but in addition, I will be given new information meant for “professional ears and eyes”. I have to say that this seems to be a daunting task, because “he” told me that they would give me information I would not understand myself, but that they would put me into contact with someone who will. So, I guess I have to stick my neck out and just go for it!

Fall Equinox Saturday Ups Chances of Seeing Northern Lights

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Space.com - Joe Rao, 9/21/12

AuroraMAX Image September 12, 2012


AuroraMAX observatory took this image of an auroral display over Yellowknife, Canada, on September 12, 2012.

The arrival of the autumnal equinox this Saturday (Sept. 22) signals a transition from northern summer to fall in an astronomical sense. But it also signals the start of aurora-watching season.

From now through the end of October, the chances of sighting the glow of the mysterious northern lightswill be reaching a peak.

Largest Globally-Synchronized Meditation on 21 September and Prayer for Peace

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Largest Globally-Synchronized Meditation on 21 September and Prayer for Peace


Organizations from around the world have come together 
with the vision of co-creating the Largest Globally-Synchronized Meditation and Prayer for Peace in human history.

There will be live events in hundreds of cities around the world,

starting at 6pm in local timezones, creating a profound wave of peace moving across our planet.

There will also be three specific moments during the day when everyone around the world will connect at the same time: 12am, 12 noon, and 12 midnight EDT, creating three deep planetary

Pulses of Peace.


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