Secrets of Atlantis from Alaje

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Source: 2012 The Big Picture - 9/3/12

Alaje from the Pleiades spent time at the energetic high points of Bimini and in the Bermuda Triangle in November 2011 and he prefaces his video of that group’s excursion with an introduction in which he relates, “the sad, true history of Earth” and the story of Atlantis. It’s fascinating.

The energy work they performed here enthralled me, as did the Atlantis vortex and the treat near the end where Alaje explains the spirituality of dolphins and whales as three dolphins cavort alongside their boat while leaving the Triangle. Simply beautiful.


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Dieter Braun


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Yes, there are those who are going to want to continue the illusion which is 3d, they will continue this on another Planet and not this One.This Planet is Moving into 5d Reality which is Love Everywhere Present. They will be watched Over by Loving beings Until they are ready to Awaken.


Right now Facebook and several other social media are creating many awakenings (hello you superstar posters out there creating miracles)… watch how powerful people are becoming as we choose “unity” over “separation”… people who choose “separation” are slowly melting… with their soon-to-be-worthless money tightly crunched in their frozen fingers…


The Breakthrough Spy Cameras At The Republican Convention Could Be Coming To A City Near You

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Business Insider
Leandro Oliva, Contributor|Aug. 28, 2012, 3:45 PM

screens surveillance

Photo by _mixer_

Who watches the watchers? In the case of the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, that would be 27-year-old Jon Gales.

The local web developer noticed workers on cherry pickers installing high definition CCTV cameras downtown, and so decided to map them via a website, which can also be used as a stand-alone iOS application.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Smart meter movement stirs rowdy debate in Texas

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The Seattle Times - 8/25/12

By SARAH KUTA, Associated Press

DALLAS — Thelma Taormina keeps a pistol at her Houston-area home to protect against intruders. But one of the last times she used it, she said, was to run off a persistent utility company worker who was trying to replace her old electricity meter with a new digital unit.

"This is Texas." she declared at a recent public hearing on the new meters. "We have rights to choose what appliances we want in our home."

To read the rest of this story, visit

In the Flow of the Creator’s Abundance of Love by Archangel Uriel

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I, Archangel Uriel, draw close to your energetic system observing the presence of the Creator emanating
from your being. I express myself as a golden angelic figure of light, shimmering brightly. Focusing upon
your hands, I extend my energy to embrace your hands, sending my energy into your being in a gesture of
respect and honour. It is the deepest essence of my angelic love that I have come to share with you today.


MAG 6.4 South of Java Indonesia earthquake

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Mag. 6.4 earthquake South of Java Indonesia...


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Intl. sport bodies act as ‘sovereignty gatekeepers’

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PressTV - August 28, 2012

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the World Cup-sponsoring International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), both of which have been charged with corruption at their highest levels, have been granted virtual gatekeeper duties by global political organizations, most notably the United Nations, to ascertain what nations enjoy international recognition and which do not.

The intersection between international diplomacy and sports is yet another indication of the blurring of roles and responsibilities between governments and multinational corporations, with the latter a major sponsor of the activities of the IOC and FIFA.

In 1995, the IOC tossed out its previous policy of recognizing national Olympic committees from non-independent territories and colonies. Its new rules stipulated that only members of the United Nations could participate in the Olympics. The rule was put into place after Palestine was admitted as a full member of the International Olympic Committee. There have been suggestions that Israel and its lobby in the United States used their influence to ensure the IOC adopt the new rule, but Palestine’s IOC membership was a fait accompli and could not be reversed.

The Rainbow Light Body and the Rose Merkaba: Emerging into Infinity

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A dragonfly died in my midst a couple of nights ago. I watched as the creature’s wings pulsated with a soft flutter, and she awaited her physical death. I put a ball of light around her and asked the angels to assist in her transition. The fluttering of her wings stopped. She quieted, and I heard a beautiful message that she would come back to the Earth as pure light essence. She would emerge as part of the Earth’s new Rainbow Light Body. With this message, a puzzle piece was completed, and I felt the emergence of the Rainbow Light and the Rose Merkaba, which will propel us into a new human experience of infinity.


The August Blue Moon (August 31st, 9:58 EST) is providing the support for the awakening of the Rainbow Body and the Rose Merkaba field. Up until this point in our co-creation of the New Earth, the Rainbow Body and Rose Merkaba field existed in upper dimensions as possibilities for our Earth’s evolution. We can now access the Rainbow Bridge (a concept long prophesied about) via this August Full Moon. The moon is creating a gravitional pull towards our passage across the Rainbow Bridge into the New Earth and new human body.

So was the 'Baltic Sea UFO' an alien saucer or an underwater Nazi base? No - it 'is just rocks', claim debunkers

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Mail Online

By Eddie Wrenn, UPDATED:06:07 EST, 3 Sept. 2012

  • Object 'is raised about 10 to 13ft above seabed and curved at the sides like a mushroom'
  • Theories on origins range from downed UFO, to forgotten World War II base, or meteorite
  • But experts say rock samples point to natural rock formation

Sonar scans have shown that the mysterious object could be a huge Nazi anti-submarine weapon lost beneath the waves since World War II

Sonar scans have shown that the mysterious object could be a huge Nazi anti-submarine weapon lost beneath the waves since World War II

'Occupy' protesters plan to disrupt Wall Street in September

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Los Angeles Times
By Andrew Tangel, August 29, 2012

Wall Street may get another reminder of discontent with inequality and corporate America next month as "Occupy" protesters say they plan to disrupt Manhattan's financial district.

Demonstrators plan to mark the first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, which morphed into a global protest movement last year, with a three days of events, including a concert, that will culminate on Sept. 17, according to the website

To read the rest of this story, visit

A Break for Those Facing Foreclosure in the US

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Source: The 2012 Scenario

Posted by Stephen Cook, 9/3/12

Stephen: This one involving both Bank of America and Citigroup – and on CBS, no less! Another pointer towards imminent debt forgiveness? Thanks to Barry S.

From – September 1, 2012

(CBS News) NEW YORK – At a meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming this week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke hinted that some stimulus action could be coming next month that could bring mortgage rates even more. With 1.5 million properties in foreclosure, two big banks rolled out test programs to keep people in their homes.


(Visit the link at the top of the page to watch the video.)


Residents and tourists warned about increased activity at Indonesia’s Anak Krakatau volcano

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Residents and tourists warned about increased activity at Indonesia’s Anak Krakatau volcano

September 3, 2012 – INDONESIA Volcanic ash from the increasingly active Anak Krakatau has reached a number of areas in Lampung, prompting officials on Monday to issue a warning for local residents and tourists. “The ash was carried by wind from the southeast to the south, reaching Bandarlampung,” Nurhuda, who heads the observation and information section of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) in Lampung, said according to state news agency Antara. Nurhuda said the ash fell over several sub-districts in Bandarlampung, about 130 kilometers away from Anak Krakatau. “It is rather unusual for the dust to be this thick,” said Juniardi, a resident of Bandarlampung who complained that the falling dust was also hampering visibility. Officials warned that the ash posed health hazards and asked local residents to wear masks when going outdoors or driving motorcycles. 

Large explosive eruption with ash up to 12 km, Bezymianny volcano

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Large explosive eruption with ash up to 12 km, Bezymianny volcano



 – SEPTEMBER 2, 2012

The Watchers Tweet Tweet Kamchatkan stratovolcano Bezymianny had large explosive eruption on September 1, 2012. According to seismic data by KB GS RAS, explosive eruption began at 19:16 UTC. According to visual data, ash plumes rose up to 32,800 – 39,400 ft (10-12 km). Explosive phase of eruption continued till 19:45 UTC, and later there was a volcanic tremor was registered about 2 hours. There is no ash near Bezymianny volcano at now, but ash plumes...
  • The Watchers


Kamchatkan stratovolcano Bezymianny had large explosive eruption on September 1, 2012. According to seismic data by KB GS RAS, explosive eruption began at 19:16 UTC. According to visual data, ash plumes rose up to 32,800 – 39,400 ft (10-12 km). Explosive phase of eruption continued till 19:45 UTC, and later there was a volcanic tremor was registered about 2 hours. There is no ash near Bezymianny volcano at now, but ash plumes are extending to the east-north-east of the volcano about 550-600 km of the volcano.


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