Melchizedek ~~ Your choices: where there's a will, there's a way!

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Melchizedek ~~ Your choices: where there's a will, there's a way! ~~ 04/09/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont.

Where there’s a will, there's a way. This saying is most appropriate these days! What you earnestly want to bring to manifestation will be the way to your personal Ascension process. So continue on with creating your thoughts, and certainly continue persevering in this regards. The road is being cleared more and more in such a way that only tiny hindrances remain, so do not let the ones remaining deter you or delay you from reaching your goal. These are mere distractions and dirty games which are unfair, so don’t invest your energy in them, they are not worth your while.
Focus primarily on yourself and your inner world, on your beautiful spark full of colours and love and give your world that particular personal colour. Send it out, scream it out if need be and fight against the very last illusions which are still trying to get you distracted. You are defenders and warriors of the Light; keep your light torches high and enlighten the whole world ; don’t let even the smallest particle escape from your loving and warm embrace. Indeed, you are Lightbeings, your are Uppergods, Masters, Angels, Starseed, Stars, Suns, Love, Lightenergies …. You are all incarnated with just one purpose : your Ascension! So let’s get on with the show and let’s do the things you came here to do ; join hands in cooperation as this is the way to go. We are all One, never forget that.

Humans and souls, splendidly beautiful creations in which the spark of Love has extinguished, will all be reignited in an effort to lead them to full awakening. We anxiously await the reactions that will come about with the present intense energies and what the endresult will be. Will there be a mass awakening or not? That is the big question for us in these days. Many souls have already found their way back to the Light and many will follow, that’s what we foresee and it brings us much joy. Let’s focus more specifically on yourself as the inner evolution and the inner changes will have an impact on the outer world that surrounds you. This is your personal approach and contribution for this world : to simply be Love and Light.

The manuscript of survival – part 190

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The manuscript of survival – part 190

 •September 4, 2012 •


You have been walking through the valley of darkness for a very, very long time now, and we cannot reproach you if you feel convinced that there is no end to this valley. After all, this is not something you have had to contend with in this lifetime only. Mankind has been literally forced to wallow in these depths for eons, and now that some of you have actually managed to lift your eyes from this darkened ground and look up to the skies searching for more than a glimmer of hope, it will be hard not to be tripped up by all of the debris still cluttering up the ground. Let us explain further.

As you are well aware of by now, the rest of the world seems to be spiraling ever further down into the murky depths of despair, as the systems of finance, governance and everything else seems to be literally hell bent on making everything worse for the inhabitants on this planet. And now, as you have managed so successfully to wipe the dirt and grime away from your own eyes, you see this ever so much more clearly than before. Hence, the feeling of despair and sometimes pessimism, as you cannot look around you without seeing an overwhelming burden of proof that this planet is heading in the wrong direction. But what about all of the hard work we all do, not just by clearing ourselves of all of the old dross, but also enabling the light to become anchored here, why does that not do anything to literally enlighten the rest of this planet, we hear you say. It does, dear ones, it does in so many ways, you have no idea. But as yet, not much is visible on the outside, and the reason is a very good one indeed.

Spain's Capital Flight Now Worse Than Asian Financial Crisis

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CNBC - Deepanshu Bagchee, 9/4/12

Travelpix Ltd | Photographer's Choice | Getty Images

The flight of capital from Spain is now worse than what Indonesia, one of the hardest hit countries during the Asian financial crisis, experienced in the late 1990s, according to analysis by Nomura.

On a three-month rolling basis, portfolio and investment outflows from Spain totaled 52.3 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), (that's) more than double the outflows from Indonesia, which reached 23 percent of GDP at the time of the Asian crisis, Jens Nordvig, global head of G10 FX strategy at Nomura wrote in a note to clients on Tuesday.

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Archbishop Tutu calls for 'lying' Blair and Bush to face trial in Hague Criminal Court over Iraq war

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Mail Online - By Daniel Martin, Whitehall Correspondent

PUBLISHED:06:11 EST, 2 September 2012| UPDATED:18:22 EST, 2 September 2012

  • Nobel Peace Prize winner accuses Tony Blair and George W. Bush of lying about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction
  • 'They fabricated the grounds to behave like playground bullies,' he says
  • Archbishop claims ousting Saddam created backdrop for Syrian civil war
  • 'The old canard we lied about intelligence is completely wrong', says Blair
  • Archbishop Desmond Tuttu: He claims Blair and Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction

    Archbishop Desmond Tuttu: He claims Blair and Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction

Why I had no choice but to spurn Tony Blair

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The Guardian - The Observer

Desmond Tutu, 9/1/12

I couldn't sit with someone who justified the invasion of Iraq with a lie

Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu: pulled out of a seminar which Tony Blair was scheduled to attend. Photograph: Str/REUTERS

The immorality of the United States and Great Britain's decision to invade Iraq in 2003, premised on the lie that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, has destabilised and polarised the world to a greater extent than any other conflict in history.

Anita Guzzardi, Former Philadelphia Archdiocese CFO Sentenced In $900,000 Embezzlement Case

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Huff Post - By MARYCLAIRE DALE 08/24/12 12:57 PM ET AP

Philadelphia Archdiocese Embezzlement

The ex-CFO of the Philadelphia Archdiocese will serve between two to seven years in jail for embezzling $900,000.

PHILADELPHIA -- A finance executive who linked her $900,000 embezzlement from the Philadelphia archdiocese to the church's sex-abuse scandal was sentenced Friday to two to seven years in prison.

Anita Guzzardi, 42, said she succumbed to gambling and shopping addictions after feeling betrayed by the church over the priest sex-abuse scandal.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Moody's EU Credit Rating Outlook Changed To Negative

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Huff Post - Reuters, 9/3/12

Moodys Eu Credit Rating

A giant logo of the Euro currency stands in front of the European Central Bank (ECB) in the banking district of Frankfurt/M., western Germany, on July 31, 2012. (DANIEL ROLAND/AFP/GettyImages)
SYDNEY, Sept 4 (Reuters) - Moody's Investors Service has changed its outlook on the Aaa rating of the European Union to negative, warning it might downgrade the bloc if it decides to cut the ratings on the EU's four biggest budget backers: Germany, France, UK and Netherlands.

The move will add to pressure on the European Central Bank to provide details of a new debt-buying scheme to help deeply indebted euro zone states at its policy meeting on Thursday.


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Frequency Shift - a change to the station..

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Did you just feel that? It was like the station frequency just shifted a little.. My neck just cracked and a high pitch (think feedback) noise is left ringing in my ear... I've been getting electrical surges down my arms for the best part of the day, not uncomfortable, but certainly different.. It intrigues me to know others are manifesting the same physical changes to the energy downloads. Riding the dragon with much Love Joy and Abundance

Christina ~ Be Audacious – Master the Moment

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Christina ~ Be Audacious – Master the Moment

Posted on  September 3, 2012 by Gillian

Golden Heart Dialogues | September 2 2012

We are poised at the edge of a dynamic precipice. In our every action and thought we have an astonishing opportunity to maximize the moment. At this time we are feeling immense shifts which permit us to break away from the known, into a transformational experience not yet realized. We are invited to embrace our mastery during this compelling and unprecedented transition. Of all previous periods in our history, this is the time to look into the precipice with eyes wide open. Hesitation holds us in a grip of wearisome incongruity. We need not cover our eyes, for as we take note of what is awaiting us, we begin to fathom what lies beyond. A legendary opportunity beckons us, it is the ultimate invitation to outdo ourselves.

Oracle Report - Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Aries/Taurus

Wise owls are called upon today to bring balance and equilibrium to situations.  Things get out of control today and those who are able to keep their wits by understanding that we are in the last years of the Kali Yuga- the time of balance and enlightmentment - will be able to keep things on track today.  So you have a mission.  Nothing special is required other than being yourself and using your energy to sway things when they turn negative.  Most likely it will be important to bridge the gap or go against the status quo to bring in new and innovative elements.  Wise owls are nothing if not charming, and this is what saves the day today.  The Black Moon is in the last degree of Taurus.  It will move into Gemini on the night of September 11th.  Until then, fears about safety and security are dominant.  The Black Moon is traveling alongside the South Node right now, meaning it is bringing up things from the past (past lives even).  Situations that are happening now are hold-overs from the distant past that are trying to come to resolution.  It is important not to force things with this energy.  It needs to resolve itself without impetus from us.  (Today's picture is from the auroras over the Yukon produced by the CME that is in effect.  Photo by J. Tucker from

Suzanne Lie – A Message From Gaia

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Suzanne Lie – A Message From Gaia – 4 September 2012

Dear Gaia,
Please repeat what you told me last night.
Dear One who has heard me,
I am pleased to repeat what you heard during your meditative time. However, first, I will soften the blow.
As more and more of my humans are discovering, they are not alone in this reality. They have seen movies and had vision, dreams and “fantasies” of “little green men,” a title given to the majestic Galactics to soften the fear of those who were still in denial.
However, that denial must come to an end, or those who refuse to accept the Truth that the Galactics are coming NOW, will miss the most momentous moment I, Gaia, have experienced throughout this entire 2,000 years of the Kali Yuga. This darkest, dark before the dawn has been difficult for my SELF and for ALL my inhabitants. My planet has not known such worldwide destruction since the falls of Lemuria and Atlantis.


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