Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Believe With A Knowing And Know It With A Believing

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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Believe With A Knowing And Know It With A Believing – 22 September 2012

You are an intersection of all that you have ever been and all that you will ever choose to be.  Within the walls of your heart — you entertain the past, the now, and the future.  Within the walls of your heart resides all hope and wants for the future. Within the walls of your heart, you hold all levels of the heavens that still hold the embryo of possible creation.

What is an energy worker

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What is an energy worker



by Elaine @ 





Every human being, by virtue of his/her energetic make-up, is an ‘Energy Worker’. Though we appear solid, we are, in reality, composed of a wide range of rapidly moving molecules of energy.  Some of us awaken to the reality of these vibrations, how they effect us and how our frequencies effect the world as well.  Equipped with that understanding, we make it our careers or professions. We call our work ‘energy healing’ and ourselves  ‘energy workers’.

~ Surprise Love Party Lets do this and Get 'Er Done!!! Planet wide Peace Here we Come

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~ Lets do this and Get Er Done!!!~ Planetwide Peace Here we Come! Join US Beginning at 6pm pacific

Peace and Love Party! Yeehaw!

Join us Live NOW!



Quoted from US" The Equinox Energies are already Beginning to Build.This Coming Equinox represents The Peace Energies which will facilitate what needs to occur now On This Planet. In Our Last Update we shared the Next Step for Humanity is Peace. Once Peace On Earth is established we smoothly transition Humanity into the transitionary Government, our craft decloakings, and the release of the technologies and much more. We share this with You as these are Real Events in which will be taking Place.



We Love YOU, Join us Live

Love The Earth Allies


Konstantinos: A message from the Collective Consciousness of the Plant Kingdom of the Cosmos

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Sep 21

Posted by kp40

[Hello friends. Today, I felt very strongly the nudges of something that is part of the Nature. A little later, I realized that this feeling was coming from the plants and trees and instantly, lots of pictures with plants not only from this planet but from what seemed to be other worlds too, appeared in my 3rd eye with a series of thoughts, not words, that made me feel an indescribably deep connection and Love...the less I can say. Later, I received the following message.]


We are the Collective Consciousness of the Plant Kingdom of the Cosmos.

Everything are connected through the Universal Grids of Love.



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Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, 9-11-12
Chrystalis - Luas*** -

"Well, here we are! It is I, Sekhmet. Now we may be dancing in our Hearts, and yes smile! It is great Joy that we have on this sacred day. Remember, this is the anniversary of such a high consciousness reading on Planet Earth, that it was another way of saying, 'Yes we can!' It reconfirmed the results of the Harmonic Convergence, which had happened some years before. And it said to the World, 'Yes, we will do it! We are going to make it despite all of these things. We are going to make it. We are going to ascend. This time we're going to do it!!!'


Leano Rice ~Opening Collective Portals of Light from Within

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What we think we have to do in the 3rd dimension world of busy work is severely lessened when we analyze what we truly need in this reality. Playing into the world of ego, pins us into a cloudy corner of conscious suppression and self separation. Our powers eventually seem to lie within the grips of a false reality based on what we have and who we "think" we are, in a world of "duel" nature. A world where up is down and left is right, but making the choice to go with the light (every way), is infinite.

Every one of us chose this experience. We should all be taking full advantage of all the beauty and essence of this perfect earth experience. A living being, naturally evolved over billions of years to provide a comfortable home for all living being's to have the ability to thrive within the loving arms of her care. As the conscious children of this planet, we have the responsibility to maintain a balance of the self, and have a goal to limit the destruction of our home and her children to nil. The closer we get to balance and harmony with the planet, the closer we get to our own divinity and the infinite capabilities of boundless human potential.

~Steve Beckow~ Quest for Clarity in Confusing Times

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A reader has asked: “In today’s [Sept. 19, 2012] update SaLuSa mentioned something that has us confused. It was stated that the expected changes for the New Age will now occur after Ascension. … If we are reading this correctly, it seems like SaLuSa just announced a huge change in the lineup!

The reader wonders what the status is of NESARA, the new governments, Disclosure, etc., in view of SaLuSa’s remarks.

The key passage leading to his questions appears to be this one:

“Naturally the expected changes will commence very shortly, as the New Age must be launched so as to break up the old paradigm. The new one is waiting to be introduced, and its benefits are to be shared by you all. Completion cannot however take place until you have Ascended, as those who are the dark Ones are not to be the beneficiaries of that which is for those of the Light.”

Three Types of Events

Suzanne Lie – Mytre And The Arcturians – Journey To The Mothership – Part 3A

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Suzanne Lie – Mytre And The Arcturians – Journey To The Mothership – Part 3A – 21 September 2012

We are so pleased to see how many of our wonderful Ascending Ones are enjoying our journey to the Mothership. Before Mytre continues his tour of our multidimensional components, we wish to speak with you about how you can best see us in your skies. Of course, you will not see our Mothership, but we, meaning ALL the Galactics, are making ourselves more and more visible to you each day.

Blue StarShip/UFO Report - September 21, 2012

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One of the most widespread UFO accounts in the world was right here in Arizona. It was an event witnessed by thousands across the state. On March 13th, 1997 the first report came in from Nevada, then as the minutes passed they continued following the craft southward from Paulden, AZ to Prescott then Dewey to Phoenix and finally Tucson. The lights appeared around 8:15 and disappeared by 8:45.


Good-bye Space Shuttles - Hello Starships!




~Incredible energies coming in, Is anyone else feeling this?~

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Infinite Love for ALL...One Love!! - Thomas Velke -
Submitted by Ra-Raela on Fri, 09/21/2012 - 10:38.

Last night, I received an incredible amount of energy. In fact it was so intense, it woke me up! Couldn't go back to sleep for hours. I was wondering if anyone else felt it also. Actually it started yesterday morning, the 20th, and continued on and off for the entire day. I felt great joy and love, also lots of great pressure on my crown chakra. I've also experienced energy spontaneously running down from my crown, down the middle of my body and then back up my back, and into the crown again. Has anyone else experienced this?


Another world?

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Did anyone else notice something around noon today. I had gone online to quickly check the global peace initiative but didn't really have enough time to do that and meditate. I shut my door and immediately (or it felt immediately) I began to go to a 5D vibration level which I have never done before without music. I was focused on love and light from my heart when suddenly my whole forehead was lit up with golden light. I knew I was connected to the grid but didn't know from where. It seemed and still does that my consciousness is above me. I felt an incredible joy and knew I was connected with other lightworkers but couldn't see them. I felt like there were additional golden threads going out in all directions and pillars of light were everywhere. It has been about 2 hours now and I feel like i am between two worlds and definately want to stay in the good one. I still feel like my awareness is above me although not as strong. I really want to stay and grow in the new world I visited. I am been there before but not for as long a time and not in so pure a way. I really am so ready to reclaim my I AM presence. Just curious as it was noon when it happened if it was the global meditations or what?

Emmanuel Dagher ~ Happy Equinox! ~ 21 September 2012

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Hi my miraculous friend,

The Equinox window of Sept 22nd we are about to pass through in conjunction with some of the astrological configurations will require us to maintain in our hearts as much as possible. As we move forward, things within & around us that are not in alignment with heart-centered principles will continue to come up in the collective & in our personal lives to be healed, resolved & transformed. By simply being aware that this is what’s happening, it becomes easier to remain neutral so the healing can be a more smooth experience.

If we’ve been feeling a bit off balance or not our usual selves lately know that it’s normal. We can use these experiences of feeling a little ‘off’ as feedback to guide us in anchoring more balance in our lives. For example: If we’re someone who works a great deal or our minds are always on the go, some play & relaxation might really be beneficial to us right now. Or, if we’re someone who has been more passive & in hibernation mode for a while, maybe it’s time to take action towards our highest visions once again. Whatever it may be, anchoring more balance into our lives will really help us navigate through these heightened energies we are moving through.

UFO expert Gary Heseltine boldly goes forward to collect major award

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Scunthorpe Telegraph - 9/18/12

  1. UFOrepresentationofwhatfolksaw

    Recreation of a UFO sighting in North Lincolnshire

A Scunthorpe-born UFO expert's dedication to proving the truth is out there has landed him a second major award.

Gary Heseltine, who has devoted almost 35 years to investigating real life X-Files, has been given the Exopolitics Group Award for 2012.

To read the rest of this article, visit


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