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By Ute Posegga-Rudel 

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

Dearest Brothers and Sisters!


Light is pouring down on us ever more strongly! It is pressing down now deeply into the crust of our planet and into the bodies of all living beings and things.


I have been asking Gaia about this light process and how She is experiencing it in her planetary body.


Gaia speaks:

Dear children, we are all intimately connected. The kingdom of humanity, all my other  kingdoms and I Myself are sharing together the same blessing!


However – depending on the degree of energy-congestions  - the process of the rising energy level and the actual lifting of 3dimensional density is experienced differently.

China's Changbaishan volcano showing signs of increased activity

Rain's picture

Source: Phys.org. - 9/20/12

Roughly 1,100 years ago, the Changbaishan volcano that lies along the border between northeastern China and North Korea erupted, sending pyroclastic flows dozens of kilometers and blasting a 5-kilometer (3-mile) wide chunk off of the tip of the stratovolcano.
The eruption, known as the Millennium eruption because of its proximity to the turn of the first millennium, was one of the largest volcanic events in the Common Era.


In the subsequent period, there have been three smaller eruptions, the most recent of which took place in 1903. Starting in 1999, spurred by signs of resumed activity, scientists established the Changbaishan Volcano Observatory, a network to track changing gas compositions, seismic activity, and ground deformation. Reporting on the data collected over the past 12 years, Xu et al. find that these volcanic indices each leapt during a period of heightened activity from 2002 to 2006.


2 Min News Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress

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Pubblicato in data 14/set/2012 da Suspicious0bservers

There are two dangers presented in this video: 1) The Electromagnetic Event; and 2) The Mega Solar Flare & CME - Music: Instrumental "Soul Survivor" by Akon & Young Jeezy


Oneness is non-negotiable

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Oneness is non-negotiable

September 21, 2012 by John Smallman

The essential changes that humanity needs to make in attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in order to restore the normal, necessary, loving, and peaceful conditions in which you can relate to one another on every level are occurring very rapidly now.  Humanity’s region of the divine energy field — your field of consciousness — continues to strengthen and intensify as more and more of you become aware of how each one of you can and does effect it, and then very positively makes the intent to do so.  A wonderful Light is now bathing your beautiful planet and is clearly visible to all who wish to see it.  You are making astounding progress on your path to awakening, and even those who are the least aware of the spiritual dimension that is your identity will be unable to remain unaware for very much longer.  Then they too will add to the ever-growing brilliance of the Light that envelops you all.

Heavenletter #4319 The Being That You Are, September 21, 2012

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Heavenletter #4319 The Being That You Are, September 21, 2012 


God said: 


Sadness feels like it’s true, but sadness is not true. Love is true. Sadness is not love unless We call it love of sadness, bittersweetness. Sadness is a longing for what once seemed to be. Sadness is a longing for a time and place. You already know that time and space are illusions. Time and space simply cannot be marked. There is no ruler that truly marks time. There is a drum beat. It seems like time. It seems to mark time. Eternity is true. Measurement is not.

~ 1st phase is completed and done for Gaia and humanity~

Lia's picture
1st phase is completed and done for Gaia and humanity, galactic, source and dark forces. The 2nd phase will be completed in 3 weeks from now.  Integrations need to happen first. This is the period we have now entered.
Some of the work completed was: cleared energy field of core of earth, core of galactic, core of sun, core of universal source. Portals were opened, portals were closed, unifying and anchoring of 5D time line for Gaia, pulled off 3D time line. Gaia is and now sovereign spaces, planet X opened up for all whom are ready to move including dark forces, they have a choice to work with the light and move forward or be moved off planet X and loose all telepathic communications,gifts never to be return and sent back to where they came from. Grids have been activated for core of earth, core of galactic, core of sun, core of universal source, planetary  - synchronized balanced, integrated in all time in space and all dimensions. There were many planetary activations done for all to receive when they are ready to receive them. The truth will set us Free.  This was done over 2 hours’ time today in central time 4pm - 5:50pm. This was completed prior to the Equinox Energies to Assist.

~ Light Being Cloud~ Validations

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light being cloud

light being cloud

After spending a week in Crop Circles around Avebury, England (in August). I protected myself, meditated, did gold & silver energy (Father God & Mother Earth. Healed Mother Earth every day. After having my eyes closed for hours, I felt they asked me to open them & this formed overhead. Plus a bright light shooting across the sky around 10.30pm. A validation that they had been healing me & giving me downloads all week.

A special week (will put Crop Circle & their Orbs next)



Home Coming

David Porter's picture

Not the one the schools are having this weekend.

What a “time” for such an event. This upcoming Saturday, September, 22nd, 2012 at 9:48AM is the “Fall Equinox.“

What else is special about this upcoming timeline?


Likely more than what you would believe until you see it with your own conscious-awareness. One thing of it that was said to us by Rai and Lona from Argartha, is that they will be making contact with some select ones of us this upcoming Saturday. I don’t know how much of our, behind the real scenes news this will make? But a “Home Coming” of sorts is what substantiates this contact.


Our return Home, the one that exist within us all, as soon as we Remember Who We Are, (awaken to full consciousness). But on the way to that state of exquisite bliss, we will find many experiences that we will cherish and some we will gladly release if we can let go.


As soon as you stop being a Christian, stop being an Islam, stop being a Muslim, stop being of the Jewish faith, stop being a Buddhist or Hindu. And start being who you really are, not led, taught, proscribed, persuaded by or shoved on you by “outside sources” then you may begin to see the Light that has always shinned “within.”


The Light Agenda Stephen Cook Interviews Wes Annac

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Posted on 2012/09/20

 Commentary by Kauilapele's Blog  I am currently listening to this interview (12:34 AM, as I write this), but I know for sure, that many of you will enjoy this interview.

My own “get” about Mr. Annac is that he is a very loving, experienced soul who has come here to be teacher and participant during the process of Ascension. He is ancient, a carrier of ancient knowledge, which is to be unveiled through his rather “not quite too old body-wise” presence. Do be aware that you will likely be drawn in to this interview quite deeply by his presence (and I’m only into Part 1 right now).

Sananda ~ Be Your New Selves ~ Through Fran Zepeda

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  September 20, 2012




Hello Dear Ones. I am Sananda, here to give you a message of Love and encouragement on your next leg of the journey toward enlightenment.

Much has transpired, much is in the ethers and a new day is dawning for Humanity.

You are all so precious and capable. You are bringing the energies forth with such power and creation. You are to be commended. New Earth is at your fingertips.

I don’t have to tell you that it has not been an easy road. But what road that leads to such treasures ever is?

You are magnificent creatures already. What awaits you just around the corner will reveal so much more of what you are that you will be astounded.

The Galactic Free Press Update: The Energies are Building for Planetwide Peace

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Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Posta de sol a Coma-ruga - Ull_Viu- site   Sunset in Coma Ruga WOW Peace


Greetings Love Beings, The Equinox Energies are already Beginning to Build.This Coming Equinox represents The Peace Energies which will facilitate what needs to occur now On This Planet. In Our Last Update we shared the Next Step for Humanity is Peace. Once Peace On Earth is established we smoothly transition Humanity into the transitionary Government, our craft decloakings, and the release of the technologies and much more. We share this with You as these are Real Events in which will be taking Place.


Harmonic Convergence 2 ~Global events on Sept. 22

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Info at www.HarmonicPlanet.org

Dear Friends,
We are contacting you because we resonate with your FB site. On September 22, 2012, people from around the world will be gathering at simultaneous Harmonic Convergence 2 events, to set the intention for a world free from the control of the many dangerous corporate technologies now being foisted on the world. Our concerted vision is that we reclaim and purify our Earth’s land, air, water, and food and create a world where peace is the priority. Now, 25 years after the first Harmonic Convergence, it is all the more critical that we unify for the greatest good of all and stop the blatant poisoning of the people and wildlife of the Earth.

James Gilliland ~ Jamesisms Inspirations And Gut Feelings

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ECETI | September 12 2012

We are getting bombarded with emails asking what is going on. There is so much information and disinformation flooding the internet people are becoming confused, disoriented, some even apathetic to any new information. That is the plan of the controllers. What it all boils down to is making your own God, Spirit, Creator connection and stop depending on others to lead you or save you. If you want the white hats to save you go out and buy a white hat. If you want to remain in denial of the obvious and listen to the feel good messages where people tell you there will be no changes; the status quo will continue business as usual you will be caught unaware and unprepared.

The Secret Government - The Constitution In Crisis (PBS 1987)

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Uploaded by keithypops on Feb 21, 2012


In the revealing PBS video documentary The Secret Government, host Bill Moyers exposes the inner workings of a secret government much more vast that most people would ever imagine. Though originally broadcast in 1987, it is even more relevant today. Interviews with respected top military, intelligence, and government insiders reveal both the history and secret objectives of powerful groups in the hidden shadows of our government.

"The National Security Act of '47 gave us the National Security Council. Never have we had a National Security Council so concerned about the nation's security that we're always looking for threats and looking how to orchestrate our society to oppose those threats. National Security was invented, almost, in 1947, and now it has become the prime mover of everything we do as measured against something we invented in 1947."


Source: YouTube.com


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