Natural Antibiotics for Natural Medicine

Lia's picture


JosepFleming discovered the antibacterial power of penicillin in 1928. Although this was a natural healing agent in the destruction of harmful bacteria, pharmaceutical discovery altered the nature of creating modern antibiotics that cause a number of undesired effects due to excessive use.


Chemical antibiotics are effective, but their medical premises are not always followed and consumed too much and indiscriminately to the point that the health authorities are trying to limit their sale and use.


The broad-spectrum natural antibiotics and are used residual great power in its purest form. Provide vitamin C, A, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, etc. immune system.


Hurricane Isaac 'drove Mississippi River backwards'

Lia's picture


Bank of the Mississippi river Extreme weather can cause coastal rivers such as the Mississippi (to the left) to reverse their flow

The storm surge ahead of Hurricane Isaac made the Mississippi River run backwards for 24 hours.

911 - Blueprint for Truth -The Architecture of Destruction

glr_Andrea's picture

911 - Blueprint for Truth -The Architecture of Destruction

Posted by Frank Kitman on August 26 2012


 "This is the full 2 hour version of the original dvd "Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction". In 2 hours Richard Gage, AIA of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth takes you through most of the scientific forensic evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the destruction of WTC was accomplished with explosive controlled demolition." from Architects and Engineers for 911truth


Be sure to read the peer-reviewed paper embedded further below, revealing the presence of an active thermitic substance in the tested samples of WTC dust gathered from various sites after 911. Go here, to sign the petition demanding a second investigation, and hopefully also an additional investigation into the reasons behind the criminal negligence and ommissions of the NIST-report. 1700+ professional architects and engineers have already signed it, along with 14,000 concerned citizens.



Lia's picture



As the Ground Crew, The Company of Heaven, it is Our Decrees that have been the Set-ups for Humanity's Graduation Events, All of Our Decrees are Heard Across the Universe's and ALL Galaxies, as well as to the StarShips Surrounding Planet Earth=Heart, And they are assisting in energy with Responding Immediately for manifestation.


~The Following Decrees are In Manifestation~

1~AS DECREED~ THE DISSOLVING of the program ego mind which caused illusionary pain and suffering for Humanity is NOW UNFOLDING~

Curiosity might prove we've already found life on Mars

will's picture

GILBERT LEVIN aims to appropriate the Mars Science Laboratory for his own ends. "Since NASA has disdained any interest in MSL looking for life, I'm taking over," he says. "I claim it."

He is only half joking. If MSL's rover Curiosity finds carbon-based molecules in the Martian soil, Levin - who led the "labelled release" experiment on NASA's 1976 Viking mission - will demand that his refuted discovery of life on Mars is reinstated.

Levin, a former sanitary engineer, will make this call next week at the annual SPIE convention on scientific applications of light sources in San Diego, California. He wants an independent reanalysis of the data.

The experiment mixed Martian soil with a nutrient containing radioactive carbon. The idea was simple: if bacteria were present in the soil, and metabolised the nutrient, they would emit some of the digested molecules as carbon dioxide. The experiment did indeed find that carbon dioxide was released from the soil, and that it contained radioactive carbon atoms.

Full Story... (

~Never Give Up - Message From Earthrise~

earthrise1234's picture

~Never Give Up~



Make my wish come true, let darkness slip aside Hiding all our hope, mocking what we treasure Battles we can win, if we believe our souls Hang in for the light, till dawn Make my wish come true, let darkness fade to light Show me there's still hope, show me it's not over Battles we can win, our struggle lies within Will we live to greet the dawn? Fate will not leave you, hate will not heal you Pray and one day, peace shall flow everywhere Make my wish come true, let darkness fade to light Show me there's still hope, show me it's not over Battles we can win, our struggle lies within Will we live to greet the dawn? Make my wish come true, let darkness slip aside Hiding all our hope, mocking what we treasure Battles we can win, if we believe our souls Hang in for the light, till dawn Love will not leave you, hate will not heal you Promise me one day that peace shall reign "Serah's Theme" Lyrics from Final Fantasy XIII


Catholic lapses, moral and fiscal

Rain's picture, August 26, 2012

A writer links sexual abuse scandals and the church's unchecked misuse of its money.

Render Unto Rome

The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church

By Jason Berry

Broadway Paperback. 420 pp. $16
Reviewed by Kenneth A. Briggs

Hunt for more ‘VatiLeaks’ suspects

Rain's picture

August 28 2012, By SAPA

The Pope's butler, Paolo Gabriele (bottom L) arrives with Pope Benedict XVI (R) at St Peter's Square in Vatican, in this file photo taken May 23, 2012. (REUTERS)

Vatican - The hunt for the whistleblowers behind the Vatican's embarrassing leaks scandal is far from over according to Italian newspaper reports, which claim up to 20 suspects may still be on the loose.

The pope's butler will stand trial for smuggling secret papers out of the Holy See in October. But the Vatican's admission that there may be further arrests has sparked wild media speculation over who else may be involved.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Correspondence and collusion between the New York Times and the CIA

will's picture

The CIA had evidently heard that Maureen Dowd was planning to write a column on the CIA's role in pumping the film-makers with information about the Bin Laden raid in order to boost Obama's re-election chances, and was apparently worried about how Dowd's column would reflect on them. On 5 August 2011 (a Friday night), Harf wrote an email to Mazzetti with the subject line: "Any word??", suggesting, obviously, that she and Mazzetti had already discussed Dowd's impending column and she was expecting an update from the NYT reporter.

Full Story... (The Guardian)

The Arcturian Group ~ Marilyn Raffaele The Light is Becoming Intense~

Lia's picture



We come to wish you all a very happy summer. Much is coming to fruition at this time and we see the light of your dear planet earth becoming intense and awakened. Much is soon to manifest as a result of your hard work dear ones, so do not be surprised as you witness many traditions begin to crumble. It is a time of transition and shifting to new ways of seeing, being, and living. You will be pleasantly surprised when the world finally realizes that there is no need for war, separation, cruelty, and extreme power held by a few. These concepts are remnants of an energy that is now completing for those of you choosing to move forward.


Breaking Free of the Fear of Change

Phil Rowen's picture

fear, 2012, vibrational, consciousness, diet

 by Christine Hoeflich

The fear of change has been a recurring theme around me the last few weeks. The combination of the current breakdown of social and economic systems and the emergence of a new paradigm connected with 2012 adds to the already high fear level on this planet. This article's purpose is to help reduce some of the fears associated with change, regardless of whether you are making small changes, or are confronted with larger personal crises or planetary transformation,.. or both.

Thanks to all who post on this site for helping me reach my place on the road to Ascension

Lia's picture

Thanks to all who post on this site for helping me reach my place on the road to Ascension

By Cherie - Posted on 03 September 2012

I have been traveling another reality as long as I can remember. The first real wake up moment came after a spiritual healing from cancer in 99 and heavy involvement in Reiki, Chi-Gong, Yoga, etc. I was healed when negative physical energy came pouring out of my heart during a Healing Touch session. This was followed by many amazing things that changed me forever. I was led to return to Kansas City due to my parents age and could not connect with anyone here doing the kind of work I had been so got sucked back into surviving in the world that was available. Over a year ago I was again called to awaken and started searching the net(something I had never done a whole lot in the past so excuse my lack of knowledge on postings or let me know if I mess up). Anyway, since the first of the year I became aware of this site and it has become my compass. Yesterday I was blessed with a conversation with MotherGod and since that have been in a state of bliss. Today it seems another step on my road as My third eye illuminated the Emerald Tablet which has let loose an amazing outpouring of beauty, light, love, fantasy that I can't explain but readers will understand. I want to give thanks to all here who have helped me and I know there are thousands throughout just the US that have been searching as have I with no central group to talk to close by. I am seeing/feeling more change it seems each second and just want you to know how important you are.


Visionkeeper – World In Crisis… – 3 September 2012

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Visionkeeper – World In Crisis… – 3 September 2012

(picture by

I sat on my Ascension porch today and looked down over the valley and just thought about everything going on in the world right now. I kept wondering why everything was happening as it was, what did the world need to set things right again. It all seemed so overwhelming and the problems so gigantic, and yet the longer I sat there and thought about it became perfectly obvious to me.

The world is suffering the bottomless pit of needing to be loved! We have been disconnected from spirit and God for so long now we have lost our ability to love and be loved. Do we even really know how? It seems to me the world views love as a partner, sex, marriage etc. To really love entails so much more than the corporate style love we have been spoonfed forever, pushed and shoved into a type of love that has been made to be something we are almost guaranteed to fail at. A picture has been painted for us all to attain, but can we and even more to the point, do we want to? I personally pull away from the corporate love built up in our minds by continual programming.


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