Light Input from Higher Realms Expands During 9-6 to 9-12 Window

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Light Input from Higher Realms Expands During 9-6 to 9-12 Window…

September 4 2012

Dissolved patterns may briefly arise in consciousness as Light input from Higher Realms expands during the 9-6 to 9-12 window. These patterns become visible only in thought at lower levels and will dissipate after the 9-12.

This applies to individual and planetary thought patterns.

Higher Dimensional Light grids have stabilized and are now allowing beams from the Inner Light Gaia to flow outward to the so-called surface of the planet. Previously “released” dark shadow concepts are illuminated, and thus appear, then dis-appear, in consciousness thought only.

Reaction and response to the appearance of these former patterns are not desired. Only observation, and non-attachment.

Current Higher Gaia Grid structure supports this final pattern unveiling and dissolving. Many patterns of old paradigms will be exposed, and dissolved.

Heavenletter #4302 Like a Sun to the Earth, September 4, 2012

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Heavenletter #4302 Like a Sun to the Earth, September 4, 2012 


God said: 


Babies when they smile and coo are not thinking: “At this moment I will show love.” They are not thinking at all. They are simply radiating love. Love is where they are. Of course, a baby’s tummy is full. He has had some good sleep. He is taken care of. All is right with the world. How easy it is for a baby to love. They simply love.

You, too, can love. You, too, can know you are loved, that all your needs are taken care of, that you don’t need to think of today or tomorrow. You can know, as the Great Ones do know, that all is well. All is taken care of. Furthermore, even in the midst of woe, all is taken care of.

The Great Ones were not blind to the woes of the world, yet the woes were not what they put their attention on. Like the babies of the world, they were not thinking: “I will give out love now.” They loved. They did not think: “I will give out love to this one today.” They were not thinking: “I will give out love to another one tomorrow.” They did not think about it.

Bezymianny volcano has large explosive eruption with ash

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Large explosive eruption at Bezymianny volcano...

by: Adonai

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~The Galactic Free Press Update~ The Energies Will Continue Intensifying~

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Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~




Greetings Love Beings, We have shared and many others as well, the energies will continue to intensify more each Moment. This will make way for a Smooth Transition from the old to The New Paradigm. The Light Will continue to grow exponentially and there is no where to go for those who would like this Planet to remain the same. This Planet is forever changed because of the Efforts of Love Beings Awake Across the Planet and there is Only Up from Here.


The Arcturian Group ~ Marilyn Raffaele "Much is coming to fruition at this time and we see the light of your dear planet earth becoming intense and awakened. Much is soon to manifest as a result of your hard work dear ones, so do not be surprised as you witness many traditions begin to crumble. It is a time of transition and shifting to new ways of seeing, being, and living. You will be pleasantly surprised when the world finally realizes that there is no need for war, separation, cruelty, and extreme power held by a few. These concepts are remnants of an energy that is now completing for those of you choosing to move forward.

Wall Street ditches Obama, backs Romney

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NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned -- but what about a Wall Street titan?

Deep-pocketed financiers have abandoned President Obama and are flocking to Mitt Romney in droves, providing more donations to his campaign than any other industry except retired workers. (And that's not really an industry.)

Individuals who work in the securities and investment industry have given the Romney campaign $8.5 million through the end of April, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics.

Over the same time period, Obama has brought in only $3 million from securities and investment workers, and the industry is only the campaign's fifth largest source of funds.

Full Story... (CNN)

Sananda ~ Be With and Of the Creator ~ Through Fran Zepeda

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 ~ September 3, 2012


Sananda: Greetings, beloved Lightworkers. I come before you today to speak of more assistance in your ascension process.


You are all progressing very nicely in your process. The last energy surge and influx was instrumental in bringing more and more of you on-line. Now you are processing what you have received. The influx continues but you are more prepared and ready to receive than before.


You all are unique in your process but all contain the seed of Divinity that is ever growing in strength as you progress.


Take a moment now to ponder and assess your Light Body.  Are you feeling more aware of it? Are you feeling more energy surges throughout your body as we speak, a kind of pulsing and expansion that is ongoing? Excellent. Allow that, dear Ones.

The GFP Honors'Green Mile' Actor Michael Clarke Duncan Dies At 54

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Michael Clarke Duncan, seen here in 2010, has died at age 54 in a Los Angeles hospital. The actor appeared in more than 70 films, including blockbusters such as Armageddon and Kung Fu Panda. He

Angela Weiss/Getty Images for AFI

Michael Clarke Duncan, seen here in 2010, has died at age 54 in a Los Angeles hospital. The actor appeared in more than 70 films, including blockbusters such as Armageddon and Kung Fu Panda. He Actor Michael Clarke Duncan has died at age 54, according to his fiancee, the Rev. Omarosa Manigault. Known for his huge size and deep, resonant voice, Duncan received an Oscar nomination for his performance in The Green Mile, the 1999 prison film in which he starred alongside Tom Hanks.

~Saying Goodbye and Tough Love~

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Submitted by dreamer on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 16:51.

I have been having a bit of a hard time dealing with a person in my life who in my opinion was not serving my greater good.


When I said good by it might have been under better circumstances. I felt a bit like I had stranded this person. I also felt the anger coming from this individual for about 5 miles down the road as I drove away. But, then a huge relief came about me. I love this person, that was never in doubt. It can seem like we are doing something wrong when pulling away from a person that drags us back to where they are.  What we end up with is an internal argument. That is, if we do not look at things from our higher self perspective.


Everyone makes their own decisions. Some will continue to bleed energy from those who are closer to the light. When you stop carrying them they get angry and wonder where's the love?


US Tells Iran It Will Not Assist Israel In A Preemptive Strike

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The United States has no intention of joining in a preemptive Israeli strike on Iran and expects the Islamic Republic to refrain from attacking US targets in the case of such an attack, senior Washington officials told their Iranian counterparts, according to a report in Yedioth Ahronoth on Monday.

In recent days, senior administration officials reportedly sent messages to Iran, through diplomats from two European states, addressing the possibility that Israel would launch a unilateral strike and establishing that the US expects Iran to not draw it into a conflict by firing on American army bases and aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf.

Full Story... (Times of Israel)

Bella’s Dreamflight Update ~ Swimming The Grids. By, Bella Capozzi.

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Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to share some information that came to me yesterday, regarding tonight’s Aurora Dreamflight mission.  As I’m sure you’re all aware, there are a great variety of different experiences available to you, both onboard the Starship Aurora or as a participant in one of her “on-planet” missions.  My own ship-a sister ship to Aurora-will be participating with her tonight.  This will be a joint endeavor to further strengthen and power up the network of undersea crystalline grids, which form a kind of intricate webbing beneath the ocean floor.  If you’d like to learn more about this topic, I have a series of messages on my site by The Crystal Dolphin Pod, which may assist in your understanding of the grids and the issues currently facing our oceans and their inhabitants.   I’m quite technically-challenged, and for some reason the link won’t work.   So you can find the articles under the “Crystal Dolphin Pod” category, at:

Thousands still in dark Lousiana and Mississippi

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Tens of thousands of customers remained in the dark ion Monday in Lousiana and Mississippi, days after Isaac inundated the Guif Coast..

by: HP.

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I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If any individual wishes to go beyond the fair use law, they should contact the copyright owner for permission.....

From Transformation to The Joy of Living

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by Mona



Most of you who have known me have seen me working at a radical pace recently! The need for healing is crucial at this particular time because everyone in our world is experiencing “change and transformation.” This is not a light subject, yet, it is one of the most important ones.


There have been many wonderful people coming to see me who had cancer or currently have cancer. This subject alone can frighten people, however, it is a condition that needs addressing, as well as heart problems and Alzheimer’s disease. (see bottom of article)


Conditions are occurring faster and faster in our human bodies since we are spirits being called to align with the shift. Most every condition in our body is a response to our thinking. Most of us have heard this before, however, if we are not listening to the change upon us, (meaning leaving the past behind and starting each new day as though it was a new chapter in a book) then we are in a position to take the consequences.


Astrology Report For September

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By Dorene Carrel



The planetary focus for September features Pluto turning direct, along with the second of seven exact Uranus/Pluto squares. This combination brings power issues to the surface for dynamic change and eventually more sustainable resolution.  Later in the month, a Venus/Mars square intensifies male/female polarities that can bring relationship conflicts.  We are still under the August New Moon in Leo, with the themes of creativity and renewal.


An important transition occurred on August 31 when the Moon’s North Node moved from Sagittarius into Scorpio, where it will remain until February 2014. The North Node represents our path of greatest growth. This placement will enhance the Pluto themes of death/rebirth and greater transformation of unconscious patterns. Moving from fire to water means changing the focus from independent actions towards those involving more cooperation. In Scorpio we are slowing down and paying more attention to going deeper, intuition, sensitivity and emotional flow. 



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