Oracle Report - Monday, September 3, 2012

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Monday, September 3, 2012


Full Moon Phase - Blue Moon in Aries

Today is the last day of the Full Blue Moon phase.  If you recall, Blue Moons take emotions to a whole new extreme.  In addition, we are in the process of a strong solar magnetic storm from a coronal mass eruption (CME) from last Friday.  So events that took place on Friday are re-experienced today as the wave of that energy fully impacts us.  Today centers on commitment.  Some are not quite ready to give themselves fully to a situation, but they really have no choice.  If they don't go along willingly, they will be pulled along.  It's time to take the plunge with something.  In the process of all of this, true motives, intentions, and identities come to light on this last day of the Full Blue Moon.  Understand that this theme is not relegated strictly to commitments within relationships.  This involves commitments to many types of things.  It's about people/us proving themselves/ourselves without excuses or pretense and breaking down walls that keep them/us from relating on deeper levels.  All of this would be entirely manageable if the position of Venus today wasn't such that brings heightened potential for arguments and feeling completely out of control.  And the CME definitely amps things up.  To assuage this, remember that things are in the process of re-forming.  This means that final forms are not set so there is no need to think the story ends today.  It doesn't.  The best thing to do is take the stance of witness and watch what happens as if you were watching an artist at work.  The goddess embodied as the planet is the artist in control of this.  The more we give over control, the easier this will be.

120 NAM Countries Head to Iran Despite Western Pressure

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The Real News, 8/26/12

Vijay Prashad: Syria will be the big issue in the Non Aligned Summit in Iran, with many heads of state visiting Tehran in spite of US/Israeli campaign to isolate Iran


Vijay Prashad is a professor of international studies at Trinity College. Among the many books he has authored are The Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World and Arab Spring, Libyan Winter. He also writes regularly for Asia Times Online, Frontline magazine and Counterpunch.


PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore.

Sunday, the Non-Aligned Movement is meeting in Tehran. In fact, 50 heads of state are heading to Iran for this meeting. It doesn't sound like Iran is quite as isolated as the West would like it to be.

Useful tool from "Ascension Handbook" Material Channeled from Serapis

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Useful tool from "Ascension Handbook" Material Channeled from Serapis


Hi all, I use this tool regulary and find this very useful to help and let go.  Love Méline ♥
When you incarnated, you built several blocks and vows into your personality and energy bodies to prevent you from knowing who you really were.  At the discretion of your spirit-self, it may be time to release these blocks and vows, not only for yourself but for all your bloodline back to the dawn of history ( because this technique is so powerful, and affects every one of your ancestors, we had to obtain special dispensation from the various councils to release this information).  If it feels right for you, either alone or in a group (groupwork is far more potent than solitary work), say the following with intent:

I now rescind any and all vows that I have taken to experience the Illusion of unconsciousness.  

As ligthbearer of my genetic lineage, I break these vows for myself and all of my ancestors.

 I declare these vows null and void in this incarnation, and all of our incarnations across time and space, parallel realtities, parallel unverses, alternate realities, alternate universes, all planetary systems, all Source systems and all Dimensions.   

I ask for the release of all crystals, devices, thoughtforms, emotions, matrices, veils, cellular memory, pictures of reality, genetic limitation, and death - NOW!  

Under the Law of Grace and by the Decree of Victory!  By the Decree of Victory!  By the Decree of Victory!   

As Spirit wills, I ask for Awakening.  As Spirit wills, we are awake! 

In the beginning, I AM THAT I AM! B'ray-sheet, Eh-yah esher Eh-yah.


That clears out the attic and the basement.  Now it is time to bring in new energy under your control. Time to contact Spirit!

Skating Home Across The Veil.

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Skating Home Across The Veil. ~ By, Bella Capozzi. ~ September 3, 2012.


If wishes are intentions and intentions are wishes, then I wish that, finally, the people of Planet Earth could live in a state of peace and abundance.  I wish that Mother Gaia could at last spread her wings, and that her children could breathe fresh, clean air; the wars and the suffering would come to an end, right now, and the land and the water would be pure, unpolluted and thriving with life.  The veil of secrecy is so ridiculously obsolete, and I fervently pray that it be ripped away to expose the magnificent paradise of 5D Earth, which lay just on the other side. 


Yes, it’s real-honestly- and it’s there, ready and waiting.  Now all that’s left for us to do is to choose the correct road to get there, check our baggage at the door and move in.  The horrors we leave behind in 3D will be only a distant and incomprehensible memory; hard lessons never to be repeated.


Egypt retires 70 army generals

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BBC News, 9/2/12

Seventy generals in the Egyptian armed forces are to be retired, the government has announced.

Defence Minister Abdul Fattah al-Sisi (left) announced the changes to Egypt's army leadership

The move comes weeks after President Mohammed Mursi replaced the defence minister and the chief of staff.

However, six of the generals will keep their positions on the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (Scaf).

To read the rest of this story, visit


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Ute Posegga-Rudel 

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12 

Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians!
It is good that you rest more! Everybody should! The incoming energies are very high and your bodies are not used to it!
There has not been such a high frequency on earth, and your collective physical consciousness is not familiar with such strong currents of electromagnetic waves.
They enter deep into your physical vehicle and are changing the biology of your cells and the structure of your body.
Many of you are already familiar with this fact, but most of you do not really  deal with this profound change or unknown process that is altering your body.

Vatican drops lawsuit against German magazine

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ABC News, AP - 8/30/12

The German Bishops' Conference says the Vatican has dropped its lawsuit against a satirical German magazine over a cover that depicted Pope Benedict XVI with a yellow stain on his robe.

A Hamburg court had granted an injunction barring the magazine, Titanic, from distributing the image that fronted its July edition, headlined "Hallelujah at the Vatican — the leak has been found!" That was a reference to a scandal over leaked Vatican documents.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Heavenletter #4301 This Love, September 3, 2012

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Heavenletter #4301 This Love, September 3, 2012 

God said: 


Love is a great boon, and when you feel love from others reaching you, naturally your heart swells, and you are glad and grateful. How easy it is to love when you feel love incoming. Now you will be learning how to give love even when you don’t feel that it is being given to you. Oh, to be the one who loves first. Oh, to be the one who loves even when unloved. Oh, to be the one who loves even against odds.

The Great Ones did not discriminate with their love. They loved. They loved, loved, love. What did their eyes say? What did their speech say? Oh, to think how it would feel to be in the presence of the Great Ones. Imagine the wealth of love you would feel, love beyond love, not just a sometime speck of love, but love enriched, stable.

Local marchers join March on Wall Street South in Charlotte

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Winston-Salem Journal

By: Lisa O'donnell
Updated: September 03, 2012 - 12:19 AM

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About 800 protesters, preceded by a throng of police officers and journalists, began their trek from Charlotte's Frazier Park toward the downtown financial district on Sunday during their March on Wall Street South.

The marchers who showed up for Sunday's March on Wall Street South through the heart of Charlotte's banking district in no way came close to matching the thousands that organizers had anticipated, but the 800 who did show up were a colorful bunch representing diverse political interests.

Religiosity Slides Worldwide, Plummets in Scandal-hit Ireland

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Thomson/Reuters, August 8, 2012

Traditionally Catholic Ireland has registered almost the steepest drop worldwide in people calling themselves religious in a new survey tracking international trends in faith and atheism in recent years.

Only 47 percent of Irish polled said they were religious people, a 22-point drop from the 69 percent recorded in the last similar poll in 2005, according to the WIN-Gallup International network of opinion pollsters.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Archbishop Tutu dodges event over Blair

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August 28, 2012

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has decided not to take part at a leadership event in South Africa in protest at the presence of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair at the event.

The Discovery Invest Leadership Summit in Johannesburg was due to be held with the presence of Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Tutu, Tony Blair and chess grandmaster and Russian activist Garry Kasparov.

But, the Archbishop described former premier’s support for the invasion of Iraq as "morally indefensible."

To read the rest of this story, visit


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